View Full Version : The Barry Gib Talk Show

12-13-2011, 03:25 PM
Has anyone else seen this skit on Saturday Night Live? It stars Jimmy Fallon as Barry Gibb and Justin Timberlake as his brother. Fallon is excellent with his Australian accent, and when he loses his cool, it is hilarious to see whether Timerlake can keep his laughter in check. There were five such skits, and all of them are awesome.

If you're looking to see why SNL is such an excellent show, check out these clips:

October 11, 2003
Justin Timberlake hosted and performed as the musical guest. It was this episode on which the Barry Gibb Talk Show debuted. Barry's guests included Al Franken (played by Jeff Richards), Arianna Huffington (Rachel Dratch) and the then lieutenant governor of California, Cruz Bustamante (Horatio Sanz). At the time, both Huffington and Bustamante were running for Governor of California amidst the recall election that eventually ousted Gray Davis. The show is memorable for Timberlake's inability to maintain a straight face during Fallon's rantings. He can be seen occasionally lowering his head in an attempt to disguise his laughter. This was the only Barry Gibb Talk Show sketch in which Fallon was still in the cast.

April 9, 2005
Cameron Diaz was the host, and happened to be dating Timberlake at the time. Fallon returned because he was about to premiere in Fever Pitch with Drew Barrymore (who also guest starred as one of the talk show's guests). This time, Barry's guests were Nancy Pelosi (Diaz), Ann Coulter (Barrymore) and New Mexico Governor Bill Richardson (Sanz).

December 16, 2006
During Justin Timberlake's second time hosting the show, Fallon returned to portray Barry Gibb for the third airing of the skit. Barry's guests were former Supreme Court justice Sandra Day O'Connor (played by Kristen Wiig), Thomas Friedman (Fred Armisen) and Jimmy Carter (Darrell Hammond). Timberlake was more composed in this episode, but still giggled a little at one point.[1]

May 9, 2009
For Timberlake's third time hosting the show, Fallon once again returned to the role of Barry Gibb for the skit. Barry's guests were Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (played by Kristen Wiig), CNN Commentator Roland S. Martin (Kenan Thompson), and NYU Economics Professor Nouriel Roubini (Armisen). Once again, a point came during the sketch where Timberlake was forced to lower his head to disguise his laughter. The sketch references the Shamwow guy.

May 21, 2011
On Timberlake's fourth time hosting, Fallon returned for the season's finale. Guests included Rachel Maddow (Abby Elliott), Roland S. Martin (Thompson), and Benjamin Bernanke (Armisen) -- although the Gibb brothers spent almost no time talking to the guests except for Bernanke, who occasionally interrupted (drinking water, cell phone ringing). Timberlake managed to keep himself composed this time around. The dancing and singing was more crisp and (seemingly) better rehearsed than previous episodes. Barry yells "I survived the rapture!", referring to the then recent end of the world predictions. After Robin revives Barry using gold medallions that give off the same result as a defibrillator, The Gibb characters close the sketch by rapping the lyrics of Rappers Delight over the theme song background.