View Full Version : Question On Vanity Armor for Lvl 41 Commando?

12-18-2011, 08:47 PM
Why is it so... bleh...ugly...not shiny?

Its just plain old armor with blue stripes.

The Op gear has beast Electric Waves on it!
The Engi gear has awesome starry look on it!

Then the Commando gear has... Old Looking , Blue stripes you can barely see?

Im still going to 41 but Im not in it for the armor because, its not worth it, Im going to prove myself in SL!

Please confirm this armor will not stay?
And Its a rough draft of something greater?

Leave Feedback and Sorry for the critisism.


12-18-2011, 10:03 PM
I agree, I would like at least for the design to look clear and not pixilated/blurry. The other two classes have a nice animated design, and I think the armor could be a bit nicer-looking.


However, my guess is that the future Commando shoulders and legs/arms are planned to be epic and bulky, with giant spikes/protruding areas. I assume that the 5-piece set is already designed, so I trust that they will make it worthwhile in the end. :)

12-18-2011, 10:45 PM
For those who haven't seen this ugliness up close, here is bodmasta with the new commando 41 vanity chest:
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3556/41vanity.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/41vanity.png/)

I was going to make a post about this because it made me very angry. When you look at the operative and engineer vanity chests, you can see defined lines, cuts, creases...you can tell each part from another. The engineer armor has the purple sky from the helmet on the sides, and looks fantastic. The operative armor goes well with the helmet.

But the commando armor? All I can say is, what did commandos do to you? This is HORRIBLE. It looks like you guys sent in a rough draft to whoever programs this stuff into the game and didn't notice. There is no definition at all...it's blurry and pixelated. This picture was taken from my macbook pro on chrome..it's supposed to have very high definition. EVERY other piece of gear I have seen has atleast been defined and edged. I'm sorry if this is harsh but this is not worth my money. Grinding to 41 for something that looks unfinished isn't fair in my eyes. Look at the commando vanity helmet. It's shiny. It has blue glowing eyes and accent lights. You can clearly tell when one part starts and another begins. Now look at the chest...there aren't even blue glowing lights on it...they're a pale faded blue...I'd rather wear that texor body suit from the training mission to be honest. It's not even even on both sides...it severely slants off to one side down at the waste line. And no it's not the angle I took the picture...I spun Bod around all angles observing this armor.

I understand the difference between liking a design and this too. Not everyone liked the commando helmet because it was a different and unique design. A lot of people didn't like the op helmet because they thought it was boring. But at least we can agree that they were well made and time was put in to them. But with this? The engineer armor looks awesome. The operative armor looks awesome. The commando armor looks like it was drawn with pencil and then rubbed on by someone's hand.

12-19-2011, 12:41 AM
For those who haven't seen this ugliness up close, here is bodmasta with the new commando 41 vanity chest:
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3556/41vanity.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/41vanity.png/)

I was going to make a post about this because it
made me very angry. When you look at the operative and engineer vanity chests, you can see
defined lines, cuts, creases...you can
tell each part from another. The engineer armor
has the purple sky from the helmet on the sides,
and looks fantastic. The operative armor goes well
with the helmet.

But the commando armor? All I can say is, what
did commandos do to you? This is HORRIBLE. It
looks like you guys sent in a rough draft to
whoever programs this stuff into the game and
didn't notice. There is no definition at all...it's
blurry and pixelated. This picture was taken from
my macbook pro on chrome..it's supposed to have
very high definition. EVERY other piece of gear I
have seen has atleast been defined and edged. I'm
sorry if this is harsh but this is not worth my
money. Grinding to 41 for something that looks
unfinished isn't fair in my eyes. Look at the
commando vanity helmet. It's shiny. It has blue
glowing eyes and accent lights. You can clearly tell
when one part starts and another begins. Now
look at the chest...there aren't even blue glowing
lights on it...they're a pale faded blue...I'd rather
wear that texor body suit from the training
mission to be honest. It's not even even on both
sides...it severely slants off to one side down at the
waste line. And no it's not the angle I took the
picture...I spun Bod around all angles observing
this armor.

I understand the difference between liking a design and this too. Not everyone liked the commando helmet because it was a different and unique design. A lot of people didn't like the op
helmet because they thought it was boring. But at
least we can agree that they were well made and
time was put in to them. But with this? The
engineer armor looks awesome. The operative
armor looks awesome. The commando armor
looks like it was drawn with pencil and then
rubbed on by someone's hand.

omg that is one UGLY piece of clothing. I may only be level 16 but i'm still disappointed with the new gear. I even told Bod earlier today that I was just gonna stick with the chromaweave set.

12-19-2011, 12:48 AM
Mmm looks plain indeed. At least it makes the com skinnier. :D

12-19-2011, 04:28 AM
I think this happens when the team are rushed/pestered by the masses' complaints to increase the level cap as soon as possible. Reminded me of the thread when the new level 30 armours were released, the engineer armour is not up to standard to the masses. Following some sort of a petition, the designers redesign and it turned out to be cooler and nicer. I do hope that this chestplate armour get some touch up. Just my 2 cents. Cheers~

Here is the thread I was referring to: http://www.spacetimestudios.com/showthread.php?36473-Check-out-some-of-the-new-armor-coming-soon-to-Star-Legends/page3

Screenshot by noneo in that thread on the comparison of new design vs old design:


A particular quote in that particular thread that is significant:

Just FYI, the team heard the responses to the Engineer and are making some changes to enhance that armor sets "wow" factor.

Hope we can make our voices heard. I am a commando too.

12-19-2011, 04:51 AM
omg that is one UGLY piece of clothing. I may only be level 16 but i'm still disappointed with the new gear. I even told Bod earlier today that I was just gonna stick with the chromaweave set.
chromaweave is for Operatives, sir :p

12-19-2011, 10:40 AM
i hope this is fixed. i neglect my com, but louchie comes out to play every once in a while, and if we put the effort in to grind to the cap, then our vanity reward shouldn't look blurred. it's one thing to not like the looks of something, but this chest vanity is just dull

12-19-2011, 11:42 AM
For those who haven't seen this ugliness up close, here is bodmasta with the new commando 41 vanity chest:
http://img256.imageshack.us/img256/3556/41vanity.png (http://imageshack.us/photo/my-images/256/41vanity.png/)

Commandos have 4 glowing boobies!

12-19-2011, 01:28 PM
You're all lucky that you didn't see this paired up with the Battleshell gear.

The amount of time put into this grind, load of all nighters and such for this! was very disappointing to be honest! Very easily the worst designed chest gear in the whole game on all class.

This does need to be looked at, as the Lvl 30 Engi was not released it was ealisy changed. Lucky for the preview before hand, so that we could comment and get the changes implemented. Now this has already been released and alot have capped for this, I'm hoping that STS will take a look and do something about it. With the amount of detail in the other chest pieces, and the Lvl 40 gear (No matter how buggy eyed) you can see alot of detail has still gone into the design, not blurry and pretty much pointless to have. I may even consider not bothering with the next cap as even if we do get a set bonus you will not catch me wearing that!

Guess I have my Op and Engi Vany to look forward too.

12-19-2011, 01:49 PM
We're taking a look at it, thanks for the report.

12-19-2011, 02:30 PM
YAY, thanks Flip !
I was about to comment +1 (something lengthy really, unlike that ;-)

12-19-2011, 02:40 PM
YAY, thanks Flip !
I was about to comment +1 (something lengthy really, unlike that ;-)

Hehe, I sent Flip Sam n JSL a PM, to see if they could take a look. Thanks Flip :D

12-19-2011, 04:00 PM
I spoke with the art team and there is a really good reason for this armor to remain the way it is. Each set of armor, taken as a whole, has an art "budget". This budget dictates that any one armor set can only have so much cool, flashy stuff going on at once. This is for performance reasons. The Commando vanity torso armor looks the way it does because the budget was mostly spent on another, very awesome piece in the set that is coming in the future. I can't show it to you yet, but it's pretty astounding. I was all for changing the torso piece until I saw what it allowed us to do with the set.

Take heart, Commandos. Your glory days will come!

12-19-2011, 04:08 PM
I spoke with the art team and there is a really good reason for this armor to remain the way it is. Each set of armor, taken as a whole, has an art "budget". This budget dictates that any one armor set can only have so much cool, flashy stuff going on at once. This is for performance reasons. The Commando vanity torso armor looks the way it does because the budget was mostly spent on another, very awesome piece in the set that is coming in the future. I can't show it to you yet, but it's pretty astounding. I was all for changing the torso piece until I saw what it allowed us to do with the set.

Take heart, Commandos. Your glory days will come!

Thanks for taking the time to query it with the art team Flip. Is there no possible hope for a little more definition? no special effects, just a little more defined, so it actually looks worth wearing? Too blurry at the moment, esp with Chrome being a lot more zoom focused.

12-19-2011, 04:09 PM
I <3 Ya Flip! Thanks for the comments!

12-19-2011, 04:31 PM
thanks for looking into it anyway Flip !
eagerly awaiting the next lvlcap ;-O

12-19-2011, 04:38 PM
I can see the predator's homing cannon back device coming out.. *peers into her crystal ball* LOL


12-19-2011, 04:46 PM
thanks for looking into it anyway Flip !
eagerly awaiting the next lvlcap ;-O

Hehe the cap just raised like a week ago?

12-19-2011, 08:55 PM
I gotta admit by just looking at it(while in game) it looks like it's photoshopped or something. If you look at the waist of the male commando from behind you'll see that in the left side is a bit shorter than the right side like the line is not straight/parallel to the floor. The female one looks anorexic i thought they are supposed to be buff seeing as they are supposed to be wearing heavy armors.

But in all honesty my main is an OP and i love yur guy's design! no complains just voicing my opinion

12-19-2011, 10:27 PM
An idea, how about a black silhouette? Showing the armors as they might be as a teaser. Im cappin 3 toons so yea, a teaser will help fuel my willingness to do this. Im a visual person, but I also have a good imagination. others do not think as I do, But teasers might help them out.

Maybe the commando armor piece does something else? And that's why its low rez. Yes ops and engi chest pieces are awesome but that's there focus. Maybe commandos have a better peace that has an importance. Like arms and back?

Just my 2 credits.

12-20-2011, 04:06 AM
I don't get it. Why is the 'art' budget so in-balanced? I understand that maybe other parts like the back or arm might be more awesome than the other 2 classes in the next update, but I do not want people to look at me and say, "wow, nice back, but you sure got an ugly chest."

And I don't think anyone would find this acceptable. I would say that the titan set is an 'acquired taste', where I know of people who totally hate it and some who totally loved it. But the blurry and uneven design of this chest would be considered to be ugly universally.

I think at the very least, make the lines more define, balance the design so that it is systemically even. Really hope that the developers would look into this. It would give us commandos a lot more motivation to go for the elite cap.

12-20-2011, 04:21 AM
Lol, limitations. One of the few things that SL trumps PL with (graphics) is gonna be what kills it later as well.

Why not just expand to making the game heavy duty? I was told that the size limitations were made to have a quick start-up. Doesn't seem to be any quicker than O&C which has way better graphics than PL/SL. I'm pretty sure players wouldn't mind a few seconds more of loading time for awesome graphics.

12-20-2011, 04:32 AM
Lol, limitations. One of the few things that SL trumps PL with (graphics) is gonna be what kills it later as well.

Why not just expand to making the game heavy duty? I was told that the size limitations were made to have a quick start-up. Doesn't seem to be any quicker than O&C which has way better graphics than PL/SL. I'm pretty sure players wouldn't mind a few seconds more of loading time for awesome graphics.

I would and so would many others i wanna play not sit through loading screens

12-20-2011, 04:34 AM
I would and so would many others i wanna play not sit through loading screens

So you'd choose this armor over 10 seconds of loading? Sweet.

Heck, they can fit campaigns through little patches. Surely they can do a slight variation on the armor changes.

12-20-2011, 06:43 AM
On a funny side, I am waiting for the next level cap vanity part for engineers and operatives to be super ugly since there is the budget in place. LOL.

12-20-2011, 06:54 AM
On a funny side, I am waiting for the next level cap vanity part for engineers and operatives to be super ugly since there is the budget in place. LOL.
But who cares about ugly arms or ugly legs?
Considering the new trend with armor seems to be skin tight anorexia gear, especially for the females, they're going to be so small you'll hardly notice.

12-20-2011, 07:06 AM
But who cares about ugly arms or ugly legs?
Considering the new trend with armor seems to be skin tight anorexia gear, especially for the females, they're going to be so small you'll hardly notice.

well, there is the back shoulder, isnt it? lol.

12-20-2011, 12:43 PM
Lol, limitations. One of the few things that SL trumps PL with (graphics) is gonna be what kills it later as well.

Why not just expand to making the game heavy duty? I was told that the size limitations were made to have a quick start-up. Doesn't seem to be any quicker than O&C which has way better graphics than PL/SL. I'm pretty sure players wouldn't mind a few seconds more of loading time for awesome graphics.

Because we have a not-insignificant number of users (and users who go on to purchase Platinum) that are playing on lower end devices. So, we do have some consideration for them. It's not really loading time, it's what happens when you have 25 avatars on screen and whether or not the game grinds to a halt because of what's being displayed.

12-20-2011, 01:09 PM
Because we have a not-insignificant number of users (and users who go on to purchase Platinum) that are playing on lower end devices. So, we do have some consideration for them. It's not really loading time, it's what happens when you have 25 avatars on screen and whether or not the game grinds to a halt because of what's being displayed.

Good luck!

12-20-2011, 01:57 PM
one of the downside of making a game compatible for a bunch of different devices(to 1st generation ipod touch to iphone 4s, first generation smartphones to the latest, using chrome with a windows xp to chrome windows 7 and Chrome with low end macs to chrome in high end macs). You can't(well not cant but very improbable) make everyone happy but you sure as hell can make everyone unhappy. This is gonna be a challenge for STS...just voicing out my opinion seeing as you can't please everyone more power to ya and good luck.

12-20-2011, 04:26 PM
Because we have a not-insignificant number of users (and users who go on to purchase Platinum) that are playing on lower end devices. So, we do have some consideration for them. It's not really loading time, it's what happens when you have 25 avatars on screen and whether or not the game grinds to a halt because of what's being displayed.

Well, keep it ugly for them. Just let the majority with proper devices enjoy their devices...

Every game out there adjusts themselves dynamically to the devices they're being run on, like I'm sure you do, too. Your argument just doesn't quite fly.

Besides, I think I've heard that song before...
You already sacrificed PL to that altar with the introduction of gcd in the name of reduced gfx lag for those with challenged devices. Please, don't do it again.

12-20-2011, 11:15 PM
To be honest, when I first saw the vanity npc in blackstar, I didn't even notice his vanity chest piece. I thought he was just wearing some low level gear. Was pumped to get to lvl 41 for the chest as the helm was....meh for me. But guess ill be taking my time this time around.

12-21-2011, 12:17 AM
Hmm... I still think the chest design should be improved. I mean, I could go around with a naked torso and it would look just as ornate/eleborate/epic. Not meaning to be a whiner, but we're not asking for a million moving parts here. Just colors/lines that we can see. :)

12-21-2011, 12:44 AM
Not meaning to be a whiner, but we're not asking for a million moving parts here. Just colors/lines that we can see. :)

A little more definition in the design and we are set :)

12-21-2011, 03:05 AM
Can anyone show me the vanity torso armor for engineers and operatives please I havent seen them yet. Thank you in advance.

12-21-2011, 03:53 AM

This is the only post I see all 3 classes with elite chest standing together. The other 2 classes, esp ops look better in-game, as they have the electric effect going on, which matches their helmet.

01-03-2012, 03:04 PM
But who cares about ugly arms or ugly legs?
Considering the new trend with armor seems to be skin tight anorexia gear, especially for the females, they're going to be so small you'll hardly notice.

i like the chest paired with titan set. not with battleshell.
well imma suck this one up. and wait till the next arbiter piece.


01-03-2012, 03:39 PM
But who cares about ugly arms or ugly legs?
Considering the new trend with armor seems to be skin tight anorexia gear, especially for the females, they're going to be so small you'll hardly notice.
i do. i think the legs look terrible for the new armor. i feel like i i have two chopsticks as legs. how do you tank with chopstick legs?

01-03-2012, 04:09 PM
i like the chest paired with titan set. not with battleshell.
well imma suck this one up. and wait till the next arbiter piece.

Think you are the only one that does buddy, like everyone and myself brought this up so a change in definition of the armor could be added. We've been shot down regardless of how much plat we buy constantly, which should cover adding a little more to the budget. We must just wait and see and hope it can take enough focus of the chest as possible, I will still be left feeling a sense of disappointment.

01-03-2012, 05:56 PM
All i want for next arbiter piece is boots :D i have 3 toons that i cap... so yea....BOOTS!!!!!!

**Daddy needs a new pair of shoes** lol :D

01-03-2012, 07:13 PM
Ppl OMG ITS A GAME on your phone I don't see why y'all are all complaint this game has done amazing thing but everything has its limit I personally love the chest but that's me but dont thro a fit everytime u don't like the way something looks....

01-04-2012, 01:39 AM
Ppl OMG ITS A GAME on your phone I don't see why y'all are all complaint this game has done amazing thing but everything has its limit I personally love the chest but that's me but dont thro a fit everytime u don't like the way something looks....
I don't think anyone is really throwing a fit, and I also think that to the best of their ability, STS changes around whatever is feasible to accommodate their loyal player base. yeah it's a game on ur phone for some, but for others, it's a game on ur tablet :-)

01-04-2012, 04:09 AM
I don't think anyone is really throwing a fit, and I also think that to the best of their ability, STS changes around whatever is feasible to accommodate their loyal player base. yeah it's a game on ur phone for some, but for others, it's a game on ur tablet :-)
I play on my computer. It's also a game on your computer.

01-04-2012, 12:28 PM
Ppl OMG ITS A GAME on your phone I don't see why y'all are all complaint this game has done amazing thing but everything has its limit I personally love the chest but that's me but dont thro a fit everytime u don't like the way something looks....

From the first few word your opinion become useless. We have debated this subject from head to toe and STS are not budging there final statement. So no matter what we say its a lost cause.

01-08-2012, 02:11 AM
Old school?More like too cool for school!:rugby::cupcake::cheerful::listening_headph one:listening_headphone

01-08-2012, 09:45 AM
Old school?More like too cool for school!:rugby::cupcake::cheerful::listening_headph one:listening_headphone

Too School for Cool :cool: