View Full Version : Leveling spirit gear

06-25-2019, 03:03 AM
I think it's clear for everyone that it takes too long and most of the time isn't even worth to level up these gears, my suggestion is that you make spirit gear able to be leveled up in every map of arlor, nonetheless the experience earned in maps other than festerfang expansion would be lower as well as to increase the experience earned in the festerfang maps, for example:
festerfang >> regular mob +5xp, big mob +10xp, boss +25xp
Other maps >> regular mob +1xp, big mob +2xp, boss +10xp
The experience from other maps wouldn't be so much to make festerfang maps useless but it would be enough to make spirit gear be more used, even attractive to those who like farming and can't afford to expend an obscene ammount of gold on arcane gear.

Also it would be interesting if a full set bonus was added when you equip all 3 spirit gear (weapon, helm, armor) the bonus wouldn't be statwise related but more like skillwise related just like it was with glintstone set, this would make more people interested in buying armor/helm which until now have been useless due to their lack of stats in exchange for the stupid effort needed to level them to level 50.

Last but not least I think a little buff should be done to oconi/hero oconi/lunar ring so they would grant a higher spirit xp boost to make them really worth getting.

Hope you like these ideas and feel free to give your opinions/feedback about this thread.


06-27-2019, 01:24 AM
... Great idea!
And what about dailies quests for spirit weps?

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06-27-2019, 02:47 AM
Never considered dailies for spirit xp only since the dailies for fester fang would be enough if the mobs received the xp boost suggested above, nonetheless it would come in handy if the xp given by these quests is good enough :D


06-27-2019, 09:20 AM
It’s a horrible grind.The expansion will see new Spirit pieces that only level in new maps... o the agony!