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View Full Version : huge PvP idea

12-20-2011, 12:09 PM
i was thinking of "advanced options" in pvp and how it would benefit everyone. People are always complaining about people rushing in PvP and how 'unfair' it is when higher level people join the game (Ex: A lvl 16 joining a game full of level 12's).
Only if there where a advanced options button that allows you to set the max level for your lobbies, set the max amount of people, set if its a FFA so people will know before they join, and so on.

Here is a poorly drawn out representation of what it would look like.
Picture 1: Shows a button at the top right before you make a game to allow Advanced Options. Once you click on it, it will allow you to pick what options you would like to add to your lobby you are hosting.
Picture 2: Shows a button you would press to see what advanced options the host has chosen for that lobby before you have joined it.

Please tell me what you think :D

12-27-2011, 03:11 AM
That's a great idea hope it actually becomes reality :)

01-07-2012, 11:08 AM
Very good idea. It would solve MANY issues.