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View Full Version : Skill books

12-15-2011, 12:03 PM
I made this suggestion on a thread (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?45527-Can-I-get-a-dev-to-answer-these-questions)about the disadvantages towing being an end level bear that became over shadowed by obvious frustration. I suggested the implementation of skill books

I've never played bears outside of twink pvp, but I have suggestions as far as skills go, that would pertain to all classes.

Instead of new skills that would be unlocked in end levels, perhaps skill books that drop that would add effects to skills. An example would be gaining a book that would add the throwing effect to slash for bears. To add more of a challenge toward obtaining skill books and more incentive toward farming, make the skill books crafted items. The pages would drop, ink (in case of mt fang perhaps vampire blood ink dropppets?, hard book covers and deciphering specs?

It wouldn't be unfair advantages since its be the equivalent of obtaining better gear to get the edge on pve/pvp.


12-15-2011, 12:50 PM
I kinda like the idea of being able to upgrade skills with say a pink drop book or something like that, one time use deal. Maybe make it untradeable to get folka to get out and work for it?

Im not sure about the pieces collection bit cause it reminds me of all those cursed items for Research back in Everquest that you had to collect for new books or spells.

Its prolly just me tho. Adding collection of items like crafting might be more feasible and desireable to sts.

Great idea, Red! (side nite, awesome art!)

12-15-2011, 02:07 PM
Maybe making the recipes only available for plat, but for an amount easily obtainable through tapjoy, instead of charging the insane (in the sense that it requires a $5 minimum purchase) 30 plat. That way STS could also benefit. And thanks for the side note :p

Oh, having the skill books as complete drops would be cool though, especially making them un-tradable for the reason you gave, as long as they'd be for your class, or make them stash able for future reasons.

12-15-2011, 02:56 PM
Great idea, where do i sign? Hehe