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View Full Version : Bringing back the ye good ole days - lvl 19 PVP

12-11-2011, 10:18 PM
Hi everyone!

I would like to wish everyone a very happy holiday!!!

To start out this (almost new year) i would like to bring back a very old game to pocket legends (relatively old).

This game is PVP, but not just any pvp... lvl 19 pvp!

So grab your twinks and start preparing for the contest!

I will be hosting a contest soon (details to come), you will need a team (you and 2 others).

Here's how the contest will work:
2 different types of matches:
Type 1 - The classic 1VS1
Type 2 - 3VS3 Teamwork

Both of these types requires skills (different skills somewhat).

Every team will choose their champion for the 1VS1 match and then the whole team will compete in the 3VS3 and any prizes won will be spread amongst the team evenly.

So get yer team, and start working together, learn your team mates strengths and weakneses!

I have started my lvl 19 pvp guild if people want to join, I am more then happy to show people how things work, add my twink jadetwink. The guild name is Uncharted.

I will be posting some basic builds for people to start with and expand upon!

Back in the old days of pl, lvl 19 pvp was king... lets bring those days back - here are some photos that mysticaldream kindly provided:


Twinktastic was the king in those days, unfortunately he is no longer with us in PL.

Good luck everyone!!!

P.S. I did not post this in the pvp section because I would really like to raise awareness of this and that is only possible to do here. Flame me if you must!

12-11-2011, 11:29 PM
Cool! I wasn't around in those days. But I'm up for it now. Count me in.
Lol! Meand another new twink. I've been wanting to make an Int-Bear!

Tapatalk'd from my EH03 SuperClean Fascinate

12-11-2011, 11:30 PM
Twinktastic taught me how to pvp back in the intbear days- i still have all my gear. Back then i was named beartress- but beartress is lvl 25 now- ill relvl. anyways im in- gotta dig out the old dreamers darkbolt

12-11-2011, 11:31 PM
Ah the into bear :-) owned in those days, not sure with the new items whether It would still hold out, I'll have to test that out :-) and awesome! Welcome to the game! :-)

Same Conradin :-)

Let me just point out that any items are available for use, so the old school items may not be best still.. (still got me dreamers :-) )

12-11-2011, 11:32 PM
hey wanna see something cool? heres our first intbear tourny- these were the top guys

Final 19 Bracket

he put conradin instead of beartress

12-11-2011, 11:54 PM
TT taught me how to twink pvp.. My int bear got to 264/79 k/d till they did the whole rebalance thing and I stopped pvp'ng altogether. That's the last anyone will ever see me in pvp lol. I tried lv 10 pvp after that on a Mage, but it just wasn't the same...

12-12-2011, 01:43 AM
I'll have to lvl up my pvp multi's but.... Ok!

12-12-2011, 03:57 AM
I wouldn't call it "good 'ol days" and "very old" (MMO years), it's been just over a year and a half...probably better term would be, "used to be" to indicate past and imply new. There are many MMO games from the 90's still running today like Realm and Nexus, now that is ancient XD. PL is more like in the puberty stage knocking on adolescence period...just saying...

12-12-2011, 05:08 AM
" this connection can bite my left nut" hahhaaa made me lol!

12-12-2011, 05:59 AM
Zeusabe, in terms of pl it is old. No need to rain on our parade lol. Dan wasn't referencing any other mmo's in any way, so no need to come in on our good old times that you were absent for "...Just saying..."

12-12-2011, 06:46 AM
I thought when he used the term "relatively old" he was putting it alongside the other MMO's, you know, when you say somebody is relatively old, or relatively smart...but ok, I get it XD maybe someday, I'll start my own good 'ol days thread...maybe next month after new year XD

12-12-2011, 06:56 AM
No need to troll bro

12-12-2011, 07:59 AM
dang Dan, i wish you came up witht this earlier, i just leveled my twink to lvl 21.

12-12-2011, 08:23 AM
dang Dan, i wish you came up witht this earlier, i just leveled my twink to lvl 21.

level another one up to 19! with the new xp curve it shouldnt take long at all

12-12-2011, 08:30 AM
Ah no, what I meant by relatively old was that there was a period in PL with no pvp, it did not exist yet.

Awesome guys! Make yer teams and start training! And be sure to find me in game so i can add you to the lvl 19 pvp guild so were all in one place!

Redryder, I know some things have been messed up since the olden days.... but give it a try! Pease? :-)

12-12-2011, 08:44 AM
ill try! but i cant promise that ill be as good lol, ill need some twink-tutoring again

12-12-2011, 08:48 AM
I would be more then happy to help you out! :-)

12-14-2011, 03:30 AM
I'm going to enjoy this hehe!

12-14-2011, 01:41 PM
Will it have to be lvl 19 int-bear? Or just lvl 19 twink?

EDIT: made my twink now :) if anybody wants a purple dark bolt blaster let me know, cos I don't need it haha. It's free to a good home ;)

08-14-2012, 02:02 AM
good old twink

taught me to bird

still have the breed guys on friends list

didnt know my bro slushie twinked

pvp back then was 3 int bear vs 3 int bear or 3 birds vs 3 noobs

dat 1 hit kill


08-14-2012, 07:50 AM