View Full Version : Batteries in Voleria have a problem

12-19-2011, 08:53 AM
Well there are two glitches to report in this post
And both are not a big deal but the are still glitches

First is if the person holding a battery dies the battery box is still open but u can still re get the battery

Do u see that I am opening the box while it is already open

And the second glitch is the warning that comes out when u get the battery saying that it needs good care
Comes out twice meaning when I press ok it comes out again so I press ok again then it goes away

12-19-2011, 01:36 PM

Thanks for reporting this. The idea behind the battery container is that once it's opened, it's available for acquiring a battery. After the player dies, they can reacquire a new one by clicking on it. Right now, the box stays open once it's been accessed, so the behavior you're seeing is how it's setup.

The second glitch you mentioned - is it possible to get a screen shot of the two messages you're seeing? If we're talking about the batteries on the first level of Voleria, there's actually two separate messages that come up from Dr. Rutherford. The second one gets displayed after clicking okay on the first. Hope this helps. Thanks!

12-20-2011, 04:04 AM
How are u supposed to get a screen shot for the second glitch

U would need a video.

So let me explain again the second glitch

When u get the battery. A warning is supposed to come out saying u need to take care of the battery
When I press ok it is supposed to go away but it reappears instead so I have to press ok again

12-21-2011, 02:24 PM
Hi Anishavie,

Thanks for the info. Is this occurring on level 01? If so, there are two barks that come up with the battery. The second one is displayed after you close the first one. Here is the description for both:

"BE CAREFUL! In your possession is a power source unlike any other -- One that binds to the carrier creating a link with their atomic composition! Carry it with care or leave it in the crate."

Once you click okay, another bark window will come up, but the contents are different. The message continues with:

"It will enhance the damage of those near you. However, it will become unstable as you take damage yourself eventually overloading and destroying you in the process!"

Are you seeing the same text message for both bark windows?

12-21-2011, 06:18 PM
I will double check the second glitch but

I'm sure of the first glitch that the batteries and explosives are open even after death

12-21-2011, 07:18 PM
Thanks for checking. The second one with the crates staying open is intended right now. Once they're open, they stay open even after death. Thanks for reporting this though!

12-21-2011, 10:57 PM
Oh ok

12-22-2011, 05:31 AM
lmao when I first saw Loraz's response to the thread, I was like; who is this Dev try-hard? (was just a 1 post, non-dev account)

BUT now that it actually IS a dev account...makes much more sense LOL

12-22-2011, 11:41 AM
lmao when I first saw Loraz's response to the thread, I was like; who is this Dev try-hard? (was just a 1 post, non-dev account)

BUT now that it actually IS a dev account...makes much more sense LOL

Haha, yeah I hear you :) Took a little bit to get the account setup as Developer.