View Full Version : Question about a comment made by Cinco

08-10-2019, 06:54 PM
First off, thank you so much for the new map; I am very thankful you allowed the ticket to be tradable.

Some of my guildies and friends told me Cinco made a comment about either creating a new craftable pet or buffing lil thrax in some way. Cinco, are there any details/updates you can provide for us about this?

Right now, lil thrax’s reroll% is great but it really needs to provide an armor buff imo; 4k warbird is clearly superior even though it “enrages” enemies (which I dont even notice tbh), and I the only time I use lil thrax is when boss is 1 hp so I get over 100% reroll. For such an exclusive pet, I would love it if lil thrax was noticeably better than tinsel/warbird.

Thank you again for creating such a great premium map that is well-balanced imo. Although I hate that I can’t actually farm a full mythic set since I dont buy plat to open crates, I understand this is probably good for the economy/life of the game.

08-10-2019, 10:10 PM
+1 thrax shud have at least 4k armor or something its not reslly useful for me except the loot.

08-14-2019, 03:33 AM
Cinco, do you have any details you can share about your plans for lil thrax

08-14-2019, 04:55 AM
That's for future, distant future XD