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View Full Version : Cinco urgent, regarding fast cap!

07-31-2019, 10:55 PM
Hello, I’d just like to say that I work fire and ems, and the cap came at a busy week for me working 24 hours on and off. I’ve spent many hours of my off day grinding hard to achieve fast cap. As well as others, and I’ve noticed many people have obtained it, with that being addressed, these said people have told me they’ve spent anywhere from 26-40 hours grinding. That’s cool and all for players without a job etc. but I can’t manage those hours and I’m so close atm to 110. I was just asking if you could please extend the fast cap deadline to Friday at 1:30 central rather than Thursday. I’d for sure have enough time to finish then and I’m sure I’m not the only one who is incredibly close to fast capping! Please consider it!

08-01-2019, 05:40 AM
Same. I'm very close as well.

08-01-2019, 06:06 AM
Cinco already stated it's fast cap within a week.

Additional Notes
+ The Warbird, Tinsel and Gleam will apply their effects in this campaign (other companions do not).
+ A 'Fast Cap' reward is available to players who reach Level 110 and complete "Admiral Aves" quest before 1:30pm Central on August 1st.

Shown above: "Crimson Tide" vanity outfit and "Lil'Thrax" companion.

for now if you want to cap now you almost must use plats or elixir lower xp gain i would say, grats to those who really work hard this fast cap, goodluck and congrats everyone who made it to L110!

water isnt wet
08-01-2019, 06:37 AM
Ain't nobody got time to cap, Saturdays are for the boys!


08-01-2019, 11:34 AM
I capped by Sunday and I also had to work the Friday sat and Sunday still managed. I’m not trying to sound rude or anything but fast cap is supposed to be exclusive and normally isn’t 7 days long. It’s already longer than previous fast caps there’s no need to extend any further.

P u r e
08-01-2019, 11:50 AM
I've been out of data on my device since the 24th. My plan renewed today and I literally have 2 hours to go from 105-110.
Seems impossible.....

08-01-2019, 11:57 AM
I've been out of data on my device since the 24th. My plan renewed today and I literally have 2 hours to go from 105-110.
Seems impossible.....

You can make it!!!

08-01-2019, 03:00 PM
Look we get it ducky, you don’t have a job and are still young and can spend 25+ hours of your life glued to your phone, but not everyone has that lonely luxury.

08-01-2019, 03:26 PM
Let’s face the facts

Most of the older generation players are adults now, including myself. I work 60 hours per week or more and do not have the time to grind this much, I did when I could and managed to get L108 before the fast cap was over, I feel we should have or have had a little more time due to the people who can’t be on the game 24/7 when a cap is released, not everyone has 30-40 hour a week jobs.

08-01-2019, 03:31 PM
Look we get it ducky, you don’t have a job and are still young and can spend 25+ hours of your life glued to your phone, but not everyone has that lonely luxury.

His first sentence literally talks about how he worked on Friday and Saturday, you good bro?

08-01-2019, 04:26 PM
I seen his play time, I was off and on, he’s just another stingy player that had the time to hit the cap and is satisfied with the profit he’s gaining from not having so many players hit fast cap. Only reason he disagreed with adding another day extension to it

08-01-2019, 04:41 PM
tbh It's not that big a deal game is fine no need to keep destroying it.


everything will be okay.

08-01-2019, 05:12 PM
Look we get it ducky, you don’t have a job and are still young and can spend 25+ hours of your life glued to your phone, but not everyone has that lonely luxury.

I do work if you didn’t read what I said, I worked every day that I was capping. Yes I still spent plenty of time playing the game to early cap but it also meant I was running on very minimal sleep. I’m sorry if you require tons of hours of sleep to function but for most of my life I’ve found I can perform perfectly fine on 4-5 hours of sleep a day. I might only work 30 hours a week but that’s on the weekend I’m still taking classes doing homework and doing other various things in my life. I’m typically busy 7/7 days of the week I’ve seen plenty of people play pocket legends AT THEIR JOB yet apparently it’s my fault for making the effort to fast cap. Truly sorry your so frustrated over the life I live....

08-01-2019, 05:19 PM
Fast cap deadline has passed so I’m closing this. Thanks!

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