View Full Version : [Official] New Player Experience Feedback Thread

06-04-2019, 07:26 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


06-04-2019, 07:34 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


Sent from my Le X507 using Tapatalk

06-04-2019, 07:39 AM
1.I think bring some lockeds for rerolls helps alot for new players

Since luck amu is cheap they can afford it and farm something and make some gold

2. Bring back Early season gears they were good they were useful and that's y AL was great.

3. As lvl cap is 71 and many new players find it hard to grind all the xp at once, add daily log in rewards including 1k xp or some myth pet spin..

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06-04-2019, 07:51 AM
One of the things that I personally enjoyed as a new player was discovering which skills had synergy. I discovered how well Fireball and Time Shift was when I was soloing Kraken and was under leveled, so I believe difficult content can really be a good playground for experimenting. New players should start off with some free respecs to give them room to experiment with skills and get comfortable.

I also really enjoyed the quest to enter Shuyal by obtaining Gleipnir.

06-04-2019, 07:52 AM
In this new Player experience, STS should add a roullete spin or something so we can get something good in the start not too expensive though. And also A nice Reroll Pendant would be good for the players instead of the Luck elixir. Kraken mines should drop cryostar crates again as the best experience was farming kraken mines. I would love to see A Guide in the New player experience when we are starting. There must be two options ... One for new players and one for Experienced players creating a new Character.
1- With Guide - Get helped to clear Backenridge and Get Help to use Stable , Auction ( By the Arrow keys that are first displayed when we have to kill mobs in the start.
2- Without Guide - We can have the normal tutorial and start the game like it does now.

Starting out this game , i felt Most difficult to interact with players and also sometimes i had to clear out maps as a solo.
1- It felt Really boring
2- Made me feel like this game is not worth it ( That is false , this game is the best )
3- It was like "Is it really Role playing or i will have to play alone like this? "

To Make it easier to
1-Connect with people - The spawn map should be changed from windmoore or An auction should be added at windmoore so Good players can be at windmoore and new players can interact with them.
2-Levelling up and collecting good gear is Very good now as the quests provide with Xp and We also get Enhancement level chests. So yes , that is really good and wont need any changes.
3- As i mentioned , A nice guide would be best for figuring out what the game is about. Also the new players should be given a experience of pvp with the help of a guide.

In my opinion- In most games when people get maxed out they all get same stats, so its just there skills. But in this game we could buy vanities, awakes , gears and everyone is unique and different.

Having 3 classes was really good as we could try each of them by using the "Create Character" button and have all 3 of them on the same account and play with them. I started as a rogue and i still play as a rogue. I recommend Mage and tank for pvp but sometimes i think they are better than rogues. So yes , All Classes are THE BEST , Its just that , which one YOU would love to play.

Sent from my Le X507 using Tapatalk

06-04-2019, 07:57 AM
In this new Player experience, STS should add a roullete spin or something so we can get something good in the start not too expensive though. And also A nice Reroll Pendant would be good for the players instead of the Luck elixir. Kraken mines should drop cryostar crates again as the best experience was farming kraken mines. I would love to see A Guide in the New player experience when we are starting. There must be two options ... One for new players and one for Experienced players creating a new Character.
1- With Guide - Get helped to clear Backenridge and Get Help to use Stable , Auction ( By the Arrow keys that are first displayed when we have to kill mobs in the start.
2- Without Guide - We can have the normal tutorial and start the game like it does now.

Starting out this game , i felt Most difficult to interact with players and also sometimes i had to clear out maps as a solo.
1- It felt Really boring
2- Made me feel like this game is not worth it ( That is false , this game is the best )
3- It was like "Is it really Role playing or i will have to play alone like this? "

To Make it easier to
1-Connect with people - The spawn map should be changed from windmoore or An auction should be added at windmoore so Good players can be at windmoore and new players can interact with them.
2-Levelling up and collecting good gear is Very good now as the quests provide with Xp and We also get Enhancement level chests. So yes , that is really good and wont need any changes.
3- As i mentioned , A nice guide would be best for figuring out what the game is about. Also the new players should be given a experience of pvp with the help of a guide.

In my opinion- In most games when people get maxed out they all get same stats, so its just there skills. But in this game we could buy vanities, awakes , gears and everyone is unique and different.

Having 3 classes was really good as we could try each of them by using the "Create Character" button and have all 3 of them on the same account and play with them. I started as a rogue and i still play as a rogue. I recommend Mage and tank for pvp but sometimes i think they are better than rogues. So yes , All Classes are THE BEST , Its just that , which one YOU would love to play.

Sent from my Le X507 using TapatalkI hope someone reads this all [emoji4]

Sent from my Le X507 using Tapatalk

06-04-2019, 08:24 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


-Easier way to reach level cap. (Increase of xp quest and its amount each quest give)

-Easier way to make gold for new people:
increase gold in quests
make all elites loot heroic version of all pets
Bring back a new tomb, easy as Km3 but random size that loot randonly all kind of AL locks expansions (grand crate of the watch, rengol, nightmare, marshland ecc)

-In game experience guides made by experienced players or devs.

06-04-2019, 08:35 AM
Try it out mode? Where can you try out all class with all pet and all gear on max level or something like that :D

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06-04-2019, 08:41 AM
1k xp or 1500 xp when u login ever day would be great for all players

06-04-2019, 08:57 AM
Usually I wouldn't bother to comment on something like this but I'll make an exception since it coincidentally converges with my concerns. Please respect my honesty.

Let me start by saying there is nothing physically wrong with the game. What is wrong with the game is how you want it to be played. This has been vague for a long time now and has inevitably found its way into the new player experience.

The most interesting thing about progressing through the game is the amazing storyline of the legends Uller, vili and himingleva, and their ties with the world of arlor. This amazingness dies after the tindrin expansion (which doesn't link to the original storyline but is still a great story). When a story is great, you don't even pay attention to the Xp bar because you're simply captured by the story. Therefore, point one is to make the expansions link to the original story (no matter how small the link) or make new forgotten legends sealed away in time unable to aid the original legends in their battle...they return thinking the war is still ongoing and upon learning of the legends demise; believe we had a part to play...something that says "wow".

Eventually we will all meet the grind period to reach endgame but should that grind period really begin at level 46? Which moves me onto the next point, why would I grind to reach endgame? What is there for me? I can run events at any level so not that. The top player leaderboard, yes. Hardcore access, yes. Farming considerable gold to satisfy my vanity or make that farming itself somewhat easier on time. But the real question is where does the captivation of the audience lie? Sure, when players have essentially "completed the game" (a point that doesn't necessarily have to exist on this game but you refuse to simply remove) they can log in only during events. Is that really what is desired though? Because that is the plain and simple truth. What I'm pointing to is probably quite obvious by now but I refuse to define that topic any longer.

So what am I actually getting at? Simply put, the absense of the long game which originally used to exist but no longer does is something that makes new players shy away from committing. Simple fix with the potential for great future developments that could send this game back to where it began. At the top.

- college student that hates to see your game go down this path

06-04-2019, 09:16 AM
-pet's and gears descriptions are not full (some examples: nekro AA and ebon weapons' procs descriptions... they are so powerful but have so poor descriptions)
-hard to get slots/hotbars (especially in HC mode)
-cant find correct pet because cant see his passive at higher lvls (if dont have pet)

06-04-2019, 10:09 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


- well, i think new players are havin a hard time in leveling, since they dont know they should do those story/side quest for exp, and they cant make gold either before reachin level 61+ ( even if they make some gold, its like proly 50k/day ) which made some of em beg for gold, so its legit grinding their asses to lvl 61+ before they can actually farm smth, and cmon tbh even me lvling to 60s is a hella boring thing to do xd, rly wanna make a rogue but grindin to 71 is just the same as goin back to hell xd, why not make further guides ingame like, tellin em notif like " DO ALL THE ARLOR SIDE/DAILY/STORY QUEST FOR EXP! " and adds more stuff into exp thingy like maybe more exp/quest, 2x exp for few days for a new character, and i feel like the lvl advancement pack can give much more stuff, like amu/ring some gold, ankhs/pets or stuff.

- the hardest part for me was to make gold, well im a pvp player so not being able to pvp cus of gears is a bad thing for me, and i bet theres a lot of newcomers thats trying out this game to check the pvp ( i bet alot of people including me loves to find mmo with nice pvp gameplay ) and the 2nd hardest is leveling, well i give a long explanation alrd up there xd.

- connecting to other players : man to be honest, theres only few peoples gon bother talkin to them, so its better if sts makes a more advanced guide for them to understand about the game.

- level up and collect good gears : tbh the advancement pack is fine and as i say above, gon be great if the lvl advancement pack gives more than just wep armor helm, and maybe pack to level 66, cus thats the level when u can really start farming.

- maps n content : i think the map n content is fine and they proly gon understand the events too. its just the way to get exp for levels, advanced quest guide gon help em alot.

- what i like when i start : well i dont think this even affects the game now xd since its more to pay to win now, i started back in 2013, played for a month and theres this guy who give me pvp gears, at lvl 10, thats when i started pvp as a mage in lvl 10, i remember it clearly it was a radiant gun, and bonechill set, he introduced me to pvp, gives me a whole lot of fun, like legit, this guy, those gears he gave me, and only bcos of pvp that keeps me goin, played till the end of 2014 ( at this point i can say im alrd so skilled at pvp, im in a guild called decimation/is feeling awesome/ levyathan/ i forgot other guilds, but this was l23-28 pvp, this 1 and a half year of pvp that made me enjoy this game badly, but sadly i was just a kid, borrowed my acc to a guildie, got hacked, happens. well i cameback 4 months ago, expecting to pvp again but the game is just too different rn, its just money vs money xd, well thats why i also moved to pve, pve is kinda fun! never rly do any pve before, never do events, nothing, legit 24/7 pvp xd. well its not rly a bad thing, i kinda love maus rn lmao.

06-04-2019, 10:21 AM
I just recently started a new account where I leveled up to 61 and made 2m+ without helping myself with gold/items from my main.
So in my opinion, everything is going well except a few things:
-The craft material slots are quite expensive for beginners.
-I think the Trading Permit should be removed since it's quite annoying and useless.
-After level 40, you stop recieving the chest that gives you items and potions every 10 levels, which makes it harder for you to advance - even more harder if you do not have the Trading Permit.

06-04-2019, 11:10 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!

-Remiem1 hard thing to do is the aps. Especially for completing the "hero of legend". Gears are so rare! Impossible to new players to cope up and run for lb with old players. My suggestion is bring like another vendor or a quest line that will help to obtain it..
Also when their is event you shouldn't give any advantages for ppl that is already rich just like what you did in the arcanite event. Having a arcanite pet will add more nods. So what will happen to the new players who cant afford the arcanite pet? I guess they will run random party and cross fingers that one of them has arcanite pet.
Another aps that you need to improve is in the pvp. Make a event that will make players play pvp. Pvp rooms in low levels are dead not like before so many twinks and guilds which is one of the reason why AL became popular before. I still remember that you had a level 15 twink pvp event but since then no event followed related in the pvp.
Specially in CTF which has the hardest aps which is the 10k flags. Only old player got the aps lol.

06-04-2019, 11:21 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!

-RemiemAlso i notice that every end of the season its always the same ppl who are in lb. Why not give some chance for new players. I suggest that every season you should re-structure on the lb. Like in pve it should be which ppl has the most added kills in pve. Existing pve kills should count for the current season.
Bring back pvp leader board with that kind of computation in LB. Sure many ppl will comeback and pvp will be active again for twinks!

06-04-2019, 11:53 AM
First off toss the story token requirement for a traders permit, it's time to rid of that imo. You can get it in 1 day anyway but it takes an hour or 2 grind and the knowledge of how to do so, which new players don't have. Second get a greeter. A programmed bot that pms them with information as a new player, like coming here to the forums, and have a language selection when they first enter so it pms what they speak making them more comfortable. Next, give them loot, and a chance to catch up to players, obviously not make a couple hundred million in their first month, but they should be able to actually get the gold they need to make it and maybe get a few lower end fun vanities, or as suggested in the past: aps that give pets and vanities. That would definitely help motivate players, and they don't even have to have actual AP points like the winter event aps that are on the list. Let's also advertise the game, not just the devs but the community members, share the game around, and STS; maybe consider YouTube partnerships. How that would look, idk, but we've gotta hype the game. Also give the new players fun little events for them, something they can do and enjoy, again, how that looks idk. It's a joint effort to make this game boom, and we can still honestly do it, but it has to be a coalition between community and devs. Thanks for reading, and criticize what needs to be!

06-04-2019, 11:54 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!

-Remiem- Add a Discord app integration to the game.
- I suggested this before but it just wasted away as no one saw, Guild events should be an official thing with in game mechanics that GMs can host.
- A guild vault for things like the Collosal gh (this was a great idea the new gh being crafted through teamwork) but 3 problems all the crafting ended up being left to GMs & officers.
- Maybe a guild craft could be a thing which can be upgraded so up to 500 things can be crafted at a time in the guild craft vault.
- More advertising of the actual game on social media; YouTube, Facebook, Tapjoy, Iron source, Twitter idk lol any kind of advertising would help.
- Also there should be legendary chests up to the previous lvl cap before the current lvl cap, so it would he 66 for now. These gears would be just strong enough to run the maps but shouldn't discourage players from going for the actual strong gears at endgame, so they should focus on improving their gears.
- Another main thing I noticed was how many new players don't realize how important upgrading your items with jewels is. Possibly add a new feature to the game where players are rewarded for completing tasks like putting jewels in their gears every time they hit a lvl cap.

Sorry for the blabbering and if any of it makes sense would he awesome if some of it gets implemented

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

06-04-2019, 12:52 PM
add a 2nd pvp mode where all the players have the same gears/stets that will be fair for every one and that wil bring more players to pvp agian and
add a ground war mode 10vs10 in a big map like Arcanite Fields event map that will be fun to play ground war 10vs10 pvp with same stets and fair gameplay
and add a daily login bonus 1500k xp and 10k gold for every player that login every day
and remove pet feet button thats not fun for new players cuz the need to pay food with gold for the pet instet off buying good gears..ect
and add a RAID mode like sawmp but better
with up to 20players can join the raid mode and the mode will be up every saterday to get goodloot like items/gears/gold and the lvl cap to join the RAID mode is 60 instet off 71
thats all i think :D DEVS i hoop you guys add this

06-04-2019, 02:05 PM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


1) improvements....
Bring back level one gear, kinda cut off og people who liked playing around in mini pvp guilds and roaming around.
But also the lb gear that's been banned... maybe instead of deleting a yeti suit because of a bad player, do a giveaway?

2) what was difficult starting out....
Trying to understand the game... this was my huge struggle, BUT luckily there where so many cool, nice people to help and explain what they knew or found out it made a game I fell in love with. But then again I love how you devs didn't make a huge tutorial, that's forced to make you play, making you choose every decision that's not yours for 5 minutes straight. I would probably would have never played it out...

3) easier to connect
A) people... I think trading was a big deal to already have and not earn... not sure if that's sill a thing.

B) leveling up and gear... tbh now adays it's super easy starting out... I played back when nordr was coming soon lol, the real grind was back in the day.

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06-04-2019, 03:58 PM
Voice chat in Party

Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk

06-04-2019, 06:39 PM
i'm against bringing back old gear.
bringing it back serves no purpose - it's expensive because it's rare. if not rare - it will be cheap, so no point of having it anyway.
besides, old gear is for me what's really makes arcane legends, well, "arcane".
so against it, unless Absolutely everything old is brought back. Leader-board vanities included. This for me will 'reset' AL to the start, which for me is bad. (-i mean, what's the point of having something, when it can be 'reset' at any given time).
but anyway. if someone is going to be scrwed, it's only fair that Everyone that has old gear to be scrwed. and not just "few, selected ones".

what i think, would Really help new players: the game is hard for new players, because it's complex and big, and even experienced players don't know a lot of things that would've helped them, if they knew them. i'm sure this is true for me, and i play many years. so giving new players "useful information" as much as possible, would help them a lot. (as mentioned upwards, a lot of things can be done a Lot easier and faster, if only people Knew how to do it.)
i think i saw a suggestion for a "guide" messaging pm-s - this sounds ok. also saw a suggestion for improving(detailing) descriptions - also good. in short - add as much more Information (about game) as possible, everywhere. best - directly in the game (,especially for the beginners). if not possible - in forum.

06-04-2019, 09:05 PM
Here's my two cents worth and opinions on struggles for new players
- Levelling Up, especially post level 40. Having to solo certain maps was difficult without a party. Its great if you can join a helpful guild but without that you are relying on being able to solo or random players joining a map. I dont know if its possible but one idea is to be able to "hire" help. Some sort of computer controlled party who can help you without relying on real world players randomly joining your zone or taking pity on you
- Difficulty in getting gold - It's been mentioned before on this thread but its so hard to get gold. All the good gear is soooo expensive and is a real turn off for new players. Sure you can grind away for months on end but few people will do that with such limited returns
- Lack of support post level 40 - It would appear things like the chest players got when they levelled up to boost their gear stopped around level 40. And as the game kept expanding the point support did not stopped. Suggest continuing support until players reach higher levels. Or add other benefits such as accelerated xp or gold gain.
- Story line lost its way - I love the story line in this game but it started to get very loose as you progress through the later zones. At then the Twilight expansion lost me completely. I had no idea how to progress the story, and what to do was not clear at all. Add to that you needed a bed which is really expensive if you guild doesnt have one (though a new player never would have known to think of that) and you couldnt fight the final boss after you reach a certain level. Why would you do that!!!! Any further expansions should have a good story, make it clear to follow etc
- Lack of drops of good gear - Drop rates in the game really suck. Rather than increase across the board, add some specific zones that are only open for players in certain level range that have increased drop rate of exp, gold, good gear etc

Snowman Is here
06-05-2019, 06:22 AM
“What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?”

“Releasing old lb vanity”. No.

I think a “daily quest” system that rewards 10-20 platinum for completing 5 random quests would help out immensely for a new player that comes into the current AL. Example: kill 25 elite bosses/ kill 150 elite mobs/ open 20 chests ect.
Each of these quests have their own rewards of Xp/gold and completing all of them rewards a handful of platinum.
*Daily quests are account bound therefore you cannot complete it multiple times on different characters*

1+ for updating KM3

06-05-2019, 07:58 AM
I am a new player to Arcane Legends, started a couple of days ago. So far, I am loving the game. I have been playing WoW for many years and having a mobile option to play a similar game is really great. The devs did a great job and this will be one of those games that I intend to keep playing for quite some time!

First impression is that leveling up goes very quick, I have all three races now at around lvl 50. The courage pet (and being sick at home) helped obviously. So far, sorcerer is easiest to play for me, followed by rogue and finally warrior, mostly because sorceror easily kills many enemies at once.

Although I love Arcane Legends, and because you asked for it, here are some things that could be done better imho (please note that some of my observations could easily be wrong due to my lack of knowledge!):

1. Main quests simply stop at around level 43. There are many more greyed out, but i get the message that I haven't done enough quests yet. No clue why you want to stop players from progressing, unless you really want to force them to do dailies (at like 10 xp/each)

2. The level 10, 20, 30 and 40 award chests are a nice idea, but literally every time I have opened one (for each race), the items were lower than I already had by regular following the quests. To be honest, that was a bit disappointing.

3. The in-game hint system continuously alerts that I have received a better item, but that is mostly not true. I wish the hint system would take into account what race you're playing and only alert you when a piece of equipment is truly better.

4. The equipment upgrades that you receive are quite sporadic. Sure, your stats improve while leveling up, but getting a new kick-*** sword, bracelet or whatever, gives a lot of fun. If possible, provide more item upgrades.

5. I tried the exchange shop to perhaps buy a sword there, but the prices are just unreal: 15 million while i got around 50K at level 45. Perhaps gold will flow easier at higher levels, but assuming I am halfway (with what level 71 or so being the max), I am getting this feeling that most items will simply be too expensive?

6. I don't mind spending money (bought Courage for all my three chars), but even buying a decent pet will set you back 100 USD (for the hero). That is way above what i want to spend on a mobile game, and most likely many other players would feel the same. Make a decent pet for like 10 bucks and i am sure you will find buyers. Likewise, if you would offer, say, 2x experience for 2.99 USD/week, my guess is that quite a few players would buy this. Most people don't like spending a lot at once, but every week a little bit is less of an issue. Win/Win: more money for the Devs and faster leveling for the players.

7. This discussion board is a great place to find info (like the quest level cap I hit earlier, turns out you have to be level 62 to continue...15 levels of only dailies...hrm...fun). But many postings seem to be outdated, especially the user guides. Arcane Legends is a complex game so having more correct info available would definitely help. Might a good idea for one of the devs to free up themselves and write the guides themselves instead of relying on unpaid players. Or better yet, offer players some plat in return for great guides. There is a lot of knowledge among the experienced players that new players could benefit from. Paying in plat (or in pets, or whatever) certainly won't break the bank, and would make the game all the more enjoyable.

8. Guilds: it would be great if you could add a list of available guilds with simple Apply buttons next to them. plus how many members they have, short discription, etc. As a new player, I had no idea what guilds were out there. Luckily someone invited me from the blind. Normally i hate that because you don't know what guild you're about to enter. But in this case, it was the only way to join. Weird much!

9. Chat is difficult on a tablet while playing at the same time, voice-chat would be very helpful to communicate with your guildies and groupies.

10. Correcting mistakes in char build takes plats immediately. Not very nice to new players who are trying to find their way around. Plus it does not stimulate trying out new skills. After reading through this message board, I found the best char builds and i simply stick to it. Too bad for other skills that might be useful, but I am not going to spend plat on simply trying them out. It would be a great idea to have new players some free tries.

11. It seems that parties don't influence whether you get the mob kills or items found, which is great. Makes life much easier than hitting that Invite to Party button all the time. Well,actually, most areas are quite empty which is too bad because things go much faster when playing together. I am hoping that the end games zones are more populated since many players here seem to be old-timers.

12. Would be great to have the special coins/tokens (like story tokens) be shareable through your stash. That way, players like me who have three chars could reach certain goals a bit quicker.

13. It would be good if you can see where you are on the map, like in which area/zone. Perhaps this is possible, but i haven't found it.

13. Healing when offline would be nice so that the next time you log on or switch between chars, they are ready to go.

14. Daily minstrel quest: why are there two quests to start it? Also, slightly annoying to click the intermittent screens inside the dungeon.

15. Most pets seem useless, and the useful ones are very expensive. It would be nicer to have intermediate pets instead of jumping to end level pet (which you will never be able to afford due to very high prices). THis would give a player something to look forward to and make pets more special than they are now.

16. Speaking of pets, my pet level is roughly half of player level, am I doing something wrong here?

17. Finally, as mentioned earlier I bought the Courage pet. If I upgrade the pet with eggs, would that destroy the 15% exp bonus? I tried searching the forums, but couldn't find the answer. And if I keep the 15%, what would be a good and cheap pet to add?

Still, all the above points for improvement won't stop me from enjoying the game. The Dev Team did a great job, and I am looking forward to spend much more time with Arcane Legends. Thanks!

06-05-2019, 09:12 AM
-Provide a title that grants us bonus stats.
-Wish we could awake or evolve our pets to make them stronger or if not put a mount and can be upgraded to improves its attributes and changes its appearance.
-Hope we can put rune inset in our gears that will take on powerful attributes.
-Vanity Enchanting. It’s just like awakening your weapons.
-We need Talisman in all gameplay modes.
-Lastly, provide a fortitude in the game. Not just arena but make a Team Instance , Decathlon , Gold Instance to make players loot gold easily, etc. This way it makes more Arcane Legends more fun to play. Hope you take this into consideration. Just my opinion

06-05-2019, 10:33 AM
A move in the right direction by sts and great advice

+ making it easier to obtain trader permit; lvl 45 seems reasonable or 1k pve kills
+ lower Xp limit from 60-71 by like half; there is plenty more enjoyable for new players to do; levelling isn't as exciting as you think sts
+ make mid-game farmable and get xp like KM3 was between 41-61 cap; telling them where to begin. KM3 should be farmable so new players have something to do to get some gold after they finish all leveling quests! - most atm just close the game and come back tomorrow until one day they dont cuz gets bored!
+ Make decent gear so new people are able to keep up with each expansion (especially 46,56,61) with correct gear; advancement locked or tell them how to obtain
+ Devs watch YouTube videos of channels relevant to AL; some provide good ideas hint hint @NAB GUIDE (https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCu0JUiM67ygHYI5_ut-h8Ew?view_as=subscriber)
+ Promote some videos/ guides in game e.g. Guides with xp help, levelling, gold farming, gear tips and skill builds. I myself and many others will be very happy to do this for FREE. Just ask us or make a competition for something like this and you will be impressed 100%. We want the best for sts and al too; we do love and care about you all.
+ Link up maps and make it flow (main story) espicially after 41 so people have some direction.
+ Suggest new players to try things out e.g. rumours about next expansions so they know what to expect
+ better communication from devs - YouTube/ forum / in game/vlogs . I think you can spare extra 30 min few times a week out of your busy schedule will make a HUGE difference.
+ Update guides on forum; seriously some are ancient. We can do better! Give us a chance to do that? - make competition? with even in-game titles like "Santa's lil Helper"
+ in game messages to let them know about scammers at the start and a guide on how to avoid them - link to youtube videos made by devs or community? It is a huge turn off to get scammed at the start because so hard to make fortune so people quit faster as they arent committed yet
+ send messages to gamble responsibly on sir spend a lot: quite a few left cuz of this rip especially new players who doesnt understand value of gold at the start!
+ give reasons why they should not scam or beg - like u can get banned or behave/ be nice to others...show alternatives
+ Bring back advancement packs to Level 66-71 for plat. This will make it easier for alts and new players to catch up and bring some revenue.
+ Update early game pets or at least add existing pets heroic ones to currency vendors. All pets are out dated.
+ Add a Guild run by STS for new members( nominated forum members ) where old players can help new players and people can get advice/tips. People make huge impacts on new people and most people feel lonely in AL without a good guild. Maybe give a title as reward e.g. "Legendary Helper" Only Available while in the guild.

My idea: Add a new buddy system where a nominated/ pro player can help new player get into things. This would be voluntary and perhaps count toward some achievement or reward for both. The point is to build guidance and promote friendlier interactions. E.g. A button to request for help ( which players who choose to can see and accept pt).

If devs gonna take this advice live a like so I get motivated to come up with more. Ngl I wasnt going to write this because I have given these feedback before but sts rarely implements this. I know it is hard and easy but it makes life so much better for everyone and huge impact on the game!

06-05-2019, 11:47 AM
forgot to add the main thing that i was thinking, when was leveling up many years ago.
it was hard to find people to run with, very often i was solo cause noone joined, and i was thinking - this game is Not meant to be run solo. it's far easier when there're other people (the same level) to help. Why the mobs are not easier (with less hit points) when there're less then 4 people in map? this is how diablo worked, i was thinking. in fact, the game "forces you" to find/have 4 people on the same level (because if pt has different levels is again not good) - and this not only very hard - in practice it is impossible for beginners to find 3 other on the same level.
i think i saw suggestions for higher level to "level up" a lower level - which is probably how things often happens (,it seems easier). But this is Not how the things should be. The beginners should Play this game, to like it. The way it's intended to be played (,and not to look for workarounds). And they can't play it, in pt of 4 same level. can't find the people.
Make the game playable(enjoyable) by less then 4 same level people. new "mode" or something, that only maybe working for lower levels if needed, i don't know. or think up something else. but lower levels now surely don't enjoy the game like the endgame players, that can easily find pt.

06-05-2019, 02:53 PM
Well.. The following are the list(imo) :
1. The character creation is a bit lacking. The game needs to be attractive when starting out. I mean, i like mmorpg games and most of the games i started playing should have a variety of uniqueness in terms of the characters(which is also my comeplete opinion, but i also know that its not only me). Like atleast having a male and female version of each classes.
2. There are not enough instruction or introduction to the wolrd of Arlor. Many of my friends who started playing arcane legends but stopped after a few hours of playing it are because they do not know what to do or how to progress through the game.
3. The gears and pet eggs dropped in early game are practically useless even the legendaries are super useless. There are too many common or rare equipments dropped which arent uses by 98% of the players. The excitement in getting a mythic gears or eggs or something similar in the early game is very precious and it made a person wants to play the game more. So i think there should be a lower level of mythic gears which can be farmed easily ranging from lvl 11-35 or something(well i meant it should be rarer than most gears dropped in the early game but can be obtained) like having 2-5% chance of getting them from bosses of low levels. I dont know if they should be tradeable or stashable though.
4. Same as the above point. I think vanities, simple vanities should be given out more frequently(which are bound to the characters) maybe from achievements, quest or some craftable through simple means. where the components are farmed through the maps of arlors. These simple tasks and stuffs will hold players in the game.
5. Having said all that i think there should be a book/guidebook listing all crafting recipes and wjere to find them, list of all commands used in the game like /g to talk to guild chat or some sort or some tips advertising the auc (because the first time i started out i didnt know that there was an auc and thought the game is merely for people spending real money,i thought i couldn't progress without spending money which makes me delete the game) and many more. Maybe buy the book using story token for 60/50/30/20/idk tokens or something which will help players through their journey in Arlor.
6. When starting out most people had to solo through all the maps, idk why but i think there are too many rooms for the maps, maybe decreasing the numbers of rooms will help people to run a map with many more random players, meet more people have more friends which will help in enjoying the game more and more.
7. Pvps should be more awarding. I mean like betting gold or items before pvp-ing. I think these will help revive the pvp more and these would help the new players getting excited for the game. Make them want to level up by increasing the gold cap or item levels as you level up. This will help all the pvps including the arenas and all to have more active pvp players the guild battleground is not enough. And these changes will not only benefit the new players but also all the players . Hehe..
Well i guess there are many more but it will be too long(its already super long).. So these are some of my opinions.. Thank you.. No salt please ahaha

Sent from my Redmi 4 using Tapatalk

06-06-2019, 12:01 AM
Thank you for making this thread, Remiem.

-Make super easy achievements with bound/stashable vanities for new players.

-Make super easy achievements with free pets for new players.

-Make super easy achievements for new players, that give them bound/unstashable XP chests.

-Make a special event that revives kraken mines, the kraken mines event will drop special mythic locked versions of "Watch crates". This will bring all old players back to reunite

-Make a special event where some "Golden hen", spawns in very random maps with a random spawn rate. And once the hen is killed, it drops special vanities or gold coins.

-Make an achievement where if you personal message someone or wave at someone, you get points & a bound/unstashable backpack.

-Make an achievement where if you help certain amounts of low level players, eg. 100-1,000. You get points & Vanity banner.

-Make a new daily reward system for logging in, that gives you bound/unstashable Special items.

Thanks for keeping an eye out for the new players.

06-06-2019, 12:43 PM
I am a new player to Arcane Legends, started a couple of days ago. So far, I am loving the game. I have been playing WoW for many years and having a mobile option to play a similar game is really great. The devs did a great job and this will be one of those games that I intend to keep playing for quite some time!

First impression is that leveling up goes very quick, I have all three races now at around lvl 50. The courage pet (and being sick at home) helped obviously. So far, sorcerer is easiest to play for me, followed by rogue and finally warrior, mostly because sorceror easily kills many enemies at once.

Although I love Arcane Legends, and because you asked for it, here are some things that could be done better imho (please note that some of my observations could easily be wrong due to my lack of knowledge!):

1. Main quests simply stop at around level 43. There are many more greyed out, but i get the message that I haven't done enough quests yet. No clue why you want to stop players from progressing, unless you really want to force them to do dailies (at like 10 xp/each)

2. The level 10, 20, 30 and 40 award chests are a nice idea, but literally every time I have opened one (for each race), the items were lower than I already had by regular following the quests. To be honest, that was a bit disappointing.

3. The in-game hint system continuously alerts that I have received a better item, but that is mostly not true. I wish the hint system would take into account what race you're playing and only alert you when a piece of equipment is truly better.

4. The equipment upgrades that you receive are quite sporadic. Sure, your stats improve while leveling up, but getting a new kick-*** sword, bracelet or whatever, gives a lot of fun. If possible, provide more item upgrades.

5. I tried the exchange shop to perhaps buy a sword there, but the prices are just unreal: 15 million while i got around 50K at level 45. Perhaps gold will flow easier at higher levels, but assuming I am halfway (with what level 71 or so being the max), I am getting this feeling that most items will simply be too expensive?

6. I don't mind spending money (bought Courage for all my three chars), but even buying a decent pet will set you back 100 USD (for the hero). That is way above what i want to spend on a mobile game, and most likely many other players would feel the same. Make a decent pet for like 10 bucks and i am sure you will find buyers. Likewise, if you would offer, say, 2x experience for 2.99 USD/week, my guess is that quite a few players would buy this. Most people don't like spending a lot at once, but every week a little bit is less of an issue. Win/Win: more money for the Devs and faster leveling for the players.

7. This discussion board is a great place to find info (like the quest level cap I hit earlier, turns out you have to be level 62 to continue...15 levels of only dailies...hrm...fun). But many postings seem to be outdated, especially the user guides. Arcane Legends is a complex game so having more correct info available would definitely help. Might a good idea for one of the devs to free up themselves and write the guides themselves instead of relying on unpaid players. Or better yet, offer players some plat in return for great guides. There is a lot of knowledge among the experienced players that new players could benefit from. Paying in plat (or in pets, or whatever) certainly won't break the bank, and would make the game all the more enjoyable.

8. Guilds: it would be great if you could add a list of available guilds with simple Apply buttons next to them. plus how many members they have, short discription, etc. As a new player, I had no idea what guilds were out there. Luckily someone invited me from the blind. Normally i hate that because you don't know what guild you're about to enter. But in this case, it was the only way to join. Weird much!

9. Chat is difficult on a tablet while playing at the same time, voice-chat would be very helpful to communicate with your guildies and groupies.

10. Correcting mistakes in char build takes plats immediately. Not very nice to new players who are trying to find their way around. Plus it does not stimulate trying out new skills. After reading through this message board, I found the best char builds and i simply stick to it. Too bad for other skills that might be useful, but I am not going to spend plat on simply trying them out. It would be a great idea to have new players some free tries.

11. It seems that parties don't influence whether you get the mob kills or items found, which is great. Makes life much easier than hitting that Invite to Party button all the time. Well,actually, most areas are quite empty which is too bad because things go much faster when playing together. I am hoping that the end games zones are more populated since many players here seem to be old-timers.

12. Would be great to have the special coins/tokens (like story tokens) be shareable through your stash. That way, players like me who have three chars could reach certain goals a bit quicker.

13. It would be good if you can see where you are on the map, like in which area/zone. Perhaps this is possible, but i haven't found it.

13. Healing when offline would be nice so that the next time you log on or switch between chars, they are ready to go.

14. Daily minstrel quest: why are there two quests to start it? Also, slightly annoying to click the intermittent screens inside the dungeon.

15. Most pets seem useless, and the useful ones are very expensive. It would be nicer to have intermediate pets instead of jumping to end level pet (which you will never be able to afford due to very high prices). THis would give a player something to look forward to and make pets more special than they are now.

16. Speaking of pets, my pet level is roughly half of player level, am I doing something wrong here?

17. Finally, as mentioned earlier I bought the Courage pet. If I upgrade the pet with eggs, would that destroy the 15% exp bonus? I tried searching the forums, but couldn't find the answer. And if I keep the 15%, what would be a good and cheap pet to add?

Still, all the above points for improvement won't stop me from enjoying the game. The Dev Team did a great job, and I am looking forward to spend much more time with Arcane Legends. Thanks!

06-06-2019, 06:05 PM
1) Increase in amount of gold a player can hold! We have players trusting one another by buying items of value to add into trade instead of gold, its shady and hard to usually buy a vanity thats worth 150mill or 140mill because we either gotta go 1 by 1, trades can go wrong, people losing stuff. :/

2) better story mode, I feel like the story for arcane legends could have been better and kept players interested. I mean we are legit bouncing from one place to another.

3)There should be Design events, every event should be a design event!! or for more than 80% !!! If its hard to think of a new vanity for LB for an event: then have us players hit it up! It worked well with the last event where players designed coin bags, eyeball banner, etc. The prizes for players that win design events shouldn't go overboard, maybe some jewels, etc. It'll lessen the work for designers thinking of ideas if everyone interacting with the events by designing. We got great ideas and we wanna be heard :)

06-06-2019, 06:30 PM
1) Increase in amount of gold a player can hold! We have players trusting one another by buying items of value to add into trade instead of gold, its shady and hard to usually buy a vanity thats worth 150mill or 140mill because we either gotta go 1 by 1, trades can go wrong, people losing stuff. :/

2) better story mode, I feel like the story for arcane legends could have been better and kept players interested. I mean we are legit bouncing from one place to another.

3)There should be Design events, for every event should be a design event!! or for more than 80% !!! If its hard to think of a new vanity for LB for an event: then have us players hit it up! It worked well with the last event where players designed coin bags, eyeball banner, etc. The prizes for players that win design events shouldn't go overboard, maybe some jewels, etc. It'll lessen the work for designers thinking of ideas if everyone interacting with the events by designing. We got great ideas and we wanna be heard :)I take back the things I said earlier and back this person 100%

Sent from my SM-G965U using Tapatalk

06-06-2019, 08:58 PM
Here's my two cents worth and opinions on struggles for new players
- Levelling Up, especially post level 40. Having to solo certain maps was difficult without a party. Its great if you can join a helpful guild but without that you are relying on being able to solo or random players joining a map. I dont know if its possible but one idea is to be able to "hire" help. Some sort of computer controlled party who can help you without relying on real world players randomly joining your zone or taking pity on you
- Difficulty in getting gold - It's been mentioned before on this thread but its so hard to get gold. All the good gear is soooo expensive and is a real turn off for new players. Sure you can grind away for months on end but few people will do that with such limited returns
- Lack of support post level 40 - It would appear things like the chest players got when they levelled up to boost their gear stopped around level 40. And as the game kept expanding the point support did not stopped. Suggest continuing support until players reach higher levels. Or add other benefits such as accelerated xp or gold gain.
- Story line lost its way - I love the story line in this game but it started to get very loose as you progress through the later zones. At then the Twilight expansion lost me completely. I had no idea how to progress the story, and what to do was not clear at all. Add to that you needed a bed which is really expensive if you guild doesnt have one (though a new player never would have known to think of that) and you couldnt fight the final boss after you reach a certain level. Why would you do that!!!! Any further expansions should have a good story, make it clear to follow etc
- Lack of drops of good gear - Drop rates in the game really suck. Rather than increase across the board, add some specific zones that are only open for players in certain level range that have increased drop rate of exp, gold, good gear etc

Well said. (:

06-06-2019, 09:41 PM
Just a few thoughts

Lower XP required at higher lvls, or add more quests with greater xp, more XP granted the harder maps.
Increase the time of elite runner elixer.
Add 1 hour combos to elite runners.
Remove non stat jewel elix from elite runners.
Implement a crate or add to the advancement crates XP elix.

I know HC is hardcore and should be, however, making the new APs attatched to main is over whelming, especially to new player who already knows they have boss, and mob kills. It will take a new player a very long time to complete all aps, to achieve LB IF they are AP chasers.

Maybe reverse the APs to the HC players, allow their main chars APs to be added to the HC class the player choose to play in HC mode with.

06-07-2019, 03:34 AM
i just started to play a mage as my new main and lvl up the normal way. i found out that 70% maps i entered i need to solo. 20% maps i found other players but afk or left map early. only 10% of my map runs are good one. my point is theres only 10% chance of new players to stay play AL.

voice chat would be dope to be add because all the players i met never chat/reply my chat. its a bit hard for new comers to type while playing...

also, please reduce xp needed to lvl up from 61 to 71. ty.

06-07-2019, 05:57 AM
Also, the store needs a revamp. Make it more attractive for new players.

-Update the starter pack bundle (The orc bashing bundle is extremely old. Please, update it)

-Make a premium contract were if you pay 5$, you will earn 10 platinum coins everyday, for an entire month.
(Either this contract expires within a month, and requires 5$ for a renewal or this contract is once in a life time).

-Add rentable Exclusive unique + Never before seen mythic pets. You pay 50,000 gold coins to keep one of those pets for 6 days.

-Add a super easy achievement, that gives free common/rare artifacts to new players who reach level 41. (Since trading is locked, why not give em a boost?)

06-07-2019, 12:18 PM
1. Experience from quests. My friends quitted because after doing all available main quests they just got level 50+ and almost 1-3 levels per week after that. So they got bored and did not play anymore because mostly they dont even see people doing quests. Maybe add a waiting channel, for people that will do the quest with people so they will not be alone doing it. Maybe increase the experience of main quests so after completing it they can run graveyard.
2. Luck. Bring back the luck farmers by adding more items with luck. Maybe add a weapon, helm, armor, belt. Gold loot items are very op now and everyone is almost relying on gold loot to farm. Bring back hunting for vials, locks, gears. So item prices will be balanced.
3. Vanities. Make the old legendary,mythic and arcane weapons or equipments to vanities. Make it craftable. Glint set is a good vanity with glowing effect also the banished set. Glint weapons are also good as vanities. Make them like the cryo weapons. So people can still use those items. Or maybe make it craftable to increase the levels of the items and adjust the stats.
4. Additional Classes. Maybe counter part of rogue - assasin, mostly short range skill attacks unlike the rogue with long range deadly attacks, warrior - paladin, mostly taunt crowd control or increase in stats or heal to sustain in boss maps, sorcerer - wizard, more aoe skills to kill many mobs. Or a new support type of class like priest that supports the party in boss hunts. (Name of Classes is from Ragnarok Online)
5. Gender. It will be awesome if you make a warrior that is a girl and a rogue that is a boy. Because we have marriage system. Maybe it is more exciting to express your real gender. And maybe add a church map for people that is marrying. So other people can watch.
6. Market Place. Maybe make the marketplace the starting map. So new players can see old players and ask for help. Or maybe add a chat box for selling and buying stuffs for convenience.

06-07-2019, 12:23 PM
+ 1 to the premium contract login everyday for plat. Many might subscribe for those kind of plat rewards. With less money to pay.

06-14-2019, 10:18 AM
As a returning player back after 6 years away (When I drifted away, Nordr was newest zone) I may as well be newto game. So much new content! First thought - Leveling up past my prior cap of 41 has been so insanely fast with quests that I’ve missed some new content until it was past giving xp, running each area 2 or 3 times for xp would have been fun. You spent a lot of time designing and drawing those zones but they are empty with few low levels to play them and no upgrade gear drops as incentives to return. If you had decent drops and slower xp there would be more groups, storyline and enjoyment of those zones some of which are terrific. Second thought - you’ve introduced a large number of currencies but at the vendors requiring them there is no mention where to get them and i’ e not found a definitive list. You can’t even see on the vendors what the names of these currencies are so I can’t search for a clue in the forum. It wouldn’t be hard to give us a description on each vendor detail panel just to say something “I only accept Currency X, you can collect these from xxxxxxxx / or / craft these with xxxxxx gathered from xxxxxx” As it is, it’s just a big mystery and I cant even ask players what the gray lumps are or the silvery ones or those other thingies. Third thought - the economy is nuts. Thats always the difficult part of managing a game, but is made harder when there are so many millions of items that looking up what you have as a price check results in zero hits day after day so most folks are, I suspect, just guessing. Very few items seem to have an agreed upon value range. Still, all that but it’s a game that has its charms and I’m delighted you’re still around and adding content regularly.

06-16-2019, 02:02 AM
Need health settings pot, it's hard to use if it's a mobile tablet

Sent from my Redmi 3S using Tapatalk

06-17-2019, 01:10 AM
....at the vendors requiring them there is no mention where to get them and i’ e not found a definitive list. You can’t even see on the vendors what the names of these currencies are so I can’t search for a clue in the forum. It wouldn’t be hard to give us a description on each vendor detail panel just to say something “I only accept Currency X, you can collect these from xxxxxxxx / or / craft these with xxxxxx gathered from xxxxxx” ....

Avatar -> Inventory -> Show Satchel -> click on currency -> see where to get it (most of the descriptions are there).

06-18-2019, 11:59 AM
give all the classes of equipment that suit them so that they are not too difficult to run the map, give them eggs, dressers, decent items but cannot trade up to lv 61, subtract a little XP or add large XP for every regular search or special search, I think this will attract new players to play. You just need to be a little busy to make it, I'm tired when I see low xp searches and when at lv 61-71 it requires big xp to level up it's very boring, because that's the reason where each of our maps is hard to find random players, making goods that cannot be traded will be better to avoid exploitation
Thanks :)

06-18-2019, 12:08 PM
most players don't want to level up on the map because it's boring unless you have other options to add decent xp to level up on the map not for exilir xp and not all players can afford to buy exilir xp and big problems you have to give something decent / standard free, so that players can compete when at LV 61-66, I think this is fair for P2W and FP players
Thanks :)

06-19-2019, 05:09 PM
1) Increase in amount of gold a player can hold! We have players trusting one another by buying items of value to add into trade instead of gold, its shady and hard to usually buy a vanity thats worth 150mill or 140mill because we either gotta go 1 by 1, trades can go wrong, people losing stuff. :/

2) better story mode, I feel like the story for arcane legends could have been better and kept players interested. I mean we are legit bouncing from one place to another.

3)There should be Design events, every event should be a design event!! or for more than 80% !!! If its hard to think of a new vanity for LB for an event: then have us players hit it up! It worked well with the last event where players designed coin bags, eyeball banner, etc. The prizes for players that win design events shouldn't go overboard, maybe some jewels, etc. It'll lessen the work for designers thinking of ideas if everyone interacting with the events by designing. We got great ideas and we wanna be heard :)

Thank you for hearing me out Remiem ;-; much love
Ill definitely participate for the next design event, I missed it during finals week for my school haha. :)

06-20-2019, 09:58 AM
Most new players greatly struggle with gearing & when reaching the ren'gol map and above high level maps.

(Since players cannot trade & should wait 10 days *Wandering minstrel quest 100 tokens* to obtain a trade permit. Why not encourage them to play more & climb up the ladder for flashy, pretty. Attractive samples?)

-Add an [Arcane] chest that is rewarded to new players for reaching level 41; The chest contains a powerful Lv41 arcane weapon for each low level class. This arcane weapon is untradeable/unstashable.
This arcane weapon expires within 5 days. And it disappears from the inventory once the dead line has been met. The description of the weapon will let new players know about it's limited availability.

-Add a [Set] chest that is rewarded to new players for reaching Level 45, The chest contains 1x helmet 1x armor pieces, that when put together gives a set bonus of 50% gl, 500 HP/500 Mana/500 Armor 5.0 Dmg. This set gear is also untradeable/unstashable.

This set gear expires within 5 days. And it disappears from the inventory once it hit the expiry date. The description will let the new players know about it's limited use.


The more samples, the more a player is willing to invest into the game, to feel "Untouchable" again.

You guys should greet new players with a fair amount of samples, it has a strong effect.

plus, you guys really need to update the store. Add new vanities/Bundles/Pets/Emotes/Elixirs/chest.

The store is very very outdated.

06-24-2019, 08:44 AM
The lack of direction in the campaign around lvl 48-50, when you are stuck between elite quests and campaign bosses that are VERY hard, is a really big problem.
My GF and I almost stopped playing, as the only option seems to be grinding repeatable quests till you get powerful enough.

06-24-2019, 08:47 AM
There is a short introduction to the auctions and crafting, but you gain little understanding for the importance it plays in gear progression, and progression in overall power, especially past lvl 40, when the free leveling gear stops coming.
This playing a small part till lvl 45 due to leveling gear, but a huge role past that, needs a reintroduction of some sort, when it actually becomes relevant.

07-13-2019, 07:47 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


For me the biggest concern is PVP. For me, and many others, it is the most enjoyable, competitive aspect of the game. However with so many levels, players are so spread out to the point that it can be non-existent. My friends have had to create groups on 3rd party apps to organise to clash, compared to the early days when you could join a room and almost always find a full room.

My personal suggestion is to do something to encourage pvp either at one particular level, e.g. at cap, or remove levels from PVP, so that all levels spawn into the same rooms with limited PVP sets that are released. All I ask is that no stupid procs that take the skill from pvp are added :D

07-13-2019, 10:12 PM
Make leveling up easier and we should be able to reach endgame with story quests only.

07-26-2019, 07:00 AM
Pls spacetime studio do something about the platinum offers in my country Philippines. The offers are really low 150 and below and most of the offers reaching 100+ requires in app purchases that need to pay 100 USD in other apps. It is really disheartening.

08-13-2019, 12:42 PM
hello again guys, been a while :) Hi Gman and cinco.

After playing all the Spacetime games for quite a long time. (Was kinda on a break) and seeing other mobile games die (yes many were sunset in my time gone) I wanna help :) this game and becuse ive invested lots of time here i would like to start.....

IM LOST!!!!!!!! & the Goal is retention for new players :)

I'm lost even with my lv 61 Ghost character. progressing through levels now seem harder as navigation and other levels hit a pay wall when i hit Graveyard/mausoleum. This actually forced me to quit. As i couldn't keep up with new events and areas catered to other players.

This also slows my progress to a grinding halt. I want to come back, truly i do but as it stands now i have to do the "grave grind" before other levels open up and the events are long gone for those level caps.

Levels 1-61 are really open ended and direct, so the beginning levels are ok, "after being redone a few times in the course of AL history".

if you want starting players to start and stay playing levels 61-71...ect are the most how i say...discombobulated to say it nicely for a mobile game. I know competition is fierce at end game and with all the PvP and guild competition, but this is for starting players to feel like they have a chance.

one key aspect to doing later levels and starting new, is team building with little to no friends. levels do need to cater to newer accounts but also not "One Shot" levels as Legends games tend to do. This isnt dark souls, but sure seems like it.

many do like the friend aspect to AL, but shouldn't be a driving force (as many finish and dropout from lack of motivation) as high end players have already completed many prerequisite from the events as newer players wont really experience the gratification of moving onto the new areas. (like gathering items for a world total), if those events are done and wont come back, then the barrier should also be removed.

Subscription service (ive played many games in my break)
This might be a hard pill to swallow, but we need to keep this game alive and might devalue plat...but really AL would benefit from a "innovative"
experience and who said anything about doing it with a daily plat intake ;). One example is hints or additional secrets only available to sub holders, additional moneys (gold) additional daily summons or have the inn keeper for a "Trial pet" summon for as along as the sub is active (this includes arcane pets..and new "just made up" JEWEL pets ruby, quartz, sapphire, diamond only available to sub holders).

anyway just my ˘.02

nice to see remium back.
ya'll have a good day.

08-13-2019, 07:02 PM
What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

Just imagine how off-putting it must be for a new player joining the game, once they have completed the initially interesting story/side quests from zone to zone, gaining enough XP to reach ~50 (if anything over levelling them through the initial zones.)

After this point, in order to grind the remaining levels to cap, the only realistic options available to them are to log in each day and repeat exactly the same set of boring and meaningless daily quests, in empty maps, in content which means absolutely nothing to them. We can reminisce all we want, but putting locks back in Kraken, or putting new eggs in old maps isn't going to mean anything at all to someone who is new to the game. All of those memories we have are about end game, with players the same level as us, when the relevant expansion was new and exciting.

Whether it takes new players 1 week or 1 month to grind to cap, they aren't going to gain any valuable game experience from doing that.

They aren't going to spend 2 hours with a party of determined souls trying to defeat Elite Bloodhammer in mediocre gear suffering one hit after one hit as they try to work out how tf to beat this thing. Or spend days, months on end farming fire squid on that random kraken map nobody quite knew what it was for.

They aren't going to learn with glee that you can stand basically AFK for hours with their friends in valheim tunnels, dropping locked from ubermans.

They won't enter shuyal expansion and join the frantic rush of the masses to farm elite gold puzzle boxes from undim fields in 1 minute, or spend months perfecting the pulls in the planar tombs and hitting the boss with Kelvin to avoid being 1 shot in Planar 3.

The won't stop levelling and enjoy Tindirin so they can take another year to farm the legendary set there before moving on to glintstone and stopping for another year farming fangs and orc tags.

They won't trawl forums for posts by vets on the best way to run the elites and farm the best gear of each era and learn how the skills and party dynamics have evolved through the ages.

And why would they? All of that is largely irrelevant now....

The new player experience will start when they reach the current expansion, and there is zero reason to make brand new players grind repetitive quests for days on end for no other reason that just to reach cap. In AL end game is the only game (Twink aside). And no matter how much time it takes them to get there (if they even bother at all) they are still going to find themselves largely excluded by the end game community- unable to access guilds where they could learn from skilled/experienced players, because their profile bears a sad/telltale lack of PVE kills and they have no gold to afford the best gear anyway.

- Shorten the time and repetition involved in reaching 5 below cap level.
- Increase the number of XP giving quests available & the quality/quantity of story quests after Tindirin.
- Make it so that the story quests bring players quickly up to 5 levels below cap.
- When a new expansion comes, adjust the amount of XP given in quests from the previous expansion so that this still applies.
- Allow new players to access to auction
- Make respec free either (c'mon I have hundreds of respec scrolls in my inventory - the only people who can't respec "free" these days are new players and that's who need them the most)
- Consider the amount of gold you feel new players should be arriving at cap with and adjust the story quests accordingly (for inflation?)
- The new players experience shouldn't try to replicate the old players journey through the years. It should give them a taste of the game, bring them through the story, and drop them off at the door to end game where lets face it they will still have a long way to go!
- Barney is hardly the best advert for how awesome pets can be. I don't think he keeps em coming back for more.... add another "barney" type gift later in the game ( level 50?) which gives decent stats and a cool looking aa.
- Add "story quests" which point to each elite achievement, plus planar arena, and the elusives. Grant XP for these quests and better XP in elite maps.
- Add Story quests which point to the elite achievements granting free pets.
- Add more explicit explanations of each type of buff/elix and what it does.

Remove the blockers which segregate new players from old players:

- Reconsider the "Guild" lb so as to encourage guilds to be more inclusive of new players.
- Reconsider the speed set situation as "not having ss" makes it super hard for a newbie to get on board farming esg, or energy in events among other things.

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

Getting to grips with the skills / spec. I started before Kraken came out and with no respec option I remember creating my first rogue with a spec which mixed int/dex/strength and on realising I'd picked a terrible combination of skills, and that the options are pointless and I should just put all my points in dex, I remade my character to start again.

Having said that if I started now, the grind would cause me to quit before I ever capped. Early game for me, the grind was short and end game community was strong - the strength of the community is what carried me to continue levelling through every expansion since, even when the grind started getting stupidly long (Festerfang I'm looking at you.)

What would have made it easier to:

- Connect with other people in game?

-Easier method of joining a guild. Early guidance to do so.
-Guild system where by guilds are listed and new players can simply press "join". (ability to set at least a level requirement or limit number of click-to-join by gm.)
- Encourage established guilds to embrace newer players. Currently guild lb is set to encourage "old" accounts, with high numbers of PVE or PVP kills.

- Level up and collect good gear?

Get them to end game. Provide basic legendary armor/helm/weapon 5 levels below cap. Let them farm good gear in the current content along with the other 95% of the game population.

- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

The 5 min tutorial at the start works well - just extend this further through the content right through the levelling up process, as a continuous process involving the HUD as opposed to relying on new players stumbling across the right NPC.

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

- Absolute #1 = Following story quests.
- Closely followed by finding a really good, supportive and chatty guild.
- Quickly got to cap.
- Klaas / Shaz
- Regular content updates - not very long between expansions/ new content.

08-13-2019, 08:04 PM
-New maps for no boring in game after reach 71 lvl, maps for farm good things or elite runner chest to worth it.
-Propably New Skills and skill points.. skill points is too low...
-New pets (common,rare,epic,legentary,mythic)
-Dont put so much "junk" in chests...
-Increase the drop rate of elite runner chest arcane drops... its ridiculous... open 800 elite silver runner chest and drop nothing...

To this point....

Why are "bronze" elite runner chest better than silver and gold from which we always seem to get useless items such as "nature jewel elixir"?

The items from the bronze chest are the ones we are all after.... xp elix, dmg/reduction, frequent gold reward, reroll, etc.

08-21-2019, 11:14 AM
https://r.tapatalk.com/shareLink/topic?url=https%3A%2F%2Fwww%2Espacetimestudios%2Ec om%2Fshowthread%2Ephp%3Ft%3D458179&share_tid=458179&share_fid=24169&share_type=t

Some good ideas/discussion on the above thread.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

08-22-2019, 03:34 AM
Hi, I'm a new player, could I be banned if my account is log in to my mobile.. and I will open it on laptop or other gadget? Could I might be banned if I transfer my gold in gears from my account ( character ) to my another account ( another character ). I need some answer coz I don't want to lose, and quit playing AL. I experience being banned but the is now good reason or explanation at least, we could understand why we were being banned.. thank for your reply.. MORE POWER AL.

Sent from my Flare_S7 using Tapatalk

08-23-2019, 09:11 AM
Hi, I'm a new player, could I be banned if my account is log in to my mobile.. and I will open it on laptop or other gadget? Could I might be banned if I transfer my gold in gears from my account ( character ) to my another account ( another character ). I need some answer coz I don't want to lose, and quit playing AL. I experience being banned but the is now good reason or explanation at least, we could understand why we were being banned.. thank for your reply.. MORE POWER AL.

Sent from my Flare_S7 using Tapatalk

I play on loads of devices (iPad, phone, laptop) and never been banned for it. I've even moved away to another country and played on my devices while there and still fine so don't worry.

Gifting to another character on another account also won't get you banned - it's not breaking t&c to gift to another character which is why there's an interface for it.

I've heard of people getting accounts banned in the past but this was for example if they have a fake account receiving millions and millions of gold through "illegal" methods (against t&c) and feeding their main character with it.

Sent from my Mi A1 using Tapatalk

08-23-2019, 10:28 AM
Thank you for your reply.. it's a big help for me. Hopefully mod and Dev. Reply too

Sent from my Flare_S7 using Tapatalk

08-28-2019, 07:01 PM
Сделайте нового персонажа

09-08-2019, 03:26 PM
Well am f2p so I will say this sts what new players need is simply 1) keep the story line 2) make better GOLD drop STOP HOARDING GOLD we humans have a life to live not play games 24/7 3) make quest easy to understand so players don't get tired and give up. 4) improve the merchant system the difference between p2p and f2p is too much so therefore if there is a new pet that cost 30m gold make a pet that is close to that pet available for f2p that can be gotten from boss drop. Control the price of vanities they don't add stats to players but cost hilarious gold. Nekro yes Nekro the quest to craft a Nekro is just stupid cause at the end of the day crafting a Nekro is no different from buying one on auction. STS make a world boss that will need about 12-16 heroes to hunt and kill, that will be more fun. Also scrap re-roll it is just not worth it. A boss drops a useless item and my luck elixir let's me re-roll a more crap item then its a waste of time. Please work on luck also why such I put on a luck item and run a map say 20-30 times and get nothing to show for it.
So STS this are things that will make a new player stick around.

10-08-2019, 12:19 PM
i'm against bringing back old gear.
bringing it back serves no purpose - it's expensive because it's rare. if not rare - it will be cheap, so no point of having it anyway.
besides, old gear is for me what's really makes arcane legends, well, "arcane".
so against it, unless Absolutely everything old is brought back. Leader-board vanities included. This for me will 'reset' AL to the start, which for me is bad. (-i mean, what's the point of having something, when it can be 'reset' at any given time).
but anyway. if someone is going to be scrwed, it's only fair that Everyone that has old gear to be scrwed. and not just "few, selected ones".

what i think, would Really help new players: the game is hard for new players, because it's complex and big, and even experienced players don't know a lot of things that would've helped them, if they knew them. i'm sure this is true for me, and i play many years. so giving new players "useful information" as much as possible, would help them a lot. (as mentioned upwards, a lot of things can be done a Lot easier and faster, if only people Knew how to do it.)
i think i saw a suggestion for a "guide" messaging pm-s - this sounds ok. also saw a suggestion for improving(detailing) descriptions - also good. in short - add as much more Information (about game) as possible, everywhere. best - directly in the game (,especially for the beginners). if not possible - in forum.Looks like you are one of those billionaires, only think of your own profit and no one else's

sent from the moon

10-22-2019, 01:09 AM
Looks like you are one of those billionaires, only think of your own profit and no one else's

sent from the moonIts not about gold.

Take it this way, every country have their own national treasures which were priceless or some are being sold but in good amount of cash, its just like AL those old stuff were AL's history.

And what's the issue with the rich people hoarding or having them?, respect them they worked hard for it, if you want one, grind for it.

Don't use STS to grant your envious intention.

P.S. I don't own such expensive stuff, the reason why I'm speaking out for them, because it is the right thing.

Sent from my CPH1803 using Tapatalk

10-28-2019, 04:19 AM
Spent some time thinking about this one.....
Bring in a system where high lvl ppl can help lower levels and get something for it, something like a sponsor system, idk how to do it but it, create something that can get old timers helping new guys. This will create game community and also help friendships to form in a multi level way. Also add more money sinks, the addition of gold loot destroyed the economy and it impossible for f2p to compare with p2p. Devs plz read this, love you bye!

11-21-2019, 07:40 AM
This game needs a easy way to find/apply/join guilds.

12-03-2019, 08:01 AM
Spent some time thinking about this one.....
Bring in a system where high lvl ppl can help lower levels and get something for it, something like a sponsor system, idk how to do it but it, create something that can get old timers helping new guys. This will create game community and also help friendships to form in a multi level way. Also add more money sinks, the addition of gold loot destroyed the economy and it impossible for f2p to compare with p2p. Devs plz read this, love you bye!

One way to encourage high level players to help low level players is to introduce new achievement points when helping x-amount of lv 1–10 players, x-amount of lv 11-21 Players, etc., or maybe some nice titles to be acknowledged as a helper.

12-08-2019, 11:18 AM
Every zone should give more xp, right now festerfangs suck with their missions since you receive only 2k xp or less in each mission. buff it to 5k so the lvl up is easier. Nerf the xp cap pls. 60k+ xp is TOO much!!! I know plenty of players that literally stopped playing because the xp cap was too high. Especially between lvl 56 and 66 the struggle begins. Tindrin and shuyal xp missions are all right for the levels that are supposed to be there , but Festerfang/rengol/ and glinstone missions are pretty bad. Let xp elixirs give 100% xp more. Bring back K3 and outpost/kraag tombs. Add more pets that have xp buff. Let lvl 76 players "farm xp" This idea is pretty nice since some players are already done with lvl up but they run valley and "waste" xp. They could get 1 2,000 xp chest for 2,000 so literally trade the xp they farmed into chest that low lvl players could use.

12-08-2019, 04:26 PM
Every zone should give more xp, right now festerfangs suck with their missions since you receive only 2k xp or less in each mission. buff it to 5k so the lvl up is easier. Nerf the xp cap pls. 60k+ xp is TOO much!!! I know plenty of players that literally stopped playing because the xp cap was too high. Especially between lvl 56 and 66 the struggle begins. Tindrin and shuyal xp missions are all right for the levels that are supposed to be there , but Festerfang/rengol/ and glinstone missions are pretty bad. Let xp elixirs give 100% xp more. Bring back K3 and outpost/kraag tombs. Add more pets that have xp buff. Let lvl 76 players "farm xp" This idea is pretty nice since some players are already done with lvl up but they run valley and "waste" xp. They could get 1 2,000 xp chest for 2,000 so literally trade the xp they farmed into chest that low lvl players could use.Having quests give more xp will not be good. Leveling is so easy now with these quests with xp, you can get from lv1-lv50+ in under 2hrs, back then leveling up is something players don't get easily, it usually takes days and maybe even weeks to increase one level, players need to grind maps over and over just to get tons of xp but with quests with xp it got so much easier to level up. Adding more xp to the quests will be a bad idea, it'll just remove the fun in leveling up.

Sent from my ATU-L22 using Tapatalk

12-09-2019, 07:32 AM
I think you did not understand the idea. In my opinion the quests in tindrin are nice and ok for new players since Xp from Nordr quests is risin.
Nordr Quest= 600xp-400xp
Kelys quest= 600xp
Tindrin quest= 800 xp

But Festerfangs/Glinstone and rengol quests are the same the xp amount isnt change, duh its actually lowered for festerfang. I dont know what is "fun" in killing mobs12 hours without good loot. If you like lvl up-ing so much you can make new account everyday bro.

12-09-2019, 07:34 AM
+ dont talk about old days because there was always full pt in every map so it was easy and fun but now you need to grind solo from lvl 1 to lvl 61 Since everybody is on high lvls now.

12-09-2019, 07:44 AM
Events with bosses lik: Winter, lovecraft and goblin aren't balanced for new players since these bosses have a lot of hp and dmg. I once played on my rogue on lvl 41 and it was pretty hard to kill boss with full party. The new players should have fun too. We all know that events are the best in this game. So if you want new players to stay you need to balance the event-boss system. It is pretty hard to find a pt for new players too. It's impossible to kill bosses alone. And don't tell me that they need to farm xp or be better at faming :)
Not everybody plays 12 hours a day. + remove platinum lvl up because like you see you can destroy your game with a single lvl up to lvl 71 instantly-kit. When I played this game when the lvl cap was 41 it ws much easier to kill the boss, but now lvl 41 sucks at events with special bosses.

12-10-2019, 02:18 PM
We want more farm pve because pve now is hard to farm thanks you

12-10-2019, 10:08 PM
Keep it up im doing this for unlocking thread lol

12-14-2019, 01:13 PM
And make another gold loot map valley maps are too hard, and new players can't farm this, only players with op gears

12-16-2019, 11:06 PM
I am playing AL for almost 5 years and I wonder if sts would put AL in Nintendo switch?? probably nice idea? or idk. hmmmm thanks for feedback

12-16-2019, 11:12 PM
Tbh the best thing for the game right now would be alot MORE (like 4-5x more) story quests n quests NPC's so people can lvl up & get more into the story & lore, I noticed how much more it entices new players and of more players can reach end game within a few days the game won't die. Furthermore it'll increase activity at later levels meaning more items & stuff being bought/sold henceforth making players more inclined to spend money on plats. That's my 50 cents

Sent from my CLT-L09 using Tapatalk

12-19-2019, 11:48 AM
excuse me to the honorable game owner ... I would like to ask to add a slot house to 500 slot ... I am very limited with only 300 slot ... I beg you very much ...thanks[emoji6]

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

01-05-2020, 02:17 PM
Again Seirian egg in store for 1750 plat ..please sts...

03-11-2020, 06:41 AM
From what I have see. I believe you must make a new category of rewards like
1) if the player goes to 57 lvl with no legendary equipment (except the bound items and loot it) (gold reward)
2) if the player never was getting help from higher lvl players (4 lvls and above). (Gold reward)
3) if the player never by items from auction house legendary or higher type (only pets and not arcane or heroic)(gold reward)
4) if the player never buy vanitys and cosmetics. [(Bound full set reward 57 lvl ) and a bound legendary artifact with little luck,gold loot and color effect
The rewards will taken after complete all tasks.

Is very easy to lvl up to 41 lvl .
So the real fight begins from 42 and up .
From 42 till 57 lvl is not so super hard but this I tell you, will make the new players to know that keep your gold makes
you rich:)
And play with your lvl players is better from call your super strong high lvl players to clean the map for you

03-11-2020, 07:14 AM
From what I have see. I believe you must make a new category of rewards like
1) if the player goes to 57 lvl with no legendary equipment (except the bound items and loot it) (gold reward)
2) if the player never was getting help from higher lvl players (4 lvls and above). (Gold reward)
3) if the player never by items from auction house legendary or higher type (only pets and not arcane or heroic)(gold reward)
4) if the player never buy vanitys and cosmetics. [(Bound full set reward 57 lvl ) and a bound legendary artifact with little luck,gold loot and color effect
The rewards will taken after complete all tasks.

Is very easy to lvl up to 41 lvl .
So the real fight begins from 42 and up .
From 42 till 57 lvl is not so super hard but this I tell you, will make the new players to know that keep your gold makes
you rich:)
And play with your lvl players is better from call your super strong high lvl players to clean the map for youThis is basically the concept of hardcore mode and we ready have that ingame *.*

03-11-2020, 09:20 AM
I know that is for the hardcore but if you die in normal you just use ankhs or start from the beginning of the map.
You not die permanently like the hardcore;)
I thought when we talked about new players we talk about new email account and not just new characters created by old accounts!

07-12-2020, 03:44 PM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

Hi Spacetime Studios,

dont understand the critic wrong. I just want to help. Sometimes i write a little to hard i think but all in all i speak for many players.

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

I think to get new levels is quite too long.

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

I think nowadays its hard to find out what to buy and at what level wich Equipment is useful.
A small Guide or a overall Itemlist would be great. How to find that etc. I think because of all the Gold loot Items it would be better to raise the amount of Gold for Platinum. Just for the Balance. Many starters would boost earlier. Nowadays 10m for around 100 bucks is to much i think. Some plr already controll the market with hundred of millions, maybe billions.

What would have made it easier to:

- Connect with other people in game?

I think connecting with people is fine. Just a few "fair" Guild events would be nice to get something good together with the guild. It binds the plr a little bit more.

- Level up and collect good gear?

Yes, but be carefull. Good Items to come trough the levels are okay, but the OP Items should still be hard to get. But not 40-100 hours doing the same. Around 20 is okay. Also it is frustrating to keep up with the high level plr. Youre almost alone, with no good gear. 2015 for example all work together but there the level gap was not so high. Nowadays farming alone to lvl 76 is frustrating and i think the most give up on that. When you reach lvl 76 you have no gear and no clue what is good or bad. Then you have to buy Plat for 2k bucks to be a good player. Not everyone take that way.

- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

The Mapdesign is good. The Event are Great. The Pets are wonderful, but too much.

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

- The trade is one of the best things. You have a lot to do and find out.


I think a new Arcane legends would be great. The most can be the same or similar, but i would like to see more fresh Ideas, like a Card Game. Players can collect cards. Perhaps with the Pets or weapons. Just one idea. After 5 years pause i feel like the game stand on the same level. Many people leave the game with me these times for the same reason. Pls make some more stuff tradeable. Like my Leaderboard Banner Halloween 2015. The Vanity is tradable but the banner not. It would be a nice Item for a hard job doing the leaderboard. But it frustrated me when i saw it is not tradeable.

I played this game active for a Year. The Reason i quit was that the game was simply always the same. Always the same attacks (I wish a better/deeper Skill System)and the same Map for a long time. I know a lot is added but it is was like one "Area" per Year. So what i can do trough the year? "Just 100 Hour Crafting Quests and after i get the item some items are still better"

The Events and Eventloot was nice. I run some leaderboards and did well. Some good ideas added with the time but nowadays i think its just to chaotic. Recipe for a recipe for a recipe and someone decided it cost 5m and the other one sell it for 60m because of "Enchanced Syrillex Paracelsus Mind Stone is craftet on".
I think also the gold controll is out of order. A few player controll the market and the limited items. Idk how to solve that problem. Maybe Reskin some expensive things. Prestige Items to buy directly from Spacetimestudios. Idk.

A small reset and i would play every leaderboard. Just a reset.
I know some plr are there since 2012 but i think it can be a more bigger/better that it actually is.

This is truely one of the best mobile game of all time but i know that when you (spacetimestudios) take a big invest it will be payed off.

Its just my personal intense.

Thank you for read this long letter.

Best regards

- Natsusempai

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


No problem at all

09-11-2020, 11:09 PM
Hello remiem,
There is a player who always enter in maps and goes afk he does it in gates all the times and now he is doing it in event aswell, becouse of him players are loosing there energies, ik sharing Ign is against terms so i croped the screenshot to hide there ign here is the screenshot https://uploads.tapatalk-cdn.com/20200912/e0c4f5cee2fb519ced19c55e7a52733a.jpg

Sent from my Redmi Note 7 Pro using Tapatalk

09-28-2020, 12:08 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


IMPROVEMENTS- remove all reroll chances and replace with luck for eg.10% reroll chance will become 10% luck. make a daily quest so that players under lv 60 can complete and gain non tradeable/no sell 60% xp elixir kits. make all event vanities droppable from boss at 5% drop rate,luck does help, you can also gather material to craft them. increase the amount of gold/xp in daily quests because the most important thing for new players is leveling up. decrease pet slot price to 10 story tokens so even if new players cant get strong/expensive pets they could atleast add abilities from others. remove trading permit so new players can spend story tokens on more useful things like auc/inventory slots. decrease price of level 70 booster to 100 plat so if new players really dont want to grind levels or just dont have the time they can purchase it,also lets face it for a price of 500plat,its definitely not worth it and the feature is just picking up space otherwise. add auction to all towns so new players can interact with new and old players. place some AI in the game that can direct new player on how to play. for eg the ai who taught 'hold to charge attack.'

DIFFICULT SITUATION- leveling up and making gold as a new player.

WHAT I LIKED- the story line was great,whoever made it is very creative. i also like the diversification of skills/masteries/passives/atributes. plus, the abilitiy to get auc/inventory slots without plat was a genius idea.overall the game is pretty good,once you all implement these minor changes it will be perfect.

11-18-2020, 09:29 PM
Please make an option where we could turn our pets back into eggs😅

11-18-2020, 09:32 PM
Also I think you guys should add mask vanities into the game to promote awareness... just saying

12-04-2020, 10:13 PM
Ooo that would actually be nc

12-11-2020, 09:02 PM
Would pls show me how to write on suggestions, i can find a way to write a new one. Thanks

03-29-2021, 12:12 AM
Hi there. I just played a few weeks ago after creating my account for more than 3 years. Do you know why watch ads for elixirs isn’t available on my account? I checked my play history and I can see that I was able to get offers before, and now there are no offers. I’m on an iOS device and I asked a few ppl in game and they have the option to watch ads for elixirs. Can you help? Thanks!

04-01-2021, 12:24 PM
Hi personal the game is awesomely great and i love it.here are a few things i recommend to fix:):

1-when u start the game u can make people loot a good crate wich obtains common to mythic gear.

2-u should fix the chance of the weapon loot of Sir spendalot chance of loot cause i spent 3m buying this crate and never got the weapon just 1,000 to 15,000 gold.

3-The plat drops from 2021 PLATINUM ARLORIAN EGG,u should reilly improve the chance of looting 30-100 plat because i opened 13 and always got 5 plat.

This is a sugestión sts :)im just saying it would be good just un casé contact me in game


04-01-2021, 12:26 PM
And by the way u should add an opción to turno pets back into eggs it would be cool.

04-04-2021, 11:03 PM
hi sir i have a acount before but i didnt bind in my email but when i try to log in again it needs a code how can i take a code that acount cannot bind in my email?

04-10-2021, 04:28 PM
Idioma portuguęs porfavorrrrrrrr

04-13-2021, 12:32 PM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


So I'm not a new player but I just started playing again after being gone for a few years. All the gear I have is old and antiquish and im trying to price and sell it on the market. One thing I would like to suggest, and Im not quite sure why this hasnt been implimented yet, but I would like to be able to sort gear and weapons in the auction by class.

I constantly run in to the issue of not being able to sort out the other classes when looking at higher level gear for my own class, or when trying to price an item to sell that is not part of my class. unchecking the "usable only" box mixes in all other classes in the search results when I still only want to search one class.

just my two cents.

Take Care,

The Makeits

06-24-2021, 09:46 PM
So I'm not a new player but I just started playing again after being gone for a few years. All the gear I have is old and antiquish and im trying to price and sell it on the market. One thing I would like to suggest, and Im not quite sure why this hasnt been implimented yet, but I would like to be able to sort gear and weapons in the auction by class.

I constantly run in to the issue of not being able to sort out the other classes when looking at higher level gear for my own class, or when trying to price an item to sell that is not part of my class. unchecking the "usable only" box mixes in all other classes in the search results when I still only want to search one class.

just my two cents.

Take Care,

The Makeits

Good idea ,it world make it easier

09-08-2021, 09:45 AM
A voice chat would be great and help a lot.

09-18-2021, 05:02 PM
Now that expansion is out think it would be really cool to add the new Shark Bosses Shark Pool as an Aura. What do you think?

11-29-2021, 04:56 AM
Why i cant create New Post in "Trade Market"?

Gabriel Bacarin
01-31-2022, 10:33 AM
Give at least one hotbar key to new players. It's very hard to farm money from zero. If they have a hotbar, they can use it to start switching to cheap gold loot gear and start making some money.

02-07-2022, 09:06 AM
Voice chat in party plis

Skeleton Mike
10-15-2022, 01:18 PM
You should add one or two teleports in maps starting from hydra forest and so on. Specifically at the end of paths that deviated from the boss direction or half way through, it should unlock once you clear most of the enemies.

As I was playing again in a low level toon I noticed this problem in many maps, I was using a speed set so it was fine for me but this other guy coming along didn't have one so it was kinda sad XD

10-30-2022, 04:19 PM

Sent from my Redmi 4X using Tapatalk

11-30-2022, 07:36 AM
voice chat pliss,it's hard to type while farming

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

11-30-2022, 07:55 AM
make dungeon or map that can access 100 people or more, that also the mobs minie or boss unlimited respawn.
we access that map for twice a week or thrice. so the newbie can easily level up and farm with op player.

03-14-2023, 02:54 AM
Would be very helpful for new players to have free xp boost so leveling up is easier! I think the best thing for me was joining a guild since they help me run maps and stuff so it is pretty great!

03-20-2023, 04:39 AM
Hello guys o know there is no place to be thread like this but i need some help, so im returning player from 2012 my name is aquatika i was in trinity knights guild, i search for people to play with or just chat if you interested or maybe even you are from those times just add me ingame or shoot a pm, peace and have a good day ;)

03-22-2023, 11:26 PM
This please.

03-23-2023, 03:56 AM
It would be really helpful if AL could tell you the commands you can use because I didn’t know how do talk in guild.

05-30-2023, 10:58 AM
These are some thoughts for "Pocket Legends" QOL(game improvement) - 1) For events if you could add a timer that counts down once a single player enters the starting circle so a full party is not needed and this will make it so you don't have to host private games with friends or solo. 2) Stash interface update to allow taking/stashing multiple items at once. Possibly add a search option in stash or since it is now alphabetical maybe just add a scroll bar to quickly jump to bottom of stash? 3) For players under cap if you could add high xp orb (2.5k, 5k, 10k, 20k) rewards to final blessings to help with progression. ------------------Once I find out if this is the proper place to share these things I will think of others that me and a friend have debated in past! -Heineke

06-01-2023, 04:21 AM
Connecting with other people in the game:

Improved in-game communication tools such as chat channels, guild systems, or social features to facilitate player interactions.
Matchmaking systems for finding groups or parties for cooperative gameplay.
Leveling up and collecting good gear:

Clearer progression paths and tutorials for new players to understand how to level up and acquire better equipment.
Balancing game mechanics to provide meaningful rewards and incentives for progression.
Figuring out the content:

Enhanced in-game guides or tutorials to help players navigate maps, understand events, and discover new content.
On-screen indicators or markers to highlight important objectives or points of interest.
As a new player, you appreciated the overall quality and availability of the game on various platforms, particularly on mobile devices.

Keep in mind that these suggestions are general and may vary depending on the specific game and its mechanics. Game developers constantly strive to enhance the new user experience, and they often gather feedback from players to improve their games.

If you have any specific game in mind or need further assistance, feel free to provide more details, and I'll do my best to help.

Khuong Tieu My - đá gŕ trực tiếp thomo hôm nay (https://thomotructiep.com/)

06-03-2023, 04:21 AM
It's hard to collect things, we can't get slots. because you removed it from token purchase. i hope you have PLANS FOR US NEW PLAYERS.
any event or something where we can get slots?

Sent from my Mi 9T using Tapatalk

06-11-2023, 04:28 PM
super nicee

06-13-2023, 08:16 PM
If you guys really cared about new players ...
You would not remove slots from token vendors and push not one but THREE plat sinks
(really guys, 75 plat for 25 crates?? Why am I wasting 50 plat here again?)
Specifically designed to hurt players who were using real life investments to make money in game and use that money to make more, thus keeping them afloat .

At the same time, free to play players are now completely helpless. Literally.
At the whim of whenever devs decide a next update. This entire situation is ridiculous.

I'm about to ask for all of my money back :)

06-13-2023, 08:18 PM
If you guys really cared about new players ...
You would not remove slots from token vendors and push not one but THREE plat sinks
(really guys, 75 plat for 25 crates?? Why am I wasting 50 plat here again?)
Specifically designed to hurt players who were using real life investments to make money in game and use that money to make more, thus keeping them afloat .

At the same time, free to play players are now completely helpless. Literally.
At the whim of whenever devs decide a next update. This entire situation is ridiculous.

I'm about to ask for all of my money back :)

It's been two weeks. I'm still playing.
I can be patient, but I won't be silent.

06-15-2023, 05:25 AM
If you guys really cared about new players ...
You would not remove slots from token vendors and push not one but THREE plat sinks
(really guys, 75 plat for 25 crates?? Why am I wasting 50 plat here again?)
Specifically designed to hurt players who were using real life investments to make money in game and use that money to make more, thus keeping them afloat .

At the same time, free to play players are now completely helpless. Literally.
At the whim of whenever devs decide a next update. This entire situation is ridiculous.

I'm about to ask for all of my money back :)

Should've at least left the story token vendor as is.....sigh
This is really sad for new players....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

06-28-2023, 09:00 AM
Can You bring back the Slots in vendors the game isn't getting new players because someone who never played this game before wouldn't want to spend money on a game they dont even know that dosnt make sense also the old players will quit eventually making less players to play Arcane wich means Less $$$ and game close.

07-01-2023, 09:18 PM
Should've at least left the story token vendor as is.....sigh
This is really sad for new players....

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

Alexa this is so sad pls play Despacito

Bumping for free slots back update

07-14-2023, 10:03 AM
It seems players of equal level are always able to walk faster through a map than me, even when they are not using a speed elixer... I always struggle to keep up. What do I need to change??

07-16-2023, 03:44 PM
Hi, this is my first post i started to play along time ago when like lvl21 was lax lvl the games has advanced alot from there.

I realised a thing when i started a new character this week rhat the level up ingame is destroyed (this was a HC char)

Quests gives very low xp and mobs only 1 this becomes extremelt difficult since the esrly levels up to like 71 u have to play almost solo without a guild guilds only take in 81, this meant that i had to solo rooks best at level 9 with almost 1k pve kills i think thats to hard.

I think u kill the game bcs of the level became so hard i undertand its bcs of seasonal leaderbord runners but it kills all new player it goes to slow like lvl 81 is few years away since daily xp quest is divided by 10 in xp reward noone will play solo and just farm xp bot able to play event for years. Just my opinions:)

07-20-2023, 08:11 PM
I think that there are not enough new players first you need to attract more of them by making pubs so they don’t feel lonely playing alone.

I think that it is hard to find an updated leveling tuto and new players are dropped into Arlor without no much guideline. I saw some introduction quests for charging skills but that’s all I could see. Maybe add some skill respect quests, joining a guild, using all type of potions and trading aswell because they are other fundamentals that are hard to understand but really useful especially joining a guild to find some carry.

Some maps were traumatising for me because I levelled alone most of the time: glinstone, forgotten citadel, festerfang, verdan. I required so much carry to pass those maps. And I was gifted an ebon shield to complete fester and verdan. And I had to farm some event and got lucky loots to afford skull aegis and ebon armor for a better leveling.

The power spike of the zodias was so big that I felt weak af. I just skipped all zodias dailies before I got 81, except when I got carried because I couldn’t kill a single mob.

I used to do all the dailies after i saw a vidéo i didn’t know that xp bonus affect the xp you receive from quests.

Envoyé de mon iPhone en utilisant Tapatalk

07-22-2023, 12:37 PM
Let me make this very simple even a toddler can understand. No new Players Means Old players die out and game dies .............. Comprehendo?

07-24-2023, 03:14 PM
:cupcake: woah nice thread

07-31-2023, 01:28 PM
just replying to get my 10 posts. :-/

08-01-2023, 07:06 PM
Hello, really having fun playing arcane legends. Wanted to ask why I'm not able to make a new thread here in the forum though?

08-01-2023, 11:10 PM
Hello, really having fun playing arcane legends. Wanted to ask why I'm not able to make a new thread here in the forum though?

10 Posts.

/11 Char

08-02-2023, 01:15 PM
Most new players greatly struggle with gearing & when reaching the ren'gol map and above high level maps.

(Since players cannot trade & should wait 10 days *Wandering minstrel quest 100 tokens* to obtain a trade permit. Why not encourage them to play more & climb up the ladder for flashy, pretty. Attractive samples?)

-Add an [Arcane] chest that is rewarded to new players for reaching level 41; The chest contains a powerful Lv41 arcane weapon for each low level class. This arcane weapon is untradeable/unstashable.
This arcane weapon expires within 5 days. And it disappears from the inventory once the dead line has been met. The description of the weapon will let new players know about it's limited availability.

-Add a [Set] chest that is rewarded to new players for reaching Level 45, The chest contains 1x helmet 1x armor pieces, that when put together gives a set bonus of 50% gl, 500 HP/500 Mana/500 Armor 5.0 Dmg. This set gear is also untradeable/unstashable.

This set gear expires within 5 days. And it disappears from the inventory once it hit the expiry date. The description will let the new players know about it's limited use.


The more samples, the more a player is willing to invest into the game, to feel "Untouchable" again.

You guys should greet new players with a fair amount of samples, it has a strong effect.

plus, you guys really need to update the store. Add new vanities/Bundles/Pets/Emotes/Elixirs/chest.

The store is very very outdated.+1

Sent from my SM-G991U using Tapatalk

08-02-2023, 03:06 PM

08-05-2023, 05:46 PM
So when can I create my own threads? I've been playing arcane legends for almost a month now and have been posting on the forum yet I still can't make a thread.

08-12-2023, 02:27 PM
10 posts if u dont mind

08-15-2023, 04:12 AM
B> 2pcs arc shard :)

08-31-2023, 08:18 PM
To everyone at Spacetime Studios, to my friends, to my officers, to my guild members, and to the Arcane Legends community,

First off, I would like to thank everyone for all the great things they have ever done.

In terms of a few things I would like to see:

I would like to have the ability to save more vanity loadouts.
I would like the ability to purchase home mail stamps using gold in the store.
I would like the ability to purchase guild furniture and guild halls using gold in the store.
I would like the ability to make vanity items stackable to make inventory and stash easier to navigate, and enable the ability to buy and sell vanity in bulk amounts.

My favorite things about Arcane Legends are the fun social interactions in the game; working together with friends to make a fun, active, and op guild; visiting and designing homes; designing guild halls; hanging out in towns; new and different vanity; new and different events; and the auction & trading system.

I've been playing on and off since 2014 and have had the great fortune of meeting the most amazing people, and of developing the best friendships. I've had so much fun joking around, learning about others, and discussing numerous different topics. I like that the game is bright and fun, compared to many games that are so dark and serious. I truly love this game and hope it continues forever. I appreciate the hard work that all the workers at Spacetime Studios have done and continue to do. I appreciate all the friends I've met, and the friends that have helped me throughout my life.

Arcanedax aka Bradcrawfords
GM <Is Bored>
GM <Wrong>

Junior santos
09-04-2023, 10:11 PM
1° I think the new journey is still interesting
2° I found it difficult to get slots from inventors, even today slots are standard because they are very expensive.
3° The easiest thing is to discover all the content, otherwise it ends up being a little complicated. Usually players only want to play with you if you have a kraken set, this is very expensive.
4° I really enjoyed the leveling experience and knowing how the maps work, after reaching level 81 it becomes boring because you don't have equipment and someone stronger to help you.

10-16-2023, 04:04 AM
Hi Legends! We've heard your feedback that new Legends in the game could use some more attention. We agree! We're looking into some improvements to the new user experience, and we want to hear from YOU. We have a few questions below, but if you have other feedback outside of these, we want to hear it all! What do you think...

What improvements would you like to see to the new user experience?

What did you find the most difficult when you were first starting out?

What would have made it easier to:
- Connect with other people in game?
- Level up and collect good gear?
- Figure out the content (getting through the maps, events, etc.)?

What did you really like as a new player? What went well?

Thanks a million for helping us to make Arlor better for all!


As someone who spent years playing and spending, and quit at last. The most honest feedback i can give is start focusing on newer players progression, competitive pvp, more rewards for progression, for example, like new players and returning players actually got something isnane and wonderful for them to be hooked to the game. I was playing some other game not gonna say the name but they have this feature for new player, u basically got all the great gears, and 1 month blessings that gives u stuff like 100% xp, free removals/enchants, strong gears with lower grade, and alot of other stuff. And that blessing last for a whole month for new and returning players. + events that actually help u progress to the midgame. Midgame - lategame is where u actually grind. That game is 10 yrs old and new players can catchup which is really good, proly why how the game is still alive with crazy amount of players now. The mini,al requirement to play the game rn is too impossible sadly. I remember back then when the game basically forces me to spend in order for me to compete the lb, basically the game is too pay to win to be enjoyed by newer players, they will probably play a week+ at most before they realize its impossible to just catchup even 10%.

And lets be real, 70% of the high end players buy gold w real money anyways, thats public secret everyone knows. And if u remove the ingame trade, it will proly be the fall of al, best way to solve that is to make the game less p2w where ppl will actually start farming and stop buying gold. Cus the state of the game rn, in order for a new player to farm gold, they need gold loots and stuff, how the hell newer players can get high gl sets? how can they afford that xd, for new players the max they can get proly is under 100 gl wep with the money they got as new players which is basically useless. Even if they grind hard for a month as a new player they wont even be able to farm gold.

Just gonna leave this here even i quited years ago, since this was one of my most fav game not bcos of the game tho but cus of the friends i made in this game. Hell i was spending alot and i still gotta farm evg/dm 12hours+ a day. If u think im lyin u can proly ask ppl who knows me before, my ign was avaunts. I was basically a nolife grinder. But overall aside from the crazy heavy p2w, this game was fun, the community made it work ngl, love yall!

10-17-2023, 02:35 PM
Could you msg me or write here the name of that game?

10-24-2023, 01:39 AM

Enviado desde mi iPhone utilizando Tapatalk

11-03-2023, 10:34 PM
Thanks bro

Enviado do meu IN2013 através do Tapatalk

11-04-2023, 08:19 AM
10 posts if u dont mind

08-14-2024, 10:21 AM
Very helpful thanks