View Full Version : Star Legends guide for keyboard controls

12-18-2011, 01:46 AM
Hi guys! It's me Chantel and I would like to give out a lil mini-guide for new players who play on Google Chrome! Okay so since this is for Star Legends I'll post it here! :)

Basically clicking the screen where you want to go and A,S,D,W keys are how you move. The Q and E keys are what you use to move the camera. I usually click and drag on the screen for this method. :)

Also, the numbers at the top, e.g. 1,2,3,4,5,6.... and so on are what I like to call the "skill" buttons. You use them to use skills.

The C key is to open up your player card.

The I key is to open up your inventory.

The M key is to open up the mini-map.

And lastly (this is the one I found out about yesterday) The R key is to switch your skills to the first four, then the second four! :)

NOTE: I will be updating this when I discover more options. Enjoy and happy holidays! :snowman:

12-23-2011, 05:00 PM
So has anyone figured out a way to put a hotkey for your pots?... was trying to work in an xpadder setup but then realized that i didn't have anything mapped for health or mana pots...

.:EDIT:. just saw it under the "how to play" thread... [ and ]

12-23-2011, 06:49 PM
Hotkeys for pots are [ for health and ] for mana.

12-24-2011, 04:21 AM
Here check it: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?45077-For-all-those-right-handed-people-using-chrome-u-might-find-this-useful
if yur keyboard has a numeric keypad on the right side i have some new controls for ya
7=camera rotation counter clockwise
9=camera rotation clockwise

also here's another thing that might put give us an advantage:
the + button(the one on the right, not the on on top) allows us to change target and boy i find that a lot faster than using my mouse to point the toon or enemy i wanna shoot at.
(WARNING: the controls that i showed above only works if u have a numeric keypad, im still testing laptops since some of them do not have a numeric pad)
basic controls:
S=down or back(w.e.)

C and I opens the menu thing
M gives u the minimap
. is the interaction command(open chest, quest blah blah blah(provided by duck (thanks!)))
[=red stim
]=blue stim
Enter= chat
Space bar= shoot
1,2,3,4 (the ones on top) are using skills
R= to change skill bar

Mouse controls:
Left click= point and click where u wanna go, target, open, shoot, and etc.
Right click= click and hold it to rotate your camera
The rolling thingy on the middle on the mouse: zoom in and zoom out

I think that's it if i miss something please let me know
P.S. i also have one of those plug in controller (the one that looks like a PS3 controller) somewhere i haven't used it in years but once i do find it i'm gonna test it to see if it's compatible or not.

12-26-2011, 03:40 PM
Thank you! I've been needing that "R" Key.

01-05-2012, 06:08 AM
Left and right on the arrow keys also switch targets, and you don't need to use the right mouse button to 'swipe' the camera around. The left button works just fine.

Also, escape closes out of most (if not all) of the menus, which is handy if you're going through your inventory and someone leads a mini boss over to you.