View Full Version : Can't connect to SL on Google Chrome...

12-11-2011, 01:17 AM
Ok so, I ever since I updated to Google Chrome, I've been DYING to play SL on it, but the problem is, I can't!

The screens loads up to 42% and then a message pops up saying that my graphics has failed to initialize, and that I need to update my video card driver. I click on where it says "Help!" and it brings me to STS Support. I read through, checking that I don't miss anything important and useful. Then it says something like what I should use for different computers. Mine's a Dell laptop, with an Intel Core Duo card and a Windows Vista Capable card. I see one that says Intel, so I click the link. It then brings me to the site which has all the different active products. I scroll down and see laptop graphics controllers and one with Intel HD Graphics, so I click that link. Now it brings me to a weird section that I honestly have no clue what to do now. Here's the link where I'm stuck at: http://www.intel.com/p/en_US/support/highlights/graphics/hdgraphics

Now if anyone is familiar what to do here, then speak up, because I've had this problem for almost a month now and I've just about gotten to the boiling point. This may not seem like a big deal, but I'm tired of playing SL on my phone on a teeny, tiny screen.

I've tried multiple suggestions and several different sites, but it seems like I can never figure it out. Same deal with PL.

I have an Intel Core Duo card if that helps. My computer is a Dell laptop.

Btw, I'm 13 and no nothing about computers, so don't judge me. :p