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12-13-2011, 10:56 PM
This is a byproduct of people tolerating power leveling, someday, this will be a regular thing, leech bots ring ring? XD

12-13-2011, 11:18 PM
There are some people who do this on purpose. Idk its a fad now to get to the cap without dying or killing. Not necessarily your average power leveled n00b high level.

EDIT: actually if you look at his gear that is most definitely not a powerleveled n00b. That is a 51 sewer armor, im gonna say SK leather, most definitely a 51 twink.

12-13-2011, 11:20 PM
There are some people who do this on purpose. Idk its a fad now to get to the cap without dying or killing. Not necessarily your average power leveled n00b high level.

It's a fad - the player is deliberately doing it.

If it were a noob, you'd have an abnormally low amount of kills and a very low k/d ratio (under 10:1) for a given level.

12-13-2011, 11:24 PM
Just kinda don't like the fact you can buy yourself to that lv without doing anything (BY buying I mean X4 Combo pots and friends)

I knew it wasn't a new player, more like a rich player with many chars who has the plat and friends to do this

12-13-2011, 11:26 PM
L 51 0 kills, 0 deaths is very deliberate. You cannot do this without knowing what you're doing and having lots of help doing it.

People find different ways to play the game. This is just these players'.

12-14-2011, 12:04 AM
I just said it's a byproduct, fad or not. Power level is Power level by strict definition of higher level piggy backing a lower level. I said "someday" didn't I? If you know any better, this "fad" is what started the leech bots in the first place. People saw it can be done, they improvised. Human nature folks. Common sense really XD

12-14-2011, 12:18 AM
Why would this bother you at ALL? It just shows how that guy is.....

He doesn't gain anything at all besides hey look at me, I'm lvl so and so and I did nothing to get here. It's like the spoiled little rich kids that get brand new cars for their 16th birthday without working a day in their life.

12-14-2011, 12:22 AM
Why would this bother you at ALL? It just shows how much of a dork that guy is.....

He doesn't gain anything at all besides hey look at me, I'm lvl so and so and I did nothing to get here. It's like the spoiled little rich kids that get brand new cars for their 16th birthday without working a day in their life.

Name-calling is a form of Flaming, don't be surprised if you receive an infraction anytime soon XD

12-14-2011, 12:28 AM
People, mostly on 21 pvp, like havin a 0-0 ratio. It looks as if they r "chuck norris", like a dev pressed a button and they went 21. For some, includin me, its really fun and hard to raise a char without dying at all so, by doin this, we have more fun in pl. My main has over 40-45k pve kills and i dislike seein 65s with 10k kills. But when u see a 0-0 it means the person made an undead alt, just for pvp or just for fun :)

Why would this bother you at ALL? It just shows how much of a dork that guy is.....

He doesn't gain anything at all besides hey look at me, I'm lvl so and so and I did nothing to get here. It's like the spoiled little rich kids that get brand new cars for their 16th birthday without working a day in their life.

thats ur point of view

12-14-2011, 12:29 AM
I was describing the zero kills zero deaths guy who's name wasn't mentioned, not the moderator.....

12-14-2011, 12:38 AM
I was referring to the act of name calling, not who you're referring to...XD Strictly speaking, that's not allowed XD It's like saying it's ok to disrespect others if they're not aware of it...

12-14-2011, 12:40 AM
Name-calling is a form of Flaming, don't be surprised if you receive an infraction anytime soon XD

If he really is breaking any rules, the devs will police him,


12-14-2011, 01:15 AM
This has nothing to do with power leveling or botting.

It is simply an EXCELLENT example of someone playing their game - their way.

In the single-player game, Zelda: Ocarina of Time, there is a similar type of fad that is real popular right now. Some players are playing the entire game without picking up any heart containers*. It is a challenge for them. They enjoy it. They have played the "standard" way and now they want a different type of challenge. Something that makes the game bit more fun for them.

I know that no harm was intended by the op. But, it might be a good idea to try get along with others even if they play the game a bit differently than we do.

Be nice and have fun.

* Heart containers increase the amount of hp you have so that you can fight higher level mobs.

12-14-2011, 01:50 AM
Zelda: Ocarina of Time is probably one of the greatest games made across any console, hands down, but with due respect to that game that's not an MMORPG, it's a single player action-adventure game. Apples and Oranges. Btw, you totally contradicted yourself, you start talking about "challenge" but power leveling is "avoiding" that challenge LOL. In almost all console games, unless it's your CONTRA where you type in up-up-down-down-left-right-left-right...for infinite lives, you still "work" for the uber items, you're not supporting your ideology at all, in fact, contradicting it. XD Thanks.

12-14-2011, 02:23 AM
How can u be sure this guy was power levelled? Power levelling implies that a higher lvl player killed all the mobs, whilst he held back and let the exp roll in. And ur sure this is how it happened? Maybe he did this with similar lvl friends. Maybe he did a few kills when the bug was out that awarded no kills for killing mobs. One thing is for CERTAIN, this was no easy objective, and he managed to do it. Instead of flaming this guy, give him a bit of recognition for accomplishing this not-so-easy task.

12-14-2011, 03:04 AM
FF lll greatest of all time, secret of mana, cmon now..

12-14-2011, 03:09 AM
How can u be sure this guy was power levelled? Power levelling implies that a higher lvl player killed all the mobs, whilst he held back and let the exp roll in. And ur sure this is how it happened? Maybe he did this with similar lvl friends. Maybe he did a few kills when the bug was out that awarded no kills for killing mobs. One thing is for CERTAIN, this was no easy objective, and he managed to do it. Instead of flaming this guy, give him a bit of recognition for accomplishing this not-so-easy task.

...or maybe Michael Jackson is still alive...you assume so many things but the most probable is power leveling XD LOL What do you mean by "easy" objective? The only objective he has to do is convince somebody to kill enemies for him LOL. Anyone who leveled up "normally" automatically puts their work higher than this guy. So no, he actually did it easier than normal, you got it mixed up. Oh he's recognized by me definitely, I recognize him for being a leech that's what's up XD Thanks.

12-14-2011, 10:27 AM
...or maybe Michael Jackson is still alive...you assume so many things but the most probable is power leveling XD LOL What do you mean by "easy" objective? The only objective he has to do is convince somebody to kill enemies for him LOL. Anyone who leveled up "normally" automatically puts their work higher than this guy. So no, he actually did it easier than normal, you got it mixed up. Oh he's recognized by me definitely, I recognize him for being a leech that's what's up XD Thanks.

I'm just gonna end with this...
Flamers don't usually last long on this forum...

12-14-2011, 11:18 AM

12-14-2011, 11:31 AM
As a sort of middle ground, is it fair to say that people play for different reasons? Whatever this individual's reason is for the 0-0 stat, as long as it does not impede your enjoyment of the game, what difference does it make? Maybe, as some posters suggested, this is a challenge.

Life is too short to be upset by other people when their actions have no relevance on your enjoyment. So, have a great time on Pocket Legends, and put on your galoshes, because Winterfest will soon be upon us.

P.S. I feel Dragon Quest was a better series than FF.

12-14-2011, 11:51 AM
As a sort of middle ground, is it fair to say that people play for different reasons? Whatever this individual's reason is for the 0-0 stat, as long as it does not impede your enjoyment of the game, what difference does it make? Maybe, as some posters suggested, this is a challenge.

Life is too short to be upset by other people when their actions have no relevance on your enjoyment. So, have a great time on Pocket Legends, and put on your galoshes, because Winterfest will soon be upon us.

P.S. I feel Dragon Quest was a better series than FF.

Well said. The only time this should bother someone is if they join your game, then leech.

12-14-2011, 11:56 AM
P.S. I feel Dragon Quest was a better series than FF.

I like Dragon Quest... but it seemed like it tailed off for a while.

FFVII was probably the single best RPG I ever played.

12-14-2011, 11:58 AM
That is actually pretty cool. lol

12-14-2011, 12:33 PM
I have seen players join my group and hang out near the back not doing anything. I can't be sure if they are just responding to messages, looking to buy an elixir, or experiencing lag. So, I don't boot inactive people, because I don't know the reason they are not fighting. I'm often the only one with the 4x combo elixir, and I see people with just an xp elixir or no elixir. I don't mind, as long as stuff gets killed reasonably fast.

12-14-2011, 12:34 PM
That is actually pretty cool. lol

My thoughts exactly. Congratz to that player for doing it how they wanted.

Tapatalk'd from my EH03 SuperClean Fascinate

12-14-2011, 12:38 PM
That is actually pretty cool. lol

I agree, i was thinking of making the same thing, and just leach xp from the back of groups. It's a way to reuse the same game content in a different way, for those that have done every quest, gained all levels, used all equipment, ran every map.

But, it would feel dirty leaching xp, like begging. So, i will probably never try it.

12-14-2011, 02:56 PM
I agree with you csb, but when you've levelled 6 toons to 66 or 5 you look for ways to stay interested I suppose (not me :) I'm still plugging along to hit 65 on my 3 toons). The 0 deaths interests me, but the 0 kills does not, to each his own, just not in my runs :)

12-14-2011, 03:48 PM
I agree with you csb, but when you've levelled 6 toons to 66 or 5 you look for ways to stay interested I suppose (not me :) I'm still plugging along to hit 65 on my 3 toons). The 0 deaths interests me, but the 0 kills does not, to each his own, just not in my runs :)

I tried the 0 deaths, and got to about the 20's. It's really frustrating with my phone, because there are a number or reasons out of my control that I may get dinged with a death. For example, if I am swinging away at something that I can easily kill and my connection drops, then when I log back in I will see that I have a death. There is no way to control that. So, going for 0 deaths is just preparing for disappointment.

12-14-2011, 03:51 PM

Ahhh, the poor thing looks hungry!

12-14-2011, 04:20 PM
I would say that if they hang out near the back and are stationary for a period of time, they are likely lagging or chatting. If they tend to follow the group then sit back and do absolutly nothing on a continous basis, they are leeching. I don't mind when lower lvl guys stay back against a spawn we all know is deadly when there is no mage around, but it is rather dissapointing when someone tags along the entire map doing this. I've never seen this happen in any of my parties, but I would shout out a note to the party asking people to help or leave, otherwise face being booted.

My biggest pet peeve in the game is when a group asks to clear the map beacsue they need it for a quest, then they dicth me and leave me to fight the Vamps in Fang by myself...

Since we're on the topic of pet peeves, one of my biggest pet peeves in real life is when you try to get off the elevator at the bottom floor, and people keep trying to get in before you can exit. I mean, how do you expect to get in when I'm trying to get out? When I wait for the elevator, I usually try to stand a bit away form the doors to make sure there is no one coming out before I get in, but I admit that I do space out sometimes and strat entering when there are people trying to get out. The difference is that I'll stop and move out of the way. It really drives me nuts when there are a couple people waiting to hop on, and they form a wall so I can't get out. If they part and leave room for me to exit, fine, but when they stare at me like I'm the one doing something wrong and don't budge it makes we wonder where common courtesy has gone in this world of ours. I work in an office building with several floors, and this seems to happen to me at least once a day. Please let me out of the elevator before you try to get in!!!

12-14-2011, 04:35 PM
Odd I started this tread but on my app it shows that I didn't and my first two comments are gone O__0 anyone else see my first post to start this tread or is it just me?

Oh and I don't see that as a challenge at all having zero kills, I see it as leaching to the max... Zero deaths on the other hand and never potting is my kinda thing...

12-14-2011, 04:55 PM
Possibe that your post was deleted since it showed the player's name in the screeshot?

12-14-2011, 05:11 PM
Looks like he is going for the pacifist achievement.

12-14-2011, 08:50 PM
Well that's lame guess I got to write support.... Atleast if anyone is upset or agrees with the tread I want them to know it's mine

12-14-2011, 11:11 PM
Where's the picture

12-14-2011, 11:36 PM
Zeusabe, your logic is amazing. I see you responding to everyone's posts and I can tell you are very smart! However I wanna ask you a question.

Have you ever tried power leveling a character and getting no kills or deaths? It is by no means a simple task. Not only is no deaths hard, but no kills is very hard! Even when being pleveled. Think about it, they miss one guy and he starts attacking you. If he's one of those hammer guys he will practically root you in place. You will be helpless. Either he kills you or you kill him. Generally your group of 60+ are just cruising through and you are left in the dust.

I'm simply trying to point out that it's not quite as easy as it may seem at first glance. And depending on the level of the character it could be even harder.


12-15-2011, 12:22 AM
There is no reason to over react to what the player in the pic is doing.

1. He is not violating any rules what so ever.
2. He did not get to level 51 by leeching off of anyone who has a problem with what he was doing.

Think this through. If someone wanted to challenge themself to get to cap with no kills/no deaths. How would they go about doing that?

1. If I am in a pug, and there is someone there doing something that is not against the tos but for w/e reason I don't like. What do I get to do about that? I get to leave. It's a pubic group. He is entitled.

2. But, OMG, OMG he's leeching. So.. I can leave.

3. If all the other players in that pug also hate leeching, they can leave also.

4. This leaves the guy there alone to solo his xp. But, he can't do that and maintain zero kill/death.

5. However, if there are players in this pug who are FOR W/E REASON ok with what he is doing then there is a group of players doing what they do best, playing the game, having fun AND NOT HURTING anyone or anything.

So... so far we have a guy who has figured out a way to give himself a fun challenge.

But... chances are, the way I just described is probably the slowest way to accomplish this challenge.

6. So.... he probably got to level 51 in hosted groups. Hmmmmm.... but hosts can boot.

7. He probably hosted the groups himself. Some people actually have friends.

8. If he wasn't the host, if the host didn't want "leeching", the host would have booted him.

9. Furthermore, if the host didn't boot him, but the other 3 players didn't like what was going on, they could leave. This would leave the host and the guy alone. At this point these 2 guys could continue to play until other players joined who also had no problem with what was going on.

No matter how you look at it, this guy is doing what he is doing and not hurting anyone or anything.

Nobody should have a problem with how this guy is playing his game. There are many ways to alter and fine tune "normal" gameplay. It should be encouraged as it makes the game more fun for those who do it, so therefore, it is making the game more popular.

Being nice and having fun involves, well.....

1. being nice and
2. having fun.

Let others be nice. Let others have fun.

12-15-2011, 01:02 PM
Since we're on the topic of pet peeves, one of my biggest pet peeves in real life is when you try to get off the elevator at the bottom floor, and people keep trying to get in before you can exit. I mean, how do you expect to get in when I'm trying to get out? When I wait for the elevator, I usually try to stand a bit away form the doors to make sure there is no one coming out before I get in, but I admit that I do space out sometimes and strat entering when there are people trying to get out. The difference is that I'll stop and move out of the way. It really drives me nuts when there are a couple people waiting to hop on, and they form a wall so I can't get out. If they part and leave room for me to exit, fine, but when they stare at me like I'm the one doing something wrong and don't budge it makes we wonder where common courtesy has gone in this world of ours. I work in an office building with several floors, and this seems to happen to me at least once a day. Please let me out of the elevator before you try to get in!!!

I don't mind bumping into people or knocking them down. Then i would just say, "oops, sorry".