View Full Version : i want my 2 plat back

12-15-2011, 07:05 PM
So neither the purchase OR the update notes said anything about a time limit or number of runs.

TBH most games dont make you pay for holiday content... but id pay a cpl plat for content... but not for 5 mins.

Ok the same maps and creatures as last year, that means you put little effort into it this year. Just a excuse to charge us for work u did last year. I paid for this content last year.. and this time a 4 hr time limit... wth.. oh well.. still...fine.. i go to farme toy boss and boom.. 1 kill and the content is gone.

Look this really just makes you look greedy. This code already existed, you just changed the loot tables. You turn it back on, and then put a time limit AND a 'one and done' in ...ALL without even telling your users how its going to work this time?

Looki just came back to the game like a week ago. I brought 7 friends from work with me. If this is what i can expect from the dev team ill find another game for us.

12-15-2011, 07:10 PM
We are consolidating feedback here: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?45534-1.7.5-Content-Update-%2875561%29