View Full Version : Missing banner

07-28-2019, 07:54 AM
Hi AL community. It's been a minute. I quit playing arcane legends at the end of season 9. I had to quit due to lack of time as everyone else does and inevitably I've recently returned and back for good. I just couldn't stay away. So I log in only to find that I do not have the season 9 exterminator banner. I was within the top 25 CTF kills for mage on the leaderboard (I actually still have a screenshot in my cloud) but yet I don't have the banner. It was a real head scratcher at first. I thought maybe I deleted it? No way. I quit the game the day after the season ended and i didn't log back in a single time until about two weeks ago and I have concluded I was never awarded this banner. Has anyone else ever heard of this type of thing? I was told that season 9 is when the pvp leaderboard's were actually removed from the game. Did anyone receive this banner or for TDM? Just thought I would ask in case I missed something while away before I get at support. Thanks.

07-28-2019, 08:14 AM
I forgot to mention, after banging my head on the wall for 2 weeks asking around, nobody seemed to have any answers so i took a deep dive into the forums and this is what I found https://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?376085-Regarding-Season-9-Leaderboards&highlight=leader+board
This is why I say I was never awarded the banner.

07-29-2019, 07:27 AM
Devs have any input on this matter? What's my course of action here?. Is there something I missed while away or did I also fall through a crack?

07-29-2019, 12:08 PM
PM me the character name and I'll take a look.