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View Full Version : If you do something

06-02-2019, 11:34 AM
Ok, here's a question for y'all. If you do something in the past should it be used as a basis for the present? I've been receiving allegations of attempted scamming, and of plat farming/acc buying and selling in game, and wanted to beat them to the punch of publication. I have not done these things, but even had I I've already received 2 bans. One for account sharing 2 ish years ago and one for allegations of doing stuff. No, I never did it, I was merely accused of such. Igns were Shocann and Niov. To present day allegations the "attempted scamming" is old and comes from a former friend who on forums is spheresome and in game is altitude. He has told someone, idk when, that I tried scamming him by asking to pass me his medusa set. I wasn't serious at the time, nor would I have scammed or let him pass, but days earlier he said he had it hidden on an alt so no one would do such a thing (ask). I was joking cause he said that, but apparently it was taken as otherwise. Next up we've got alleged screenshots from Gufukytwo, who many know as toxic as it is, and has been spreading this information. How he ended up with them is beyond me, but I never did either, and was already banned for such allegations. I didn't ever do it, no. I said I did at times to people who I knew or thought did it, for whatever reasons, earning trust with them to expose, or to just feel like I belonged talking to them, and equal to them. I didn't do it. I'm 16 years old irl, not old by any means, but I've been playing since I was about 10/11. That's really young. My mind still isn't developed and definitely wasn't during those times, I have no sense of good or bad yet, only a vague idea. I didn't do anything wrong, but right now things from my past in game are hitting me hard, and it was being threatened to make public. Black mail doesn't fly, my minds developed enough to know that's bad, so I'm doing it myself and want opinions. Let this be a discussion without drama against anyone please, unless it's me, and mods please leave it. It's a real discussion. Back to my question: if you do something in the past, should it be the basis of you now? Especially rumors. Thank you for any opinions anyone has, negative or positive. I feel like I was gonna say more, I don't remember, have a good day everyone

06-02-2019, 11:42 AM
Not to get involved in any specifics, but in my opinion (and experience) your mistakes will always stick with you but don't necessarily define you. If you accept you've done wrong, try to make amends and learn a valuable lesson it probably wasn't that bad a mistake and can usually be forgiven.

There will always be toxic ppl. You have to pick your battles and know when to walk away. Good luck.

06-02-2019, 11:47 AM
Not to get involved in any specifics, but in my opinion (and experience) your mistakes will always stick with you but don't necessarily define you. If you accept you've done wrong, try to make amends and learn a valuable lesson it probably wasn't that bad a mistake and can usually be forgiven.

There will always be toxic ppl. You have to pick your battles and know when to walk away. Good luck.
Thank you very much

06-02-2019, 11:49 AM
I never really gave these allegations and only really told people information about what happened about a year ago to people who asked me questions about it. The only allegations I made were about a year ago when we had a mild argument where I keep your name anonymous in the thread posted to forums. And no, I don't think you should be held responsible for it, you already took the punishments for it and I believe you are a legitimate player now. And I thought we had already gotten over the scamming thing and apologized to each other over this monthes ago. Regardless, I'm sorry if anything has happened to you from me passing this information on.

06-02-2019, 11:58 AM
I never really gave these allegations and only really told people information about what happened about a year ago to people who asked me questions about it. The only allegations I made were about a year ago when we had a mild argument where I keep your name anonymous in the thread posted to forums. And no, I don't think you should be held responsible for it, you already took the punishments for it and I believe you are a legitimate player now. And I thought we had already gotten over the scamming thing and apologized to each other over this monthes ago. Regardless, I'm sorry if anything has happened to you from me passing this information on.
Thank you very much man, it means a ton. No, you're not the one saying it now, one of your friends is going around telling people I'm a scammer because of it, it's not you, thank you though dude.

06-02-2019, 11:59 AM
Thank you very much man, it means a ton. No, you're not the one saying it now, one of your friends is going around telling people I'm a scammer because of it, it's not you, thank you though dude.

Best of luck old friend

06-02-2019, 01:25 PM
I'm 16 years old irl, not old by any means, but I've been playing since I was about 10/11. That's really young. My mind still isn't developed and definitely wasn't during those times, I have no sense of good or bad yet, only a vague idea
Ok so I read your full post and I guess so did sts and they might be wondering why a banned person is still playing(although sts appears sometimes tolerant to this)and what they do next is up to them. What concerns me is that you say you have no sense of good or bad yet, just vague idea? That to me sounds like you don’t accept responsibility for your actions...at 16yrs old and earlier you should have a very good understanding of right and wrong. I’ve only just met you shocn and you seem eager to get involved in lots of things, please don’t let that eagerness ‘cloud’ your judgement and decision making.

06-02-2019, 01:44 PM
Ok so I read your full post and I guess so did sts and they might be wondering why a banned person is still playing(although sts appears sometimes tolerant to this)and what they do next is up to them. What concerns me is that you say you have no sense of good or bad yet, just vague idea? That to me sounds like you don’t accept responsibility for your actions...at 16yrs old and earlier you should have a very good understanding of right and wrong. I’ve only just met you shocn and you seem eager to get involved in lots of things, please don’t let that eagerness ‘cloud’ your judgement and decision making.
I believe I could have had better phrasing of that. No, science says before age 25 (or whatever age it is now) your brain isn't developed enough to truly distinguish right or wrong. I've taken full responsibility, but it happened already and passed, and I already took my responsibility for it. I left the game for a while but decided to come back and start anew. I understand right or wrong, but without fully development there is actual proof that discerning it can be difficult. I know when I murder it's bad and when I save a life it's good, I obviously understand that. It's more complicated than what you're attributing it to be. I haven't made any decisions I would deem as bad since returning and have built a base, a foundation, but someone caught wind of past events, way past events and have brought them back. I've been punished for the past enough, I've moved on from it, but apparently someone who was in no way affected by it nor even knew me has decided to spring forth with allegations and threats. Ty for your input, it is much appreciated

06-02-2019, 02:17 PM
IMO this is not a game for people with underdeveloped minds... I have a tendency to drink and get aggressive towards those with such minds. I don't think this game is rated E for everyone. Even if it is players that steal no matter the age should stay away from me.

Your not on my friends list right?

Sent from my moto e5 plus using Tapatalk

06-02-2019, 02:20 PM
IMO this is not a game for people with underdeveloped minds... I have a tendency to drink and get aggressive towards those with such minds. I don't think this game is rated E for everyone. Even if it is players that steal no matter the age should stay away from me.

Your not on my friends list right?

Sent from my moto e5 plus using Tapatalk
No, I am, duely noted, ty xD And underdeveloped doesn't mean stupid, I know stupid and I see it everyday in this community.

06-02-2019, 02:25 PM
No, I am, duely noted, ty xDThx for the heads up XD friendO

Sent from my moto e5 plus using Tapatalk

06-02-2019, 03:35 PM
I believe I could have had better phrasing of that. No, science says before age 25 (or whatever age it is now) your brain isn't developed enough to truly distinguish right or wrong. I've taken full responsibility, but it happened already and passed, and I already took my responsibility for it. I left the game for a while but decided to come back and start anew. I understand right or wrong, but without fully development there is actual proof that discerning it can be difficult. I know when I murder it's bad and when I save a life it's good, I obviously understand that. It's more complicated than what you're attributing it to be. I haven't made any decisions I would deem as bad since returning and have built a base, a foundation, but someone caught wind of past events, way past events and have brought them back. I've been punished for the past enough, I've moved on from it, but apparently someone who was in no way affected by it nor even knew me has decided to spring forth with allegations and threats. Ty for your input, it is much appreciated

Maybe rephrase it again. The fact you still point out you still are unable to distinguish wrong from right frightens me. Then again 'science' indeed does prove that younger brains arent fully developed bla bla but when i was 7 i clearly knew what i was doing and what the concequences were when i nicked a cookie. That being said i do not know you whatsoever but this specific topic really stoof out to me.
Best of luck and cheers man

06-02-2019, 03:43 PM
Have you considered ignoring people and what they say?

06-02-2019, 04:44 PM
Part of the prefrontal cortex isn't fully developed until age 25 generally. It is the part of the brain that puts off immediate reward for future benefits.
That's what he's referring to, not a simple understanding of right and wrong, but similar.

But to the point,
Yes the past matters, but not as much as now, or the future.
All we need to do is be better than the past, no matter.

06-02-2019, 04:56 PM
Oh boi, that's harsh.

06-02-2019, 06:39 PM
Thank you for swaying from the topic at hand, the point was irrelevant and had nothing to do with the question. (You know, the reason for the thread) No, ik when something's bad, and ik there are consequences, but some actions such as saying I've done something or joking about borrowing something are two gray areas. I'm not saying I'm going to murder someone and think it's right, I'm not stupid, not by any means, I'm saying the subjects at hand were gray zones and something I didn't know I was treading, and still don't believe I made any mistakes, because I didn't. I did nothing wrong, I was only accused of it. Ty Suen for your input ^

06-02-2019, 09:08 PM
I mean if you did nothing wrong you have nothing to worry about talking about doing something isn't the same as actually doing it... You got banned and came back, now learn from it and don't do it again and you should be fine.

06-02-2019, 09:23 PM
it's a game who cares, you still selling op accounts??

HAHA joke

06-02-2019, 09:59 PM
it's a game who cares, you still selling op accounts??

HAHA joke
If I were selling any I'd at least have one. Maybe you haven't seen me in game xD Ty, and you're right, it just knaws at me when I'm falsely accused, idk. Ty tho!

06-02-2019, 10:01 PM
Thank you to everyone, this has been a nice conversation, and one with no drama which is nice nowadays on forums, so big thanks!