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04-16-2010, 04:12 AM
This is always a touchy subject, but some of you were wondering about where Pocket Legends is headed. From our perspective, the sky is the limit. We feel we've created the core of a really fun game and we are 100% committed to Pocket Legends and to the community.

Gary has posted about how we handle change (link) (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/entry.php?23-How-we-address-change-in-Pocket-Legends). We have a huge whiteboard list of short term goals, long term goals, and an extensive Sharepoint list detailing tasks, todos, and bugs so we know what we're working on on a day to day basis. Data changes we make will continually add new content, fix bugs, and exploits. Server code changes can fix bugs and exploits at a moment's notice. However, client code changes must thoughtfully be planned out. Our experience has been it takes roughly 2 weeks for the Apple submission process. We want to make sure we get the most code bang for buck, since we may not be able to update the client for a while.

While this is always subject to change at a moment's notice, here's a high-level roadmap of what we're focused on:

Short Term Goals

Build community
Stabilize service
Customer Service Tools
Understand Apple approval process for application updates and in-app purchases

Code Features (each of these will most likely require a client update to introduce)

More player customization
Secure Trade
World Map
Player Housing
Auction House
Achievements and Leaderboards
Randomized Dungeons

Eventually, I'd like to get a page on the website where major and minor features we're working are listed in more detail with status. But, for now, we inform the community of major changes with In Development updates, and the rest of the changes are told to the community after they have already happened (in patches).

We have a firm technology platform to be able to scale, react to the community, and expand the game well into the future.


04-16-2010, 04:20 AM
Pets?! I love you guys.

04-16-2010, 04:30 AM
what sort of time scale we looking at the recive these updates?

but im loving this game, ever thought about releasing a pc/mac client? (this game could be massive)

I'd buy a MAC just for this game

04-16-2010, 04:32 AM
Everything you mentioned is key in an MMO so if that all happens this game will be perfect :) people wont be logging onto WoW or any of those games anytime soon haha!

04-16-2010, 04:47 AM
What is this "WoW" you speak of? ;)

04-16-2010, 04:52 AM
no idea, sounds like a old game.. cant really remember

04-16-2010, 04:54 AM
I'm very excited to see these features in game :D

04-16-2010, 05:21 AM
Woah, far far more than I was expecting.
I'm hoping no one is expecting all the client updates in one releas lol. Each are massive within themselves.

I'll say it again, never seen such love from a dev team :D

04-16-2010, 05:58 AM
Seriously fellas? HOME RUN. I was so incredibly pleased to download this game and I've already sent $10 your way in terms of patches and respecs. I simply cannot wait to see this game grow and develop into something even greater, even deeper, even more appealing.

I cannot express enough how much I think this will change the landscape of iPhone gaming.

I'm not sure you had any idea how big this game would be.. but you have successfully created something unique, special, and for the moment, quite personal.

Thank you!

04-16-2010, 06:46 AM

Please excuse my bad english. I'll try and expose my point of view on the game, especially after reading this post.
All of these features are great and really exceed, in my opinion, what one can expect from a pocket MMO. As far as I'm concerned I have been disappointed at first by the lack of a trade system and of guilds. It seems like a basic trade system will be available soon, and the guilds are in the roadmap. The update rate is great, so I must bow before you guys and clap my hands in applause. Keep on the good work.
But... I can't help but think that your business model is a bit faulty, because I am afraid that you lost many potential players by not releasing these features since day 0. The first look at the game makes an impression of a lack of depth: no private chat, no guilds, no trade... Of course those like me who reached level 25 and keep faithful will enjoy each new feature, but many will not wait till the next update and, since the game is free, will uninstall after a few hours.
Anyway, we are a legion of very motivated people, wainting eagerly for each update. Consolidating the community (as you wrote in your roadmap) is essential because once the highest level is achieved, the things that will motivate players are, I think:
- meet friends on a regular basis (private chat, guilds)
- rise levels (please continue to increase the max level)
- drop random items (the classical color system is perfect), especially very (very) rare items, maybe on some bosses
I hope you will find some of my ideas useful and I just can't wait to log in tonight and maybe discover that something new happened in the realms of Pocket Legends.

04-16-2010, 06:58 AM
I have no idea what pets means, but everything else sounds delicious.

04-16-2010, 07:08 AM
I have no idea what pets means, but everything else sounds delicious.

Well judging by past experience, a pet system is when you own a pet (duh) and that pet shares your experience and levels up independently of yourself. It also has it's own skills which aid you in your fighting.

As for the comment before yours:

I disagree, I think PocketLegends was released at the right time. It needs work, but I'm so happy that I am a part of it before it gets big - and it will.
The fact that these features are not in yet will mean that the 'newbs' will come, stay for a day or two, get bored and leave. They don't understand the potential and therefore I have no interest in seeing them stay.

Looking forward to the future of Pocket Legends. :D

04-16-2010, 07:16 AM
I was just going to make a thread suggesting pets. Thanks for all the hard work guys.

04-16-2010, 07:19 AM
Seriously fellas? HOME RUN. I was so incredibly pleased to download this game and I've already sent $10 your way in terms of patches and respecs. I simply cannot wait to see this game grow and develop into something even greater, even deeper, even more appealing.

I cannot express enough how much I think this will change the landscape of iPhone gaming.

I'm not sure you had any idea how big this game would be.. but you have successfully created something unique, special, and for the moment, quite personal.

Thank you!

dito! i fully agree with that!

04-16-2010, 09:29 AM
So, I was expecting this game to be a nice little free app, that I could kinda go back and play every now and again, but WOW you guys have me hooked, and those are some HUGE goals to achieve!! I mean if done right, we could be talking about Spacetime Studios being the Blizzard of the idevices.

Can't wait, and if I can help in any way, please let me know

04-16-2010, 09:32 AM
Wow, you guys have avery ambitious list. I like this kind of thinking! The only problem with this list is that as these things get implemented I'm going to get more and more addicted to this game and my wife will get even more upset at me for playing it late into the night :)

04-16-2010, 11:08 AM
Oh, I know what you mean. Suddenly my battery drops to 10%, I switch the iPhone off and realize it is 4AM (!).
I agree with the comment above, stating that PL could become the WoW of the Apple portable devices (event if some other MMOs already exist). There might be a lot of money to earn, because while there is no monthly fee, I would not mind paying $2 from time to time in order to get regular content.

04-16-2010, 11:16 AM
Awesome list there, Just wondering though what does "World map" mean? Is that just some sort of map to replace the current transparent type map we can call up or is it a whole overhaul meaning the game will be changed so we walk around an actual open world then select quests/play dungeons from there instead of having the current Towne

If it is sort of just a better map we can call up to replace the current one how would that work exactly since you just select dungeons and there is no actual "World" as such to roam around.

04-16-2010, 11:18 AM
i was thinking about this earlier, if they turn the "towne" into a hub so players can access certain maps by going to a different areas of the "towne"

04-16-2010, 12:26 PM
This is all fabulous news.

I have been waiting for a while now for a development not only release a true MMO for mobile devices, but are actually interested in the players input. I think listening to the people paying for your content is a sure way to keep money in your pockets and your clients happy.

I greatly look forward to hours of your well crafted product, keep up the good work.

04-16-2010, 12:31 PM
If you implement 50% of that I would be willing to pay a monthly subscription $5 -$10 without in app purchases being needed but optional. I would pay for my GF's also since she really digs the game too. This is exactly what i have been waiting for and if you guys bring it.. you will have a HUGE community supporting you! Keep up the great work!

04-16-2010, 12:38 PM
I gotta say it again but, THANK YOU! If you continue to work like this then this is going to be the best iPhone game ever.

04-16-2010, 02:43 PM
Great list! I'm so excited about where this game is headed.

King Richie
04-16-2010, 05:01 PM
When i read this i got A warm fuzzy feeling cause u guys are trying so hard and your doing a fantastic job keep it up !!!

04-16-2010, 06:36 PM
I weeped for joy when I saw there would be a combination of both trading and an auction house. THANK YOU

04-16-2010, 08:44 PM
I am so Amazed that I am almost at a lost for words. but now I just realize that there is One HUGE idea that you guys are leaving out.

But another thing I would like to see is a regular world like in all the other mmorpg games you know where players do quests, explore and tons of other things etc...
Basically I would like to see a one huge land mass where players do quests, explore and tons of other things etc...

Also, Guilds, in this game right now would be rather useless, considering that there is no real end game content or Real Comradeship in this game thus far, so far ive played over 15 hours and made only 1 real friend whom i would play with again, the game is too random at this point to even think about having a guild function. ((((Reply by flamin) I do not agree with the part about the game is too random at this point to even think about having a guild function, but the rest I agree with, like there needs to be more real end game content and real comradship. and also I agree with almost everything below aka almost all of the the rest of the quote.)))

when Spacetime implements more stuff such as free roaming the world and having a giant server to host this giant world that they plan on making then maybe just maybe a guild function would be benificial. but for right now most games are randomized and you run into alot of different players without even speaking a word.

mind that this is my opinion and it really means nothing but i believe there are more important fundamentals that need to be worked out such as making gameplay non-linear and creating a free roam environment ala Ruinscape and or wow to truly make this a MMO RPG. A MMO needs quests as well as rewards for doing them, also a mmo needs diversity to suit many different gamers.

Basically what we want is a non-linear and literally impossible to beat with, literally neverending entertainment and fun and new things to do, and have the maximum level be like 200 and eventually 1000 or something, a ultimate place to roam do quests, explore, fight enemies, etc….. and a ton more too, and the game should be literally impossible to beat with not even getting close to being bored with the game after 5 years of playing. Now if you guys can add a quick simple one of these next month, then over the course of the next ten year finish it up and touch it up and make it perfect and absolutely awsome then... This game will be known... as the best mmorpg game that man has ever created. (maybe not best mmorph that man has ever created, but at least in the top ten (even including computer mmorpg games), but you know what I mean.)

04-17-2010, 07:51 AM
You know if they really are looking at adding guilds, then I think a good option to look at adding is a full screen chat. Example: When you click on the chat box to open chat, there is another option to make the entire screen chat, that way guildies could sit in game and chat if they want to, I mean that would help encourage more people to interact.

04-17-2010, 04:11 PM
This is always a touchy subject, but some of you were wondering about where Pocket Legends is headed. From our perspective, the sky is the limit. We feel we've created the core of a really fun game and we are 100% committed to Pocket Legends and to the community.

Gary has posted about how we handle change (link) (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/entry.php?23-How-we-address-change-in-Pocket-Legends). We have a huge whiteboard list of short term goals, long term goals, and an extensive Sharepoint list detailing tasks, todos, and bugs so we know what we're working on on a day to day basis. Data changes we make will continually add new content, fix bugs, and exploits. Server code changes can fix bugs and exploits at a moment's notice. However, client code changes must thoughtfully be planned out. Our experience has been it takes roughly 2 weeks for the Apple submission process. We want to make sure we get the most code bang for buck, since we may not be able to update the client for a while.

While this is always subject to change at a moment's notice, here's a high-level roadmap of what we're focused on:

Short Term Goals

Build community
Stabilize service
Customer Service Tools
Understand Apple approval process for application updates and in-app purchases

Code Features (each of these will most likely require a client update to introduce)

More player customization
Secure Trade
World Map
Player Housing
Auction House
Achievements and Leaderboards
Randomized Dungeons

Eventually, I'd like to get a page on the website where major and minor features we're working are listed in more detail with status. But, for now, we inform the community of major changes with In Development updates, and the rest of the changes are told to the community after they have already happened (in patches).

We have a firm technology platform to be able to scale, react to the community, and expand the game well into the future.


By world map do you mean a ultimate world with a huge land mass, where players do quests and explore and kill enemies etc.......

04-17-2010, 04:58 PM
I am so Amazed that I am almost at a lost for words. but now I just realize that there is One HUGE idea that you guys are leaving out.

But another thing I would like to see is a regular world like in all the other mmorpg games you know where players do quests, explore and tons of other things etc...
Basically I would like to see a one huge land mass where players do quests, explore and tons of other things etc...

Basically what we want is a non-linear and literally impossible to beat with, literally neverending entertainment and fun and new things to do, and have the maximum level be like 200 and eventually 1000 or something, a ultimate place to roam do quests, explore, fight enemies, etc….. and a ton more too, and the game should be literally impossible to beat with not even getting close to being bored with the game after 5 years of playing. Now if you guys can add a quick simple one of these next month, then over the course of the next ten year finish it up and touch it up and make it perfect and absolutely awsome then... This game will be known... as the best mmorpg game that man has ever created. (maybe not best mmorph that man has ever created, but at least in the top ten (even including computer mmorpg games), but you know what I mean.)

firstly, if we have one huge map, the lag would be horrible. The small map rooms are ideal, since they have a limited number of players. Keep in mind, this is an iphone, not a PC. And the devs are trying to make it as platform friendly as possible. A iPhone 2g probably wont have the ram to handle large maps.

Secondly, the best mmorpg ever created is by God, and its called Real Life. ;)

04-17-2010, 05:09 PM
firstly, if we have one huge map, the lag would be horrible. The small map rooms are ideal, since they have a limited number of players. Keep in mind, this is an iphone, not a PC. And the devs are trying to make it as platform friendly as possible. A iPhone 2g probably wont have the ram to handle large maps.

Secondly, the best mmorpg ever created is by God, and its called Real Life. ;)

Ya but ipod 3gs can hold it. and iphones 3gs, and ipads all work with it. so it would only limit a few people.

04-17-2010, 05:19 PM
Ya but ipod 3gs can hold it. and iphones 3gs, and ipads all work with it. so it would only limit a few people.

a few people...? I assure you, it is more then "a few people"

When developers make games, they usually try to make them as platform friendly as possible. Blizzard has huge success with this, nearly all their games can be played on PC with less then stellar specs. because of this, alot more people can play their games, and thus more sales.

Anyway, a huge shared world map is practical. If you want such a thing, go play on a PC. I dont have time to bother running from point A to point B. Not to mention it will be laggy and having too many players will also contribute to the lag.

04-17-2010, 07:23 PM
Fantastic you guys are putting your roadmap online! Gives us lots of stuff to look forward to, and it carries a clear promise of more depth (needed).

You guys are great, keep it up!

04-18-2010, 11:58 AM
Would be great if you could post a short/long term roadmap with timelines for submission to app store.

Good work so far!

04-19-2010, 12:25 PM
I too can't say enough about this game... I initially got it by the simple description. This game has exceeded my expectations and paved the way for hours of gameplay. Can't wait to log in and see the update being downloaded and checking to see what the changes are. Love the "in-app" armor and weapons.

More player customization
Secure Trade
World Map
Player Housing
Auction House

these are all that I can't wait for... will increase the games popularity tenfold. I already have convinced friends to try it out... it really helps that the start is free. Good Job!!

04-19-2010, 12:29 PM
firstly, if we have one huge map, the lag would be horrible. The small map rooms are ideal, since they have a limited number of players. Keep in mind, this is an iphone, not a PC. And the devs are trying to make it as platform friendly as possible. A iPhone 2g probably wont have the ram to handle large maps.

Secondly, the best mmorpg ever created is by God, and its called Real Life. ;)

i never played that mmorpg any good??

04-19-2010, 12:30 PM
Suggestions for this thread.
1) sticky
2) there should be a section informing what is confirmed for the next patch or server update.

04-19-2010, 12:33 PM
i never played that mmorpg any good??

Yeah, in fact it was some awesome they made a sequel.

04-19-2010, 12:46 PM
a few people...? I assure you, it is more then "a few people"

When developers make games, they usually try to make them as platform friendly as possible. Blizzard has huge success with this, nearly all their games can be played on PC with less then stellar specs. because of this, alot more people can play their games, and thus more sales.

Anyway, a huge shared world map is practical. If you want such a thing, go play on a PC. I dont have time to bother running from point A to point B. Not to mention it will be laggy and having too many players will also contribute to the lag.

I guess i aggree with you now.

04-19-2010, 03:43 PM
Excellent job so far on the game! Would love to see any or all the features implemented!

04-21-2010, 06:50 PM
Thank you devs! More features than I thought an Iphone was capable of! I have to say that we all should be thankful of the quick response time on updates. Count on my support of this game and keep bringing the new.

04-22-2010, 06:23 AM
Give us holiday events with all of this and i'll be in heaven =D

04-22-2010, 07:02 AM
Gah, I want this update so bad. Have you guys submitted it yet?

04-22-2010, 02:58 PM
When you guys say pets, do you mean companion type pets or ridable pets?

04-22-2010, 08:22 PM
Ridable pets would be mounts so I am going to assume it's companions.

04-23-2010, 10:06 AM
When i first downloaded this app i didnt expect much, i was blown away by the game tbh, its as addictive as any MMo ive played on a PC with a subscription fee, with your future plans for this game im blown away and excited by the possibilities, bravo, seriously keep doing what your doing and keep bringing us new content

04-23-2010, 08:03 PM
I started the game thinking it would occupy my boredom. Then I thought the game was actually fun. Thats when I found out I really wanted to level up. Shortly after I day dreamed that it might have a trading system, PvP, and a growing economy. Today I found out it wasn't a day dream. ;)

04-24-2010, 07:56 PM
More player customization,Quests,Secure Trade!!!,Pets!!!,PvP!!!!,Guilds World Map,Player Housing,Auction House,Achievements and Leaderboards
*drools on ipod*

04-25-2010, 04:34 PM
Originally Posted by Splurd

a few people...? I assure you, it is more then "a few people"

When developers make games, they usually try to make them as platform friendly as possible. Blizzard has huge success with this, nearly all their games can be played on PC with less then stellar specs. because of this, alot more people can play their games, and thus more sales.

Anyway, a huge shared world map is practical. If you want such a thing, go play on a PC. I dont have time to bother running from point A to point B. Not to mention it will be laggy and having too many players will also contribute to the lag.

Originally Posted by Flamin

I guess i aggree with you now.

I don't.

Create a channel system ala Maplestory where they have up to 20 channels that run so there is hardly an lag, most players go on channel 1 as that is where everyone wants to be, because channel 1 is channel 1, but there are 19 other channels for people who lag alot~!

I suggest implementing something like this. ^^

I got past that bump in the road. :D

04-25-2010, 05:03 PM
I'm glad to see the devs hav high goals for this game and the support from a good community to help reach thoose goals.

05-13-2010, 09:53 AM
cant wait for this *_*

05-13-2010, 10:59 AM
Spacetime studios devs = Awesome people.

05-13-2010, 06:45 PM
Devs you guys are awesome I can't even describe how much I love this game and your team especially you guys are constantly on top of the updates and I seriously doubt there is any better or faster team of devs than you guys. Hats off devs and congrats on the unbelievably wicked game you have made. Keep up the great work guys because it is much appreciated :)

Proud LEGENDS member:D

05-24-2010, 09:16 AM
Will it ever be possible to chat over headphones/mic instead of text?...

05-24-2010, 09:34 AM
Spacetime studios devs = Awesome people.

I have always praised the devs of Spacetime, they do a great job with the community and game, but lets be frank here. Since the community is quite small, they obviously will reply to our messages more often, and also since its the early stages they want our feedback. Im not saying this is a bad thing at all, im just hoping it stays like this and they dont forget the community when this game blows up (notice i say 'when' not 'if' :) )

05-24-2010, 10:39 AM
Keep up the excellent work Spacetime Studios!!!!

05-24-2010, 05:37 PM
You know if they really are looking at adding guilds, then I think a good option to look at adding is a full screen chat. Example: When you click on the chat box to open chat, there is another option to make the entire screen chat, that way guildies could sit in game and chat if they want to, I mean that would help encourage more people to interact.

This is a good point for when GUILDS come into being. The short-term community building would benefit from this good idea. Best thing about this iPhone MMO is teaming up etc!

Code Features (each of these will most likely require a client update to introduce)

*Player customization is good as the character changes reward some of the farming/grinding that's needed "that was worth it!"
* Quests to add RPG into the MMO !!! Definitely. Some dungeon crawling is great, but mix it up with a cause/find something addition to completing a level etc and meet some NPC's who tell a good tale.
* PvP is so ESSENTIAL that needs no discussing and could be the best thing about this game for maximum cooperation/competition.
* Guilds would be nice to help the community develop some characters and player stories.
* World Map of some sort: Meeting NPC's & doing quests as well as PvP zones?
* Pets - would prefer this to be exclusive to a Class or Race specific archetype. Is more interesting...

Amazed this little game gets so many updates and support that full PC MMO would take months and months to implement. Impressed!

05-24-2010, 05:57 PM
It's nice knowing what we have coming for us. It's what keeps me going.

05-24-2010, 10:23 PM
I would like to know what will cost platinum in the road map?

06-15-2010, 08:41 AM
If road map comes, players can PK (burning karma) random pvp, stuff like that...like a real mmorpg... The strong will prevail

06-15-2010, 09:12 AM
There will not be random nonconsensual pvp - most people don't want it, and honestly, most of those that do want it only want it to be able to kill the people that don't want it.

King Richie
06-15-2010, 09:46 AM
There will not be random nonconsensual pvp - most people don't want it, and honestly, most of those that do want it only want it to be able to kill the people that don't want it.


thats a tongue twister

06-15-2010, 02:12 PM
I havent played my PS3 in 2 months bravo Pocket Legends

06-16-2010, 12:04 AM
What is this "WoW" you speak of? ;)

WoW is the past.

Pocket Legends is the future!

06-16-2010, 02:31 PM
Pets would be so cool :) Now my Ursan/Bird/Elf will have its own little Pokemon :)

King Richie
06-16-2010, 02:59 PM
Screw pokemon i want a Big Dragon !

06-17-2010, 03:03 PM
Banks are seriously useful for sellers/farmers. Am surprise it has not been implemented before seeing as Stash is there

06-19-2010, 09:51 AM
Can anyone (possibly a dev) tell me the estimated release date of Oasis Part II?

06-19-2010, 10:13 AM
Can anyone (possibly a dev) tell me the estimated release date of Oasis Part II?

On facebook they said 1.3 should be out in 3 weeks, then Alien Oasis 2 shortly after :)

06-19-2010, 11:08 AM
On facebook they said 1.3 should be out in 3 weeks, then Alien Oasis 2 shortly after :)

so long :(

06-19-2010, 11:27 AM
Shortly after? :/

06-20-2010, 04:04 AM
No offense, but this game really sucks at the moment. There's still A LOT more to do. Once you hit level 40 there is absoloutely nothing to do. Hopefully endgame and everything else will be sorted out soon.

Until then I'll only be on for 1 min a day, 2 times a day to check for Alien Oasis II.

Obviously WoW annihilates this game like hell atm.

Just being honest.

06-20-2010, 04:10 AM
No offense, but this game really sucks at the moment. There's still A LOT more to do. Once you hit level 40 there is absoloutely nothing to do. Hopefully endgame and everything else will be sorted out soon.

Obviously WoW annihilates this game like hell atm.

Just being honest.

LOL that's good constructive criticism... I see you brough up some good points on how to fix what "sucks" right? rofl

I think you should look at any other game that has been out for a month on two and see what they had to offer at that point of development. Not to mention that none of them are for an ipod/ipad/iphone consoles, which has its limitations.
Now I agree with you that there need to be MAJOR improvements, but that's what they are trying to do. Simply bashing on the game is not helpful to anybody, state your opinion and a possible solution.

King Richie
06-20-2010, 04:29 AM
No offense, but this game really sucks at the moment. There's still A LOT more to do. Once you hit level 40 there is absoloutely nothing to do. Hopefully endgame and everything else will be sorted out soon.

Until then I'll only be on for 1 min a day, 2 times a day to check for Alien Oasis II.

Obviously WoW annihilates this game like hell atm.

Just being honest.

You do realise how much of a fool you have made yourself seem ???

Your comparing a MOBILE !!! MMo to a PC MMo which has been out for years like .... your stupid .. end of !

06-20-2010, 04:54 AM
don't forget that it has been in development since the early 90s

06-20-2010, 06:46 AM
...and this, mere months. I remember when Ragnarok Online was in its infant state. Then, it was nothing like the giant it has become... something you can't argue with, even if you don't like the game. I see great things in the future of PL -- If only you'd wait and see what comes, rather than dismiss it impatiently and foolishly.

Also remember -- Blizzard have a HUGE budget, which they had even before WoW.

06-20-2010, 08:49 AM
You do realise how much of a fool you have made yourself seem ???

Your comparing a MOBILE !!! MMo to a PC MMo which has been out for years like .... your stupid .. end of !

What a pointless post...

A load of people have been saying "pocket legends owns wow". I was simply replying to those posts...

WoW is the past.

Pocket Legends is the future!

LOL that's good constructive criticism... I see you brough up some good points on how to fix what "sucks" right? rofl

I think you should look at any other game that has been out for a month on two and see what they had to offer at that point of development. Not to mention that none of them are for an ipod/ipad/iphone consoles, which has its limitations.
Now I agree with you that there need to be MAJOR improvements, but that's what they are trying to do. Simply bashing on the game is not helpful to anybody, state your opinion and a possible solution.

There is no need for me to tell the devs what to fix. It's obvious, just implement basic mmo necessities. This game is more like CoD than an MMO atm tbh.

I'm not against the game, I really want it to do well, but atm its just awful.

06-20-2010, 09:02 AM
Also remember -- Blizzard have a HUGE budget, which they had even before WoW.

So does spacetime studios, I think they made star wars galaxies or something like that.

06-20-2010, 09:20 AM
Actually Jav we were at Sony Online Entertainment when we made SWG. PL is self-funded. I understand your frustration at not having anything to do past 40, and saw that you voted for 8 out of 10 items on the poll. What two or three are most important to you?

06-20-2010, 01:34 PM
No offense, but this game really sucks at the moment. There's still A LOT more to do. Once you hit level 40 there is absoloutely nothing to do. Hopefully endgame and everything else will be sorted out soon.

It is so awful and sucks that you spent the time to level 40 one or more characters already, eh? ;) Maybe you should describe what kind of activities did not suck prior to that? Or are you only addicted to leveling?

06-20-2010, 01:56 PM
No offense, but this game really sucks at the moment. There's still A LOT more to do. Once you hit level 40 there is absoloutely nothing to do. Hopefully endgame and everything else will be sorted out soon.

Until then I'll only be on for 1 min a day, 2 times a day to check for Alien Oasis II.

Obviously WoW annihilates this game like hell atm.

Just being honest.

I hope you realize that this game is being worked on AND funded by six guys. I also hope you realize that WoW is a PC MMO funded by a giant corporation that makes billions of dollars each year. Now, I want you to leave your chair and look at yourself in the mirror. Think about the stupidity of your statement, and try to put yourself in the situation their in. Six guys trying to please 600+ people.

Just think about it.

06-20-2010, 02:04 PM
Actually Jav we were at Sony Online Entertainment when we made SWG. PL is self-funded. I understand your frustration at not having anything to do past 40, and saw that you voted for 8 out of 10 items on the poll. What two or three are most important to you?

Oh ok.

Well they're ALL desperately needed, but if I had to pick the top 3, I would pick,

1. Guilds - This would be great and make it a lot easier to communicate with guild members, making the game more social and enjoyable. So if there is nothing to do in game, you can chat with your friends via guild chat.

The only times you actually communicate with players is in a dungeon which lasts about 5-10 mins, (most of which don't speak) after that you never really speak to them again. Or in town, but that's just players shouting to sell pinks. Therefore a lot more ideas need to be implemented into towns to make them a viable place to go.

If guilds are implemented, this would mean you could meet people who have the same in game interests as you, whether it be casual or hardcore gaming. This would also give you another reason to log on. The game's social community would increase by a huge amount making it a lot more popular.

2. Elite Dungeons - this would be something for guilds to do. Organised elite dungeon runs would be great and elite gear could also drop from these. However a much better loot system needs to be implemented.

This could maybe be a "lot system" where a player casts his lot on an item if he needs it or passes if he doesn't. Or a "master lot" system, where the leader could give the piece to a player depending on the dkp he has earned. Even a "Need or Greed" system similar to WoW's. These are basic loot options in any successful mmo.

Anyway, back to the topic! Elite dungeons are must, otherwise there is nothing to do once you hit 40 other than pvp or grinding. Pvp is more like Call of duty and there's no need for gold once you hit 40 and have the gear you need.

If a player gets all his gear through elite dungeons dropped off hard bosses, which require skill, this would mean a lot more than getting full pinks off some easy dungeon where most of the bosses are soloable and would give the player more of a reason to log on. Being able to examine other player's equipment also needs to be implemented.

3 - World map/towns are needed, more so the world map, which would make it easier for players to navigate their way through dungeons. The one in game atm is useless as it is just showing you what you can already see, but with lines lol.

Towns are also needed. However not without trade chat and only one zone for each town, as I have noticed there are many versions of Forest Haven. Having towns means more areas to explore and would make the game a lot larger.

At some point hopefully you will be able to run from dungeon to dungeon through a massive world map. This would totally change the game and make it a whole new generation of mmo, revolutionising the mmo industry. By making a huge world map, you would be able to solo and complete quests on your own or with friends by killing monsters in this whole new world. Every mmo needs it's own world for you to explore, whether it be WoW with Azeroth or FFXI with Vanadiel, every mmo has this. Even the dreaded runescape has this. That is why I sometimes compare this game to Call of Duty without guns, the procedure to join a game is exactly the same. Unlike normal MMO's, where you and your friends have to run through the world to your dungeon together.

Well that's enough bantering from me! I do understand there are limitations since this is a mobile MMO and that you are trying your hardest. So i commend you for that!

Other things which NEED to be implemented:

1. Crafting professions - Another thing for you to do, another method to make gold and another reason to interact with other players, who need your services. This would have been my number one choice if it were offered and the Auction House would be my 2nd since an AH without crafting professions is useless since all there will be to buy is pink gear...

2. A party system - Being able to invite friends or guild members to a party and running through the world map to an elite dungeon with your party. Basically, just being able to be in a party when not in a dungeon.

3. Mounts - if a world map is implemented, this is a must so that you can travel around faster.

4. Single player targeting - this is also a must, so that single heal spells, which require less mana can be cast. Also when you hold your finger on that player, a mini window could open, giving you the option to tell the player something, trade or add them to your friend or ignore list.

5. Examining player's gear - showing player's gear stats, so that you can advise them on better gear choices or just show off your gear lol :D.

6. Casting time spells - these should require a long cast time and cost a lot of mana. The spells could range from high potency healing spells to powerful destructive magic spells. Would be great to use for elite bosses!

7. Hp and mana increasing with level - I would say this is the game's major flaw, being 1 shotted by level 20 bosses at level 40 is stupid and the amount of hp you get from a few points of stamina isn't even worth while. If elite bosses are to be implemented, this is a MASSIVE must, or the game will fail. I cannot stress this enough.

8. Better customisation - I don't know whether you meant this in the poll, but you should be able to change your race's skin and hair color and even give your character a beard. I hate the fact that everyone looks the same, it makes me feel sick! :(. I feel the same as everyone else.

9. Armour appearance - I don't think warrior armour should look like robes on an elf etc. This isn't a must, but I think it should look the same as it does on a bear. So that people know you are wearing warrior armour.

10. Massive parties - parties which go up to 10 for the elite raids, this is must and would make game a hell of a lot funner and would make getting elite raid gears slightly harder and slightly less common.

One last thing: (I promise :p)

I think the resurrect spell should have quite a long casting time, otherwise you could just make full enchantress parties and spam rez, making your party indestructible.

There's a lot more, but those are the main ones,

Sorry it's a little bit long and I'm sorry if i've come across rude. I just really want this game to do well and won't give up on it if the devs are willing to implement these basic things :)

Thanks for reading if you're still awake at this point ^^

06-20-2010, 02:09 PM
Oh ok.

Well they're ALL desperately needed, but if I had to pick the top 3, I would pick,

1. Guilds - This would be great and make it a lot easier to communicate with guild members, making the game more social and enjoyable. So if there is nothing to do in game, you can chat with your friends via guild chat.

The only times you actually communicate with players is in a dungeon which lasts about 5-10 mins, (most of which don't speak) after that you never really speak to them again. Or in town, but that's just players shouting to sell pinks. Therefore a lot more ideas need to be implemented into towns to make them a viable place to go.

If guilds are implemented, this would mean you could meet people who have the same in game interests as you, whether it be casual or hardcore gaming. This would also give you another reason to log on. The game's social community would increase by a huge amount making it a lot more popular.

2. Elite Dungeons - this would be something for guilds to do. Organised elite dungeon runs would be great and elite gear could also drop from these. However a much better loot system needs to be implemented.

This could maybe be a "lot system" where a player casts his lot on an item if he needs it or passes if he doesn't. Or a "master lot" system, where the leader could give the piece to a player depending on the dkp he has earned. Even a "Need or Greed" system similar to WoW's. These are basic loot options in any successful mmo.

Anyway, back to the topic! Elite dungeons are must, otherwise there is nothing to do once you hit 40 other than pvp or grinding. Pvp is more like Call if duty and there's no need for gold once you hit 40 and have the gear you need.

If a player gets all his gear through elite dungeons dropped off hard bosses, which require skill, this would mean a lot more than getting full pinks off some easy dungeon where most of the bosses are soloable and would give the player more of a reason to log on. Being able to examine other player's equipment also needs to be implemented.

3 - World map/towns are needed, more so the world map, which would make it easier for players to navigate their way through dungeons. The one in game atm is useless as it is just showing you what you can already see, but with lines lol.

Towns are also needed. However not without trade chat and only one zone for each town, as I have noticed there are many versions of Forest Haven. Having towns means more areas to explore and would make the game a lot larger.

At some point hopefully you will be able to run from dungeon to dungeon through a massive world map. This would totally change the game and make it a whole new generation of mmo, revolutionising the mmo industry. By making a huge world map, you would be able to solo and complete quests on your own or with friends by killing monsters in this whole new world. Every mmo needs it's own world for you to explore, whether it be WoW with Azeroth or FFXI with Vanadiel, every mmo has this. Even the dreaded runescape has this. That is why I sometimes compare this game to Call of Duty without guns, the procedure to join a game is exactly the same. Unlike normal MMO's, where you and your friends have to run through the world to your dungeon together.

Well that's enough bantering from me! I do understand there are limitations since this is a mobile MMO and that you are trying your hardest. So i commend you for that!

Other things which NEED to be implemented:

1. Crafting professions - Another thing for you to do, make gold with and another reason to interact with other players, who need your services. This would have been my number one choice if it were offered and the Auction House would be my 2nd since an AH without crafting professions is useless since all there will be to buy is pink gear...

2. A party system - Being able to invite friends or guild members to a party and running through the world map to an elite dungeon with your party. Basically, just being able to be in a party when not in a dungeon.

3. Mounts - if a world map is implemented, this is a must so that you can travel around faster.

4. Single player targeting - this is also a must, so that single heal spells, which require less mana can be cast. Also when you hold your finger on that player, a mini window could open, giving you the option to tell the player something, trade or add them to your friend or ignore list.

5. Examining player's gear - showing player's gear stats, so that you can advise them on better gear choices or just show off your gear lol :D.

6. Casting time spells - these should require a long cast time and cost a lot of mana. The spells could range from high potency healing spells to powerful destructive magic spells. Would be great to use for elite bosses!

7. Hp and mana increasing with level - I would say this is the game's major flaw, being 1 shotted by level 20 bosses at level 40 is stupid and the amount of hp you get from a few points of stamina isn't even worth while. If elite bosses are to be implemented, this is a MASSIVE must, or the game will fail. I cannot stress this enough.

8. Better customisation - I don't know whether you meant this in the poll, but you should be able to change your race's skin and hair color and even give your character a beard. I hate the fact that everyone looks the same, it makes me feel sick! :(. I feel the same as everyone else.

9. Armour appearance - I don't think warrior armour should look like robes on an elf etc. This isn't a must, but I think it should look the same as it does on a bear. So that people know you are wearing warrior armour.

10. Massive parties - parties which go up to 10 for the elite raids, this is must and would make game a hell of a lot funner and would make getting elite raid gears slightly harder and slightly less common.

One last thing: (I promise :p)

I think the resurrect spell should have quite a long casting time, otherwise you could just make full enchantress parties and spam rez, making your party indestructible.

There's a lot more, but those are the main ones,

Sorry it's a little bit long!

Thanks for reading if you're still awake at this point ^^

You should have posted this instead of turning into the Human Torch.

Too late now though.

06-20-2010, 02:12 PM
No offense, but this game really sucks at the moment. There's still A LOT more to do. Once you hit level 40 there is absoloutely nothing to do. Hopefully endgame and everything else will be sorted out soon.

Until then I'll only be on for 1 min a day, 2 times a day to check for Alien Oasis II.

Obviously WoW annihilates this game like hell atm.

Just being honest.

Loltroll is lol.

EDIT: My bad, smart loltroll is smart.

06-20-2010, 02:19 PM
You should have posted this instead of turning into the Human Torch.

Too late now though.

Lol. :)

06-20-2010, 02:27 PM
I hope you realize that this game is being worked on AND funded by six guys. I also hope you realize that WoW is a PC MMO funded by a giant corporation that makes billions of dollars each year. Now, I want you to leave your chair and look at yourself in the mirror. Think about the stupidity of your statement, and try to put yourself in the situation their in. Six guys trying to please 600+ people.

Just think about it.

With the above changes I mentioned, I guarantee the number of players will increase from 600+ to 600k+.

06-20-2010, 02:36 PM
With the above changes I mentioned, I guarantee the number of players will increase from 600+ to 600k+.

We already knew that. Everything you posted, and I mean EVERYTHING, has already been discussed.

Oh, and by the way, all that stuff is gonna take time. Remember, its SIX guys. So I don't wanna hear anymore flaming from you. If you have an idea, post it. Don't start bashing the devs first and then post suggestions.

06-20-2010, 02:38 PM
We already knew that. Everything you posted, and I mean EVERYTHING, has already been discussed.

This is true. ;) Go check out the suggestions forum, and read back a couple pages. You'll find all of that.

06-20-2010, 02:42 PM
Crafting would be cool but we shouldn't have crafting this early in the game we need to wait till like after summer and see how the game plays out without abunch of fancy Runescape stuff.

06-20-2010, 02:44 PM
The last time I read the suggestion forum was 2 weeks ago and I didn't see any of those, but I guess it's all been condensed and explained well in one post.

06-20-2010, 02:49 PM
The last time I read the suggestion forum was 2 weeks ago and I didn't see any of those, but I guess it's all been condensed and explained well in one post.

Those have even been posted SEVERAL times in condensed and explained forms. Long before "2 weeks ago". You might wanna look a little harder next time.

06-20-2010, 02:51 PM
Crafting would be cool but we shouldn't have crafting this early in the game we need to wait till like after summer and see how the game plays out without abunch of fancy Runescape stuff.

Crafting has been in every mmo i've played since day one. Not just runescape (god I can't believe I used to play that game lol).

We don't want to watch the game "play out". We need to get everything implemented as soon as possible so that it turns into one of the greatest mmo's of all time. Otherwise its just going to be some boring below average mmo, which we don't want :(.

I know a lot of players in my old mmo's who only played for the crafting aspect of the game. So this is definitely needed.

06-20-2010, 02:53 PM
Crafting has been in every mmo i've played since day one. Not just runescape (god I can't believe I used to play that game lol).

We don't want to watch the game "play out". We need to get everything implemented as soon as possible so that it turns into one of the greatest mmo's of all time. Otherwise its just going to be some boring below average mmo, which we don't want :(.

I know a lot of players in my old mmo's who only played for the crafting aspect of the game. So this is definitely needed.

And their trying to implement it as soon as possible. Can't you get it through your thick skull that is six damn guys trying to please 600+ people?

06-20-2010, 02:54 PM
Yeah this all has been discussed I'm sure when the game first came out I even posted some of this stuff a month ago and people told me it had already been discussed.

06-20-2010, 02:56 PM
Those have even been posted SEVERAL times in condensed and explained forms. Long before "2 weeks ago". You might wanna look a little harder next time.

Anyway, I was just answering justg's question, just elaborating a bit extra. So please calm down.

06-20-2010, 02:58 PM
Anyway, I was just answering justg's question, just elaborating a bit extra. So please calm down.

Then stop trying to rush them. Saying that we need it as fast as possible or it'll become a below average MMO isn't answering his question.

06-20-2010, 03:02 PM
Yeah the game is very good right now and its still in the beginning stages of an MMO and they are already working on stuff I'm sure like all the stuff for 1.3 and probably stuff we mentioned so give them a break they deserve it they already try and cater to our every need.

06-20-2010, 03:02 PM
Then stop trying to rush them. Saying that we need it as fast as possible or it'll become a below average MMO isn't answering his question.

That was directed at cascade...

I don't think many people including you are going to stick around for years if nothing much is changing.

I'm sure they're working as fast as possible. As I previously said, I appreciate this is a mobile MMO and I commend them for all the hard work. However I just want the best for this game.

06-20-2010, 03:05 PM
You know what you talk a lot of freaking smack let them do what they want to do stuff IS changing in case your blind we don't need new stuff every 2 weeks! Man that felt good flaming.

06-20-2010, 03:08 PM
That was directed at cascade...

I don't think many people including you are going to stick around for years if nothing much is changing.

I'm sure they're working as fast as possible. As I previously said, I appreciate this is a mobile MMO and I commend them for all the hard work. However I just want the best for this game.

Yeah, directed at Cascade, but your talking about the devs. And if you really did appreciate the game, you wouldn't have posted that "the game really sucks" and that "WoW annihilates this game like hell".

You can commend them by having a better choice of wording next time.

06-20-2010, 03:09 PM
You know what you talk a lot of freaking smack let them do what they want to do stuff IS changing in case your blind we don't need new stuff every 2 weeks! Man that felt good flaming.

I'm proud of you man. *Single tear falls down my cheek*

06-20-2010, 03:12 PM
Proud of you too man! *crys and pats back* we owned him. LOL

06-20-2010, 03:12 PM
Wow I just typed out something pretty rude, but I thought i wouldn't waste my time. At least I'm helping out the community instead of being a child and insulting people who are just trying to help.

06-20-2010, 03:16 PM
We realize that you are trying to help but your trying to help too much and your trying to rush the devs to much we are not going any where they can take their time to do stuff we don't need 1.3 till a couple of weeks. And if I hurt your feelings then I'm sorry.

06-20-2010, 03:17 PM
Wow I just typed out something pretty rude, but I thought i wouldn't waste my time. At least I'm helping out the community instead of being a child and insulting people who are just trying to help.

No one insulted you. And everyone that responded to your post was against you. So, take a look again, are you really trying to help? Is saying the game sucks really helpful? Maybe in your mind it is, but the rest of us don't think so.

06-20-2010, 03:20 PM
No one insulted you. And everyone that responded to your post was against you. So, take a look again, are you really trying to help? Is saying the game sucks really helpful?

Uhh, yes I am, otherwise I wouldn't have spent 45 mins typing that post on my iPad.

So basically you're saying if all those things are implemented, the game will be worse off?

06-20-2010, 03:22 PM
No he's saying that you said that the game sucks and THAT does not help.

06-20-2010, 03:25 PM
Uhh, yes I am, otherwise I wouldn't have spent 45 mins typing that post on my iPad.

So basically you're saying if all those things are implemented, the game will be worse off?

Did you completely forget about your post saying the game sucked? God, trolls these days. >_>

06-20-2010, 03:26 PM
No he's saying that you said that the game sucks and THAT does not help.

Ok, well I guess we have different views, but I believe it does help and that long post was directed at the dev.

I appreciate your comments though.

06-20-2010, 03:32 PM
Ok, well I guess we have different views, but I believe it does help and that long post was directed at the dev.

I appreciate your comments though.

Whoa, wait. You believe that saying the game sucks is HELPFUL? Please tell me I'm understanding your post incorrectly.

06-20-2010, 04:27 PM
Whoa, wait. You believe that saying the game sucks is HELPFUL? Please tell me I'm understanding your post incorrectly.

Not that post. Anyway this is pointless, end of convo...

06-20-2010, 04:50 PM
Not that post. Anyway this is pointless, end of convo...

Yay finally. Sick of Javillionaire whining about how crap this game is in his opinion, and sick of people whining about Javillionaire. Dumb. Pointless. Arguement.

06-21-2010, 05:41 PM
This is the best game on Iphone for sure! I used to play a game called Shadowbane and ever since my guild quit and then that game died off. I have been at a loss for a MMO that I would really enjoy. I even played WoW for awhile but I just didnt really get into that game. This has been my fix for MMO's. Thanks and keep up the good work!

12-13-2010, 07:13 PM
They should really update the "In development" section. Its only 2 pages of threads and half of them are ages old.

12-13-2010, 08:48 PM
Pets sound awesome!

12-13-2010, 08:51 PM
aaahhhhh how old is this?

12-13-2010, 08:53 PM
It's super old, dredged back up from the depths by mystic =p

12-13-2010, 08:58 PM
Quit Bumping Old Threads. They are DEAD... Leave them be. But on the contrary, Bump....

12-13-2010, 10:06 PM
what sort of time scale we looking at the recive these updates?

but im loving this game, ever thought about releasing a pc/mac client? (this game could be massive)

I'd buy a MAC just for this game

Agree with this 100% would LOVE this!!

12-14-2010, 03:02 AM
U r really doing great work hehe luv ya for that ruining my life xzd

12-14-2010, 08:59 AM
Excellent work in progress DEVs! Very exciting for the game and whole community as these things get implemented. Thank you for keeping us posted as well. I do have a few suggestions to keep in mind for the future as well:

1) Implement some form of crafting/jobs for characters. Many absolutley love this feature of most MMOs.

2) Implement tiering of weapons/armor. This could potnetially add another detailed layer to characters and something to strive for at max level.

Thanks for listening as always!

12-14-2010, 03:46 PM
wow mystical.. what made you dig this up? lol

12-16-2010, 03:32 PM
all mmorpgs have got PETS. theyre so cool! thx guys a lot.

12-20-2010, 12:17 AM
Can't wait for the next updates!
Thank you for all of your hard work to everyone at Spacetime Studios!
Thanks to updates like those, you have kept this a fun game, and it will never get old.
Keep up all the hard work; We all apreciate it!

01-28-2011, 08:35 PM
Can't wait for these updates

01-28-2011, 09:52 PM
Pets u guys rock?!,

01-28-2011, 09:54 PM
Code Features (each of these will most likely require a client update to introduce)
More player customization
Secure Trade
World Map
Player Housing
Auction House
Achievements and Leaderboards
Randomized Dungeons

i see a pattern. O.o

01-29-2011, 09:26 AM
what? are in PL achievements???

01-31-2011, 05:02 PM
I would absoloutely love having a house to chill in and possibly invite friends over! I would pay possibly even over 40 platinum to buy an in-game house. If you could also add a mailbox and maybe a resting area to retire to after runs. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE ADD EVERYTHING YOU LISTED! IF YOU DO THAT THEN THIS GAME WOULD BE P E R F E C T.

01-31-2011, 05:09 PM
I love the thoughts of having pets, my bird could use a bird.....

02-01-2011, 01:53 AM
What's about a new characeter class? like a "real" healer.
Also a great idea is to add skilltrees
e.g. a warrior can be skilled as a tank or as a DD or a dual weapon fighter...
enchantress can be skilled as a healer or as a mage (DD)
and so on...


02-02-2011, 03:06 PM
Pets :D so cool just one more thing before Its like WoW... MOUNTS :) that could be so cool

02-02-2011, 03:07 PM
Digging up old threadsdream? Stop DUOTFDOPLKD

02-02-2011, 04:04 PM
lol this is sooo old, just makes you wonder whats still on their roadmap for this game.

02-05-2011, 02:06 AM
Interesting that the firsts thing mentioned is also the last thing mentioned. Pets aren't really a must have. But a cool thing to have and something that distinguishes players. However I can't see how it would really make the players more individual. Having a pet who can almost tank, almost dps or almost cast spells. "Wohoo" so awesome...

02-05-2011, 02:25 AM
Short Term Goals
complete•Build community
complete•Stabilize service
complete•Customer Service Tools
complete•Understand Apple approval process for application updates and in-app purchases
Code Features (each of these will most likely require a client update to introduce)
complete(more to come i hope)•More player customization
More in progress•Quests
complete•Secure Trade
complete in 1.7?•Guilds
complete•World Map
incomplete•Player Housing
complete•Auction House
complete•Achievements and Leaderboards
incomplet•Randomized Dungeon
Since someone decided to dig up the bones in the forum, I took a look at all Spacetime has accomplished. Nice work guys. I know theres more to come but so far so good.
Edit: hmm i tried to color code it and failed.

02-24-2011, 12:34 AM
can we get an update on this devs?

02-25-2011, 11:30 AM
No pets lol! Unless they are part of a classes damage. Guilds ASAP!

02-25-2011, 11:32 AM
The guild of happy pet owners?

02-25-2011, 11:44 AM
Pets are questionable for this type of game.

I always tell people this game is like Guantlet meets Shadowbane as thats what it reminds me of the most. Guantlet being the closest b/c you can only have 5 people on a map running through killing stuff over and over.

One thing I wish we had with a new class would be like a halfling/assassian type that could hide for a few seconds and then backstab a target - or escape a mob. Or the option to sprint away from or for a target (good for pvp as well as pve).

Lots of options but I think the game really needs to make sure PVP is great b/c thats where people spend the most money - respecs and buying up gear like crazy.

03-01-2011, 09:18 PM
lol nice signature!
The guild of happy pet owners?

03-02-2011, 12:36 PM
The guild of happy pet owners?
i may use this as my sig >: )

03-02-2011, 12:42 PM
cool devs and thanks for all you do!!!!

03-02-2011, 06:20 PM
the games awesome just needs something that will keep ppl busy instead of just walking around board lol

03-02-2011, 09:28 PM
Yea, need guild feature and lots more maps.

03-04-2011, 12:17 AM
pets would be so cool please don't listen to the people saying don't have pets

03-09-2011, 09:41 AM
Pets, awesome. Guilds, epic. Bank, would be nice. So far, you guys are doing great, thanks for making such an awesome game.

03-09-2011, 09:54 AM
I have a suggestion. Maybe STS can make events for all players such as pvp tourments or a player that can go through the most level without dying can win prizes. I don't know much about codes, but i think you will get a bang for the buck if there are some sort of in game tournaments. Because people that already leveled or have enough gold, items will have something to look forward to. A new challenge perhaps or just plain old competition. This will definitely make things a lot more interesting and exciting. Plus you guys can charge platinum for every event. Instead of a one time fee, this way there will be a continued stream of revenue and and there will always be players willing to cough up some money if there are special items for prizes or a huge amount of gold say 500k or more. STS can charge from 5 platinum and maybe 20 or more for premium event where the prizes are limited edition items or huge amount of gold.
Thanks for reading

03-09-2011, 10:28 AM
Bibobi That sounds like a great idea to me another way to make the best game even better :).............Limited items will draw attention......i envy those with items i missed :( wish i could have been here at launch

03-09-2011, 01:41 PM
This is always a touchy subject, but some of you were wondering about where Pocket Legends is headed. From our perspective, the sky is the limit. We feel we've created the core of a really fun game and we are 100% committed to Pocket Legends and to the community.

Gary has posted about how we handle change (link) (http://www.spacetimestudios.com/entry.php?23-How-we-address-change-in-Pocket-Legends). We have a huge whiteboard list of short term goals, long term goals, and an extensive Sharepoint list detailing tasks, todos, and bugs so we know what we're working on on a day to day basis. Data changes we make will continually add new content, fix bugs, and exploits. Server code changes can fix bugs and exploits at a moment's notice. However, client code changes must thoughtfully be planned out. Our experience has been it takes roughly 2 weeks for the Apple submission process. We want to make sure we get the most code bang for buck, since we may not be able to update the client for a while.

While this is always subject to change at a moment's notice, here's a high-level roadmap of what we're focused on:

Short Term Goals

Build community
Stabilize service
Customer Service Tools
Understand Apple approval process for application updates and in-app purchases

Code Features (each of these will most likely require a client update to introduce)

More player customization
Secure Trade
World Map
Player Housing
Auction House
Achievements and Leaderboards
Randomized Dungeons

Eventually, I'd like to get a page on the website where major and minor features we're working are listed in more detail with status. But, for now, we inform the community of major changes with In Development updates, and the rest of the changes are told to the community after they have already happened (in patches).

We have a firm technology platform to be able to scale, react to the community, and expand the game well into the future.


Implementing this stuff would be amazing. Too bad theres nothing you can do about this game devouring my battery. Thank god I got rid of my iphone and have the evo, multiple batteries ftw.

03-09-2011, 02:17 PM
I like the mail boxes and pets:). I think there should also be clans.

03-14-2011, 04:50 PM
mailboxes would my my Workshop go a lot smoother :)

04-20-2011, 07:08 PM
Waiting for Housing & Pets........still waiting.........how long is this going to take? :P

04-20-2011, 07:09 PM
Random dungeons before pets.

04-20-2011, 07:09 PM
No offense to the devs, but this is most likely no longer their list. Since there was a roadmap saying wed have pets by august 2010:)

04-20-2011, 10:04 PM
No offense to the devs, but this is most likely no longer their list. Since there was a roadmap saying wed have pets by august 2010:)

They are probably finding a way to fit it in iOS

04-21-2011, 03:53 AM
Ahhh player houses and pets would be very interesting.

04-21-2011, 06:29 AM
Yay! POH! Wahoo!

(POH=Player Owned Housing)

04-21-2011, 04:16 PM
I am only interested about the in game guild. If possible, can i know when qill the dev be making in game guild available (as in when will the dev team work on it)

04-25-2011, 05:42 PM
I think you should add a feature where u have a room only for chatting and
A room only for selling or trading cuz I noticed whenever I try to sell things ppl that chat
Take p the room so I really can't get any selling done..
BTY u guys r awesome and I appreciate ur wotk

04-25-2011, 05:47 PM
I think you should add a feature where u have a room only for chatting and
A room only for selling or trading cuz I noticed whenever I try to sell things ppl that chat
Take p the room so I really can't get any selling done..
BTY u guys r awesome and I appreciate ur wotk

if we could have multiple chatrooms... by typing in /1-999 (as in a number from 1-99) you join a separate chatroom. #1 is always the default chat.

04-26-2011, 06:53 PM
The in game scripts improve with every update. But houses, pets, and mail boxes. That would be amazing!

04-27-2011, 03:01 AM
Yea would be nice.

04-28-2011, 03:57 AM
Guilds, player housing, pets, pvp, and leaderboards? I just cancelled my WoW subscription :)

04-28-2011, 01:54 PM
PC or flash client would be awesome.....right about now. I would ask for linux...but I know I'd just be dreaming.

04-28-2011, 06:42 PM
Maybe enhance crafting more like being able to craft one of a kind item.

04-29-2011, 03:20 AM
Seeing that this topic started at 2010, why isn't this out yet? Lmao.

04-29-2011, 10:35 AM
Pets? Player housing, would be awsum. Cant wait

04-30-2011, 01:48 AM
I think they have given up on houses and pets...

04-30-2011, 03:15 AM
Any estimate as to when the guild function will come into play? Cant wait

04-30-2011, 10:17 AM
I think until the new version come out.
Elliot how csn you say that, ur not even an admin and u just started this month

04-30-2011, 03:03 PM
what is guilds?? i keep hearing about it but unfortunetly i have not found an answer????

05-01-2011, 12:18 PM
what is guilds?? i keep hearing about it but unfortunetly i have not found an answer????

Wikepedia will give you an in-depth answer if you search "guilds" but in a quick response, a guild (in a MMORPG like pocket legends) is a group of players that form an alliance (more like a team) to complete tasks in PvE or PvP enviroments. Many guilds function different, but most consist of a guild leader, a guild co leader, officers, senior members, etc.

05-01-2011, 06:45 PM
After reading this, I am very excited. I usually play on my break at work and at home when not busy doing other things. When I first decided to get my Android phone, I knew right away I was going to get this app, and I absolutely love it! I am, sadly, still what most would call a "Newb" ;) But I can not wait till I have reached the level of being able to help those that are where I am today. :D Keep up the hard work and always expect your "people" to adore this game! We greatly appreciate all the hard work you have put into this fantastic masterpiece we all so very much addicted to, and Keep it coming Dev's!!!

05-01-2011, 10:26 PM
I only registered this month but I have been around a lot longer.

Team Vancini
05-05-2011, 07:57 PM
This game has potential to become something great and the updates are coming to fast because I having to redownload the game but I like how the devteam is putting together new ideas but the exp is very low and I think you should let the new high lvl become 100 them people who are lvl 56 will have something to do and could create a new interest and generate a better income for Spacetime but thanks for a good game!

*Team Vancini*

05-09-2011, 03:49 PM
When are we lookingvto get this update

05-15-2011, 02:21 PM
Finally, a developer that cares about it's player community! Good plan, surely we don't expect to see anything happen overnight but it's nice to see some good organization shared with us about your future plans on the game itself instead of leaving us hanging in the dark. You've got my full support for this game! I love every moment of it so far! :D

05-15-2011, 05:17 PM
I know that I, as a player, definately appreciate the information that the dev team of PL makes available. It is really, very good good to see a company like yours making themselves available to the playerbase and answering questions, releasing information that the public wishes to know. Keep up the good work, and I will be more than happy to spend money on the game in the future as I have in the past. I am only a new arrival to the playerbase, but I want you to know your hard work is greatly appreciated by people like me. I know that I, personally, am looking forward to a client I can play on my PC. I just hope it is as simple and addicting as the mobile version. (^_^)

05-30-2011, 03:40 AM
I know that I, as a player, definately appreciate the information that the dev team of PL makes available. It is really, very good good to see a company like yours making themselves available to the playerbase and answering questions, releasing information that the public wishes to know. Keep up the good work, and I will be more than happy to spend money on the game in the future as I have in the past. I am only a new arrival to the playerbase, but I want you to know your hard work is greatly appreciated by people like me. I know that I, personally, am looking forward to a client I can play on my PC. I just hope it is as simple and addicting as the mobile version. (^_^)

Worth quoting as I agree with every word here. Great support devs.

05-31-2011, 11:22 AM
You devs still with pocket legends? You guys been pretty quite lately since last update, was that the last update for a while? I've heard some rumors but I'm not one to say. Just hoping there's more instore for pl. Everyone knows battlestar is comming out soon just really hoping you guys aren't putting this game to the back burner.

05-31-2011, 12:12 PM
I'd like to see an updated roadmap :)

05-31-2011, 04:18 PM
Ok sorry I take back what I said devs! I said something and I take a nap wake up log on and BAM something new

06-01-2011, 03:09 AM
Hey amazing news to here with so much devolopements soon coming around, but you know what would be amazing for this game? A nice long landscape for travelling around Pocket Legends. I understand the map takes you around faster but wouldnt it be cool seeing a nice long landscape and maybe travelling around a mount(even though animals riding on animals would be weird), we could see the beatiful graphics around pocket legends and fighting monsters on the way:cool:

Overall this game is the best and i know it will be known quite quickely. So guys spread the poison;)

06-03-2011, 07:53 PM
Uh... I dont know if this has been said yet, but mabye you could add another serever? I've noticed that there are a lot more players than there used to be, so it does get a bit crowded every once and a while... unless there are already a large amout of servers and I just havent noticed yet :P please correct me if im wrong.

06-04-2011, 12:50 PM
They once had twl servers,
Arterra(current one)
And Fnord
Fnord closed and all the players from it transferred to Arterra eith an Fnord added to their name

06-04-2011, 06:04 PM
Quick question when you guys are fixng up the roadmap could you put arrow to show your character on it. Also, for the quests could you make like a list of all the quests and show what ones you did and what ones you still need to do.

06-06-2011, 10:49 AM
this thread is really old, wish devs could post a new, updated roadmap...

Oscar Armando Romero
06-12-2011, 01:33 PM
Can't wait for a new release of this thread

06-12-2011, 06:43 PM
Im looking forward for this game too show it's true potential :D

07-23-2011, 02:46 AM
this all sounds awesome, i just wish it could happen as soon as possible, including the new lvl 61 update =D

07-23-2011, 12:46 PM
I remember the original Road MAP being put up. It served a number of functions:

1. SHOW the players the potential that the STS crew were definititely/eventually going to upgrade Pocket Legends to... after release.
2. Give approx. timeline for expecting it: ie make it feel like a reality on it's way.

Problems arose however:

1. Delays
2. New directions eg optimization of all the char models because players demanded GREATER customizations.

Hence, the devs basically DID update PL amazing number of times with loads of quality updates eg

1. Content: Maps/Levels/Mobs/Items etc
2. Modes: PvP modes
3. Features: Better UI/Shop etc
4. Special events and so on....

So I guess after the devs gained our trust *us players* and we knew they'd continue to deliver, they decided that it was less useful to use the roadmap so far in advance and disappoint. So they now update when they feel it's suitable eg 1 Year anniversary etc.

I'd like to see an update for roadmap and have pestered them, but I can see why they have sorta left it but still keep communicating with the players :)

TL;DR: Roadmap served it's purpose back in the day, now other ways for devs to inform on updates without falling behind on their promises - is my guess ;)

07-25-2011, 02:03 AM
better speed up polishing the game it wouldn't be long enough before new mobile MMOs sprout so its good to have the best in all aspect to maintain leadership... a lot of MMOs and other online apps died because of competition so I hope PL wont suffer the same fate

07-29-2011, 10:54 PM
Pets would be a great new feature I'm sure many of us would enjoy! Hoping for a new update soon :)