View Full Version : Tavern deed bug??

07-13-2019, 08:09 PM
I just bought a tavern deed and opened it. It took me to my new tavern and I could place furnishings in it. However it wasn't recognizing this as my new house. There was no link on my hud to my new tavern and instead it wanted me to buy a tavern for 1 k plat. While I was in my tavern it also wanted me to buy it for same plat. I put my old house, a cottage in my stash so it wouldn't be confused but it still didn't recognize the tavern as my new house after I opened it. I turned it back into a deed so I could retrieve it since there was no link to it and I wanted to be be able to access it. Am I doing anything wrong on my end or is it a bug? Thanks for your help.

07-14-2019, 11:32 AM
I figured it out. I needed to lave for it to show up. Ty Thread closed

07-14-2019, 04:31 PM
The bug would be if it didn't automatically pack your old house, so that only the tavern was your home. That would be very strange and a bug. At least I don't think we can have more than one home, can we?

07-14-2019, 06:12 PM
The bug would be if it didn't automatically pack your old house, so that only the tavern was your home. That would be very strange and a bug. At least I don't think we can have more than one home, can we?

It did pack my other furnishings and turned my old house into a deed. We can only have 1 home at a time. My problem was I didn't leave after I opened it which is why I didn't see my house on the HUD. When I did leave my tavern it was there.