View Full Version : The True Christmas Story... :-)

12-19-2011, 12:22 AM
Everyone wants to get to heaven right? Well the only way to get in is to live a perfect life and by doing no wrong... This means we are all screwed right? I mean we have all done things wrong... Not one of us are perfect. God (the maker of everything) cant let any wrong go into heaven... Which means that none of us can go to heaven on our own. The only way God could let us into heaven would be if someone lived a perfect life and then died for our sins...

Well, God loved us so much that he came down to earth to be born as a human like us! He grew up like a regular man except for the fact that he never did anything wrong. When God told the people on earth that he was God some of the people became angry. They said that he was a liar. Many of these people were religious freaks who wanted complete controle of the church. The men ordered God to be killed. They hung him on a cross (roman torture) and killed Him in the most painful way they knew how.

The men who killed God thought that they had won the battle, but three days later God rose from the dead. He was completely healed! After He rose from the dead God flew up into heaven (an event witnessed by many of His followers). God died came down from heaven and died for YOU so that YOU can go to heaven...


You messed up.
God can't allow mess ups into heaven.
There was only one way that a sinner could go to heaven.
One man would have to live a perfect life and die without ever doing wrong.
God was born on the earth and lived that life.
Now you can go to heaven!

All you have to do to get to heaven now is pray to God and ask for forgiveness for all you have done wrong...

Heaven is a free gift! :-) There is only one question...
will you accept it?

12-19-2011, 12:23 AM
If you have any questions pm me! I'm sorry if it was too preachy, but it was something I thought needed to be shared! :-)

12-19-2011, 12:34 AM
Technically in biblical terms, Jesus died on the cross. (yes I know Jesus is God, but it sounds more right)

12-19-2011, 12:38 AM
Technically in biblical terms, Jesus died on the cross. (yes I know Jesus is God, but it sounds more right)

I was gonna write jesus but then I relized the whole trinity thing would get really confusing if you didn't know anything about the true Christmas story

12-19-2011, 12:43 AM
Btw I thought Christmas was to celebrate his birth

12-19-2011, 12:46 AM
Yeah it is, but he was born to die for us :) He cared enough to be born onto the earth and then die for our sins :-)