View Full Version : Fps drop on android

07-24-2019, 12:16 PM
Hello i have already read the post from allset about lagging. I'm experiencing similar lagging problem. after i read allset's thread again i dont think we are experiencing same type of lag. Im talking about performance requirements and he is talking about ping or server lag. But i still think that my fps drop is caused by new elixir UI
I think this is caused by your new elixir UI. I noticed it week before when there wasnt that red dot on potion button when i opened the new elixir UI there was noticable fps drop. Could you please better optimise your UI?
Thank you
PS. Im using Samsung galaxy S7 exynos version

07-25-2019, 06:34 AM
So i made some kind of investigation. I found some kind of fix. Its possible to change resolution on my phone. So i launched AL, kept it on background and changed resolution to WQHD in android settings. Again lauched AL and then i again changed resolution back to full HD. Red dot is gone and AL is smooth again.
Before fix:

After fix:


07-25-2019, 06:38 AM
If you want i can run lets say mauso before and after fix and youll see the diference in fps beetwen them.

07-25-2019, 06:42 AM
Right now im 100% sure that your watch video for elixir is causing my fps problems because that change resolution trick removed that Button for free elixir after watching video and my game went smooth afterwards.

07-25-2019, 08:08 AM
Please patch (log out and back in if already in game) and see if the behavior is any different.

I removed the red dot for now so we can see if the check for videos being available is actually what's causing the problem.
I would expect you to see the framerate drop while the elixir popup is open and videos are available, but not while it's closed if that is the case after patching.

07-25-2019, 09:07 AM
Right now (without Red dot) its alright. Only framedrop when popup is open. Thank you. Game is playable again without my little trick.

07-25-2019, 09:28 AM
Right now (without Red dot) its alright. Only framedrop when popup is open. Thank you. Game is playable again without my little trick.

Thanks - we'll get it adjusted so it can show without the framerate issues with the next app update.