View Full Version : Nuris is madness...

12-21-2011, 04:35 PM
I just got to nuris for the first time (yeah ik I'm super noob), but it's much to hard to have fun on... The zombies are kind of fun, but that is only because they are so slow... Once I get to the mages and archers I'm screwed... :-/ I really need help... Is there any way to kill them faster?

Using basic balefort sewers stuff btw

12-21-2011, 06:38 PM

12-21-2011, 06:47 PM
I definitely feel the same and as far as I can tell the best way to go through faster is with a good team (or someone who's potted). It's difficult though, finding a good PUG. My little bear will one day get to wear his Glyph armor, one day...:livid:

12-21-2011, 06:52 PM
Can you add me in game? I would really like to lvl with you :)

12-21-2011, 07:11 PM
awwww, just make sure u take out skeletons first, then mages, and lastly zombies. stay together as group and u should do fine. Bears gather, mages debuff, and combo away.

if u need help add kallima or callima, i will help when on. which is usually in evenings. good luck!

12-21-2011, 07:18 PM
Kind of like Kallima said, go for the skeletons and mages first, they somehow come up with a Gravestoned! combo that can one-hit almost anyone. This happens mostly on Haunted Symphony, but can happen elsewhere. On House of Pain, go for the orange mages first, that are pretty deadly in groups of two or three...they can also debuff/put a hurting on you pretty quick too.

12-21-2011, 08:10 PM
As previously mentioned, if you play in a non-potted group:

1. stay with your group
2. take out archers and mages first
3. hope you get a good bear that can gather and stun mobs

And lastly:

4. spam health pots FTW

12-21-2011, 10:08 PM
I am a bear xD

12-21-2011, 10:21 PM
Lol I'm level 55 with a fort set and I fail just as bad as you :D

12-21-2011, 10:35 PM
Lol cookies u mean cheese??? Lol u do stink on it

12-21-2011, 10:51 PM
Yeah cheese! Lol
The map is hard D:

12-21-2011, 11:15 PM
Ya nuris is a very tough dung I hate those one hit death things. Now that my Mage is lvl 66 I try to avoid that annoying nuri the only lvl I think I liked there is lions den.

12-21-2011, 11:59 PM
Still cant get past lvl 1 of nuris :-) someday ill get some good gear and be able to muscle my way thru... :-)

12-22-2011, 10:49 AM
you have to just run through it. don't shoot the monsters cause more will just keep coming and they will destroy you. you deff need mages to heal. just run to the next tower of light thing to activate then when its activated run to the next. just keep doing this.

12-22-2011, 12:49 PM
Keep in mind, you can get gravestoned from zombies alone if there are enough of them. I thought it had to be skeletons and zombies to make the combo but I've died a fair share of times from getting gravestoned from just zombies.

12-22-2011, 05:27 PM
He means Nuri 1 Haunted Symphony.

Go easy and draw small groups of enemies. You can also try to join a mostly completed game or a game with at least one other person or two. As the group kills, at some point, you can ask, "Clear?" or "I need clear" and see if anyone will stay to help. You just need one other person to stay.

You can also clear as much as possible with the group and/or find a mostly done map, then ask your guild for help clearing the level. If you find a level 66 (possibly lower), they can help you clear the entire campaign, though the madness level might take some time if it's just you and one other.