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View Full Version : Possible aegis bug ?

08-09-2019, 10:10 PM
Near the end of aegis proc, the shield remains, but the aura disappears. Shouldn’t both aura and shield remain if proc is active...?
(While you’re at it, change aegis shield color pretty pleaseeeeeeee :3)

08-09-2019, 11:40 PM
Near the end of aegis proc, the shield remains, but the aura disappears. Shouldn’t both aura and shield remain if proc is active...?
(While you’re at it, change aegis shield color pretty pleaseeeeeeee :3)

Not a bug, aura is an indicatior to show aegis about to create a shield. Shield will create once damage is receive.
If aura time remain 0.5 seconds and you accidentally hit a war, his reflect shield will appear with usual time count. This was discussed before so not a bug.

08-10-2019, 03:01 AM
(While you’re at it, change aegis shield color pretty pleaseeeeeeee :3)

also need change aura because its impossible to see that aura while proc of arcane armor 71 active

08-10-2019, 11:06 AM
Not a bug, aura is an indicatior to show aegis about to create a shield. Shield will create once damage is receive.
If aura time remain 0.5 seconds and you accidentally hit a war, his reflect shield will appear with usual time count. This was discussed before so not a bug.

Oh ok ty, so what im getting is that if you hit a war with active proc, then the shield time is extended?

08-10-2019, 11:38 AM
Oh ok ty, so what im getting is that if you hit a war with active proc, then the shield time is extended?

not extended i think he means that if you hit war while aura is there then reflect shield will appear. so basically aura is a "don't hit me if you do you will activate my ability" warning lol

08-10-2019, 12:34 PM
Not a bug, aura is an indicatior to show aegis about to create a shield. Shield will create once damage is receive.
If aura time remain 0.5 seconds and you accidentally hit a war, his reflect shield will appear with usual time count. This was discussed before so not a bug.

not extended i think he means that if you hit war while aura is there then reflect shield will appear. so basically aura is a "don't hit me if you do you will activate my ability" warning lol

it must be just big red/blue zone (according to color of team where is that warrior) without those conditions like "if u hit warrior then shield appears and blablabla", and it should dissapear only when reflect really gone, who cares if warrior have or dont have shield, lols..

PS: why warrior still have reflect when he has shield but aura already gone? i think thats bug

08-10-2019, 03:14 PM
Not a bug. Visuals are working as intended as far as I'm aware.

08-10-2019, 06:55 PM
it must be just big red/blue zone (according to color of team where is that warrior) without those conditions like "if u hit warrior then shield appears and blablabla", and it should dissapear only when reflect really gone, who cares if warrior have or dont have shield, lols..

PS: why warrior still have reflect when he has shield but aura already gone? i think thats bug

Not a bug. It work like this, aura time count 0.5 seonds and you accidentally hit a war his shield will be 7 seconds while aura remain 0.5 seconds. So when aura disappear, time remain for shield is 6.5 seconds.
Basically that aura is a warning as @marzeg said.