View Full Version : Bug with loadout swapping

08-04-2019, 02:32 PM
If your loadouts carry two different weapons, for example loadout 1 = sword. loadout 2= aegis.
you spam attack using loadout 1 then hot swap to loadout 2 and continue spamming right after, the war will still have the attack stance/weapon proc and attack animations as the previous loadout.

in other words if you have a sword, start attacking stuff then mid fight hot swap to an aegis, the war will still attack things as if the aegis was a sword, and the first few procs of the aegis will still be that of the sword..

another bug with guild furniture, sitting in a chair and opening a guild vault that's placed anywhere behind the chair causes the player to face the vault/ turn in chair while still sitting.

another bug lol, the chatbox when fully open the last line of letters are partially out of the black box. ~ fixed via devices graphics settings.