View Full Version : Is this not a strategy?

12-16-2011, 04:51 PM
I didn't buff yet, and while the opponent was buffing, I used fire attack. This was what opponent did to me in the last fight so I thought I would try it. The other time I lost. this time I won. But after opponent called me noob and rushed me. So he was being hypocritical I guess... And I said it was a strategy.

So is this bad to do?

12-16-2011, 05:02 PM
it is not "cool" to do that but if he did it to u then hey wut says u cant do it back. am i right?

12-16-2011, 05:08 PM
If he did it to you, feel free to return the favor. It would otherwise be frowned upon because the 1v1 policy is generally to both buff before attacking each other.

12-16-2011, 05:23 PM
Swimming!! Tell everyone in legends that heazetaka is banned forever :(( and I cant return..they think I was scamming but I never scammed anyone plz tell zzohan and fastcast first plzz tyvm im rly sad tho..i spent like 100 bucks on this game and never got to do winter festival :(( plz tell em

12-16-2011, 05:26 PM

12-16-2011, 05:45 PM
yeah, he was being hypocritical, kinda.

But my rule is to ALWAYS have a fair fight when necessary. When its 1vs1, I buff and wait for oponnent to COMPLETELY buff before I start fighting. But thats just my philosophy (:

12-16-2011, 05:54 PM
@ Swim u did nothing wrong returning the fire blast ;)

@ Heazetaka that's a bummer man u will be missed. I'll let zzohan know.

12-16-2011, 06:04 PM
no bull crap its a 1v1 when they say "go" you go.. u don't wait for them to buff, Esta loco? , it would be smart if you say "go" after ur buffed up.... that's a very good stragety very smart thinking :)

12-16-2011, 07:36 PM
Some people late buff. :| The run around the map, wait for your buff to leave then kill you with buffs. It's also a strategy though.

12-16-2011, 09:21 PM
Some people late buff. :| The run around the map, wait for your buff to leave then kill you with buffs. It's also a strategy though.

I wouldnt even count that as a strategy.... If one would go to the extent of learning how to do that effectively, they obviously are desperate for wins. Whats the fun of winning a fight if you don't win it with skill?

12-17-2011, 12:12 AM
It's generally considered honorable and fair to allow the opponent to buff in full before attacking, not just after they say "go".

That said, the opponent you mentioned is a hypocrite so he/she got what they deserved.

12-17-2011, 10:25 PM
no bull crap its a 1v1 when they say "go" you go.. u don't wait for them to buff, Esta loco? , it would be smart if you say "go" after ur buffed up.... that's a very good stragety very smart thinking :)
Lmao xD im with this guy... wuts the point of saying "go" if ur just gunna wait for them to buff...
i usually say "call" then buff so when the person who says "go" i automatically kill him.

12-17-2011, 11:19 PM
it would be considered a rush, and it would be fair is he did to you, and you did back..

not a stratigy i would use, or continue doing... imo

12-18-2011, 12:07 AM
it would be considered a rush, and it would be fair is he did to you, and you did back..

not a stratigy i would use, or continue doing... imo
how would this be a rush if we both say go?

12-18-2011, 10:00 PM
Twinks threaten to rush me if I don't say go. So they just say go. And fight. They need to learn to PVP properly.

12-19-2011, 06:11 AM
I do that in lower lvl pvp where drain life cant kill me in 1 hit ;)

12-19-2011, 07:58 AM
If he did it to you, feel free to return the favor. It would otherwise be frowned upon because the 1v1 policy is generally to both buff before attacking each other.

the one reason i hate pvp. there is a reason we dont have "duel player" buttons when in town, pvp maps are designed to be chaotic and free for all oriented.
dont like me hiding behind a tree at the last second? why do you think the tree is THERE? Oh, you were not ready? then dont go around sitting in the middle of the map changing your gear. you were busy? dont take up space in a busy pvp map.

12-19-2011, 08:05 AM
*spawns on pile of enemies*


*spawns and kills all 3 since none of them are buffed anymore*


12-19-2011, 08:35 AM
*spawns on pile of enemies*


*spawns and kills all 3 since none of them are buffed anymore*


Then it turns into an FFA when the 3 respawn and get you unbuffed.

Then you return the favor again. Usually they rage quit at this point or rage boot. :P

12-19-2011, 03:53 PM
Rushing isn't rushing anymore, it's normal I guess. I hear there are rusher hunters. They hunt down and kill rushers. Yet they are rushing too. So I guess it's O.K. to rush now, everyone does it, there are no rules of PVP.

12-19-2011, 06:31 PM
the one reason i hate pvp. there is a reason we dont have "duel player" buttons when in town, pvp maps are designed to be chaotic and free for all oriented.
dont like me hiding behind a tree at the last second? why do you think the tree is THERE? Oh, you were not ready? then dont go around sitting in the middle of the map changing your gear. you were busy? dont take up space in a busy pvp map.

But what's the point in atacking a totally unprepared player?! You know you will win. Is this really fun?
It could maybe create a FFA, but most likely you will be simply booted/rushed back/teamed by the rushed one's team.

No truely skilled player I know rushed other people. They just don't need to do this to enjoy PvP.
Rushing is just a very cheap and dishonorable move IMO.

If you like FFA better (like I do), ask for it or host your own games. Don't rush.