View Full Version : New Map Idea for the Future Campaigns!!!

12-22-2011, 02:41 AM
Alright so my creativity juices ran once again and I got an idea for the next campaigns. Since the map is getting cluttered I thought creating a second map would be like a blank canvas to start fresh. So here is my idea and please keep your flaming to a minimum. If you don't like it great if you do great it is just an idea that popped into my head.

The new map should be...... FNORD!!!!

Many of our newer players don't know about the tragedy of Fnord but see the Fnordians around town. For example one of my guildies is Killerz-Fnord. He is a geniune Fnord recognizable by the "-" in their name. Often regarded as hackers because of the "-", these players were the original inhabitants of the Fnord server back in the early days of PL.

So with Humania on the horizon this would be a great starter campaign in the Fnord map. To access it the first time there should be a map titled ???. In the level would be a long corridor and a large portal at the end. The portal would look worn and badly damaged. On one of the walls should be a story about Fnord and it's destruction. It would also tell how it's inhabitants made it to Alterra.

Upon completion of reading the wall the portal activates allowing you to enter into Fnord. Once through you find yourself in Humania Towne and begin a new journey to learn the history of this new realm. The perfect area would be the Shadow Towne. Since it really isn't a town the large opening would be perfect!!!

Now for your entertainment I will post my version of the events that led up to the devastation of Fnord.

Long ago, Alterra had a sister realm known as Fnord.

The realm of Fnord was built on trust and wisdom. The Fnordians were a gentle and kind hearted people. They had no need for weaponry since there was no war to be fought. One could say Fnord was a safe haven for all creatures. However, that would soon change.

An evil enchantress named Silknight appeared and began to call upon demons to attack Fnord and it's people. The citizens were helpless as they had no defense against her dark magic. The queen of Alterra pleaded with Silknight to end the attack.

It was too late. Silknight cast a very powerful and forbidden spell called "Oblivion" . The spell was made forbidden by the queen due to its devastating powers. The grounds began to tremble and the sky darkened. Townes were swallowed by the splitting grounds and some washed away by the raging seas.

Silknight opened a portal and entered it to the realm of Alterra. The Fnordians were in a panic and knew their time was growing shorter.

Some brave souls managed to escape into Alterra before their realm was destroyed. The portal which linked to two realms was badly damaged and was inoperable.

Having no way of returning home they had no other choice but to stay in Alterra for the time being. They roam among us but as new generations emerge their history fades. The Fnordians can be identified by the "-" in their name.

Now they have joined the Alterrans in the fight against Silknight and her minions. They don't want to see Alterra suffer the same fate as Fnord. Hopefully one day they find a way to revive their realm and return home.

So there you have it :). That's my story and i'm sticking to it!!! Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed it.

12-22-2011, 03:04 AM
I like it......

12-22-2011, 03:06 AM
Hey siejo! Haven't spoken in a while! I read through the whole thing and I loved it! There are no improvements to be made, 10/10! Superb and fabulous! Hope you make more of these stories!
Plus, I've subscribed!

12-22-2011, 04:28 AM
:) i like !

12-22-2011, 05:04 AM
Some great ideas here! Keep it up! :)

12-22-2011, 03:26 PM
My creativity is at it's best during the late hours, usually between the hours of 12am-3am. ^_^

06-22-2012, 06:43 PM
Lol, great story ^_^

06-22-2012, 07:20 PM
Thanks. I might have to continue the Fnord story sometime ;)

06-22-2012, 11:48 PM
I like the story :) They should definitely bring it back!

06-23-2012, 07:51 AM
Cool story bro , I mean it lol.
Keep it up :D