View Full Version : Voleria cut scenes

12-22-2011, 01:53 AM
I posted a bug about the v5 boss cut scenes not honouring the "disable camera effects" option like other similar things have done up to this point (also in PL). Respone is here:

As of now, this is actually a purposeful implementation of the game. If it's not something you prefer I suggest going over to our feedback forums and making a thread.

When you provide feedback on it be sure you are specific and give points. Why you think it's important for a feature to exist, etc.

What specific points? You mean like: I dont freaking want to watch them any more. They're both delays. I'm running there now mostly with an XP enhancer. Why are you "purposefully" wasting my time with something I've seen dozens of times already.

All the while there already is a check-box option that has been used to trigger these kind of "bells and whistles" on and off. How come it doesn't apply to this one? What's so special about these cut-scenes that we need to watch them?

12-22-2011, 02:06 AM
Agreed. Seeing it once is fine, but having to see it /every/ /single/ /frakking/ /time/ is annoying!

12-22-2011, 02:07 AM
Agreed i dont want to pay plat for an enhancer and have to stop grinding for a few seconds just for cutscenes

12-22-2011, 05:36 AM
Insert epic fail here

XD sorry

12-22-2011, 06:27 AM
Go in to options. Press disable camera effects (or something like that). Ta da it wont play any more.

You didn't read the OP, now did you? Because that's just it. I have disabled cam effects and the V5 boss intro and outro are still both played and they:
a) annoy me
b) waste my time
c) waste my enhancer

Is it only an android issue or what?

12-22-2011, 06:38 AM
Go in to options. Press disable camera effects (or something like that). Ta da it wont play any more.
lol at least make an attempt to read the original post...

It's like this for a few levels now. I don't see how there can be a disable option...but some videos are mandatory to watch. Sure the Voleria ones are the best looking thus far, but shoving them down our throats saying "LOOK! LOOK AT WHAT WE DID THIS TIME. L O O K!" isn't necessary

12-22-2011, 09:37 AM
Yes, it does it on v1, as well. Also on red sun 1, while it doesn't show the cut scene if you have them toggled off, it makes you stand in the doorway for the boss for a good 5-7 seconds. Quite annoying and a waste of my hard earned money/elixir.

Sent from my six shooter. BANG! BANG!

12-22-2011, 09:49 AM
It is not just an android issue. I'm on ChromeOS and this happens.

12-22-2011, 11:34 AM
Thanks for giving feedback on this. Right now, the way cutscenes work is that we try to take into account the disable option when possible. Sometimes, when there are multiplayer situations where this would break if disabled, we ignore the option's settings.

I'm going to look into making the opening cutscenes on Voleria ignore this. The End Boss intro cinematic is non skippable because the boss is locked in place, non attackable, and plays certain animations while the cutscene is occurring. Even if it was disabled for one character in a group, they would not be able to do anything with the boss until the full duration of the cutscene has ended, at which point he becomes attackable and the boss sequence starts. I hope this helps clarify why the boss intro plays even once you've seen it.

I'll share this feedback with the other designers as well. Thanks again. :)

12-22-2011, 08:18 PM
Thanks for giving feedback on this. Right now, the way cutscenes work is that we try to take into account the disable option when possible. Sometimes, when there are multiplayer situations where this would break if disabled, we ignore the option's settings.

I'm going to look into making the opening cutscenes on Voleria ignore this. The End Boss intro cinematic is non skippable because the boss is locked in place, non attackable, and plays certain animations while the cutscene is occurring. Even if it was disabled for one character in a group, they would not be able to do anything with the boss until the full duration of the cutscene has ended, at which point he becomes attackable and the boss sequence starts. I hope this helps clarify why the boss intro plays even once you've seen it.

I'll share this feedback with the other designers as well. Thanks again. :)

ahhh ok that makes sense for before the boss. It's the after boss issues that are the most annoying. Was the same way with the director bot.

12-22-2011, 08:48 PM
ahhh ok that makes sense for before the boss. It's the after boss issues that are the most annoying. Was the same way with the director bot.

I like the end boss cut scene. It makes for some pretty hilarious moments. Like when a gravity vortex is in the cameras view and you see the players flying all around it back and forth over the dead boss. I have seen a few people die because of this. And it is rather funny.

PL Playa
12-22-2011, 09:07 PM
Also with the director not I noticed that when I first battled, the first time we 'damaged' it the cutscene for killing it popped up

12-22-2011, 09:24 PM
Also with the director not I noticed that when I first battled, the first time we 'damaged' it the cutscene for killing it popped up
Me too! I was like "Already?" "... Ahhhhhh!":eek: