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View Full Version : Go back in the past

05-30-2019, 04:28 AM
Guys, im a big big pvp player and its the only thing that make me play this game, and since some year i saw alot of ppl complaining about new things that make pvp dead cause you need tons of gold to be " correct " in almost all bracket ( awaken, artifact, pet, etc etc.. )
BUT sts gave us a chance to go back in the past with a pvp where everyone can be the same! And this zone is named " hardcore character ". On hardcore, you dont have access on stash/cs and the only way to buy stuff is use plat or if ur lucky loot good stuff in pve but its kinda hard. So why dont we use this possibility sts gave us to go back in the old days and have fun in pvp without spending 1 gold!

I hope you like my idea, if you agree with me and want to make it real just lemme know so we can fix a global level for pvp 😁

05-30-2019, 05:38 AM
Kinda i would say,ones which want to be the best wont spend millions of gold into pvp items now they will spend thpusands of plat to get better equipment(we are talking about rich plat people who have lots of gold so spending plat to buy better gear for hc isnt nothing special for them) soo idk what to feel about it

05-30-2019, 06:02 AM
I dont think ppl would use tons of platinium for that. And what you can buy with plats? Magma = 250 and chest with stuff are like 7-20 plats in store so everyone can get them easily if they do plat offer isnt a problem. Without plat you still can farm to get madison, stuff. On event too you can farm to get good stuff + pet. And if you like run hauntlet you can get gloom easy too :)

05-30-2019, 06:45 AM
I dont think ppl would use tons of platinium for that. And what you can buy with plats? Magma = 250 and chest with stuff are like 7-20 plats in store so everyone can get them easily if they do plat offer isnt a problem. Without plat you still can farm to get madison, stuff. On event too you can farm to get good stuff + pet. And if you like run hauntlet you can get gloom easy too :)
-1 hc platinum user will have huge advantage, they can open lockeds and get best items/pets while who dont open? And u would be surprised of how many ppl would do that .. lol! If u mean twinks low lvl nah thanks i want to play endgame. Also i dont like much the hc because it split this small community even further so nah buddy.

05-30-2019, 08:07 AM
-1 hc platinum user will have huge advantage, they can open lockeds and get best items/pets while who dont open? And u would be surprised of how many ppl would do that .. lol! If u mean twinks low lvl nah thanks i want to play endgame. Also i dont like much the hc because it split this small community even further so nah buddy.

Locked are not that easy to loot too on hardcore and before lvl 60 its useless to open lock

05-30-2019, 08:57 AM
Locked are not that easy to loot too on hardcore and before lvl 60 its useless to open lock

Bro hc split the communuty we need a solution in the normal characters, hc pvp wont work.i also feel hc its more pay to win, plat user have pets advantage, items and elite awakens.

05-31-2019, 06:07 AM
Yeah i didnt give good number lol but what my point was that plat farmers will still spend plat on it just to get that advantage(which they have in normal pvp) and then you have same problem but in 2 "different worlds"(normal and hc pvp)

05-31-2019, 06:21 AM
Yeah difference is,in normal u can catch up with gold in hc u cant.