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View Full Version : Being rude and mean .

12-22-2011, 08:36 PM
I will start this off with my most disliked part of Pocket Legends ( Not fun but mean ) . Player vs. Player, known as PvP . I love PvP although my mage ( Elysony ) is not that good at it, I play it on my 30 Dex Bear Qtw before I deleted him and Rifty my bird . I really like it for fun but yet it also happens to be one of the best places to go if you are looking to be flamed ( In my opinion ) . Today I was in PvP with my bird Rifty just enjoying a game of Forest Fight, and then a guy joined and goes up and attacks me for no reason and says what's your problem don't rush ? I then said '' Why did you rush me '', all of a sudden he starts saying '' Shut up kid '' and all these other things and cursing . I see no reason to ever curse in a game it's for fun not to make people mad and be mean . So I just left after he said all these things, and this happens all the time to me . Now onto rushers, sure getting a good KD ( sometimes ) can be cool and stuff but really, why can't you just play fair, and usually ( not always ) they will flame you and be completely rude . I know this is just how some people are and stuff but I made this thread to just try to encourage people to PLEASE stop rushing and cursing and just being flat out rude . Then there is just going to Balefort Castle to chill out with your friends or check prices and usually there will indeed be people just being rude and beggers . Please just be nice if someone is mean to you or curses then report or just leave the game mute them ect . but do not just start cursing are talking to them that makes you just the same if not worse then them . I hope I kind of summed up the things that happen in PvP and around Pocket Legends, if someone is being mean just mute or report them and ask them to please stop . I hope everyone gets the right message and what i'm trying to say is Please Just Be Nice To Others . Treat others how you would like to be treated, would you like to be rushed, I doubt it, so why rush others? Would you like to be flamed or cursed at or begged for money, No, so why do it? Please stop doing these things to everyone who does so we can make PvP and just Chill-Axxing even more fun and just be NICE !

12-22-2011, 08:45 PM
I completely agree with what you are saying here, but unfortunately a lot of people could care less about being nice or chill. Some people play for the sole reason of griefing others, unfortunately.

12-22-2011, 08:52 PM
Just try to have your own way of fun. Mute the players, that's all I do when i hear flaming :)

PL Playa
12-22-2011, 08:59 PM
That's the reason I'm so bad at merching! (also cause I spend everything right away by accident) I just can't stand all those beggers and whiners and salesmen saying the same line over and over and over and...you get the point

12-23-2011, 03:16 AM
Fistly its the wrong section of forums if you want to mourn about pvp, go in that section, second you arent that senior aswell that you can say youre a forumer and also i think it doesnt make a difference if you are new or not you can say your opinion without others saying i dont respect it because you are new. As long as the comment is not rude and just voicing an opinion there is no reason to say its not that much worth as my opinion because i have 11 more posts. Sorry but that made me laugh.

12-23-2011, 04:58 AM
Naah its still ok here i just dont think that its ok to say that players opinions that have 11post less arent as much worth as yours. I think its good that there are new players its nice to see some new people here. Devs close that thread please it doesnt have any purpose as flaming

12-23-2011, 05:25 AM
Ways to stop people rushing you:
- make your own game and boot.
- create locked game.
- kill the rusher. (Best way)

Ways to stop insulting people:
- report player.
- report player.
- report player.

simple... thats how I deal with it.
And keep on having fun with pvp.

12-23-2011, 05:35 AM
Pvp = real world. We have antagonist everywhere in our daily lives. What do we do then?? Ignore them, or walk away. Unfortunately, with the game, we have a much smaller "world", so we interact more with the same types of people. Some of those types we like, some we don't.

The simpliest solution is to ignore/mute them. The other way is to leave, although if someone gets you to that point, they are ruining your gaming experience, thus violating the TOS. You can report them at that point. Make sure it's a legit gripe. I'm sure the devs are overwhelmed with BS reporting.

The unrealistic way is to only host locked games. Then you can boot the people you don't like. However, I always find that line of advice unrealistic because if a lot of your friends aren't on, it's hard to get a good game.

In the end, just try not to let people like that bother you. The antagonists' are not here for your fun, they are here to get enjoyment from your misery. And think of it this way... If your K/D ratio doesn't matter to you, then don't let a death our two by a rusher get you upset.

BTW... this thread exemplifies why I don't pvp.

12-23-2011, 10:07 AM
First off Jason i'm not quite sure why you are flaming a thread that was about PvP somewhat and yet you are a level 47? So obviously unless you have another character you don't do PvP that much and not very much experience in just sitting at CS .

12-23-2011, 10:10 AM
Also guys I didn't mean this as a whining / complaining thread at all just meant to tell everyone to stop because it is frusterating but haters are going to hate so I guess i'm just going to try to accept what haters do .

12-23-2011, 02:53 PM
First, off I'm going to start out and say I am probably old enough to be the mother of most players on PL. Next I'm going to say that I don't pvp. However, what I do believe is that everyone has a right to have an enjoyable gaming experience. No matter where they choose to game, whether it be pve, pvp, or ctf.

Jason, I don't have a problem with your English, however, I do sense a bit of "it's too bad for you just suck it up" in your posts. That's not right, everyone has the right to express their opinion and enjoy the game without being flamed. Ely has a right to be upset for being accused of something that he/she did not do, specifically rushing. However you are correct in your view that there are some people who whine just because they didn't win. I just don't see ely as being one of them.

Ely, you are correct as well u have a right to have an enjoyable gaming experience without being accused of doing something you didn't do. Jason and the others have a point as well. You can use mute or ignore.

I personally keep a list of players that I will not run maps with, under any circumstances. I have said repeatedly that I don't boot ppl from my games without just cause, I don't, but I do use my option to to leave. Sometimes a good "vanishing act" can speak volumes especially when followed up with a refusal to join a game/match/map. I also report to sts as well. We all need to use the tools that were given to us by sts.

12-24-2011, 10:33 AM
Lols elysony (or however it is written) thats funny you opened a flaming thread (thats all what this is) then your in the wring section because you talk about pvp and at least you say jasons opinion is not as worth as yours because you have some more posts and thanks. Now you say you didnt opened a flaming thread that makes me laugh.

12-24-2011, 10:48 AM
Ways to stop people rushing you:
- make your own game and boot.
- create locked game.
- kill the rusher. (Best way)

Ways to stop insulting people:
- report player.
- report player.
- report player.

simple... thats how I deal with it.
And keep on having fun with pvp.

This is true

12-24-2011, 10:59 AM
Lols elysony (or however it is written) thats funny you opened a flaming thread (thats all what this is) then your in the wring section because you talk about pvp and at least you say jasons opinion is not as worth as yours because you have some more posts and thanks. Now you say you didnt opened a flaming thread that makes me laugh.

The only person trying to flame here is you. Jason deleted his responses. Maybe you should too.

12-24-2011, 11:54 AM
I didn't mean it that way I meant it as in, I looked at his posts and most are flames and he's telling me how to not flame and he's replying on a PvP thread and he's a level 47? He doesn't do PvP I meant his level and his knowledge not his thanks and stuff sorry it looked that way I messed it up .

12-24-2011, 11:55 AM
This is my last negative post that I will make on this thread i'm not this kind of person and i'm not going to deal with flamers and I am mad at myself for even responding to the flame in the first place .

12-24-2011, 08:18 PM
ways to enjoy pvp

* ignore dumb drama. If it shows up leave or make your own game
* understand the established "rules" of the map. If a player makes a one vs one map try to honor it. There will be rushers but they are typically easy to beat.
* sometimes you end up in a situation where the words get heated. Step back at try to understand the situation. If all that is required is an apology, what's wrong with saying your sorry and moving on?
* when two people are fighting and you are standing there watching don't get mad when you die. It is your job as the bystander to get out of the way. No you were not rushed, you walked into oncoming traffic.
* if you run up and buff and hit someone expect to get hit back. Too many people like to run up on me and think its funny to try a combo. I will kill you!
* the established pros are all very friendly if you take the time to understand where they are coming from. Until you are an established pvper you're just another noob and no we don't hate noobs. Noobs just typically don't show any respect, rush, join an all pro game and hinder the team, or leave when the first sign of a challenge arise. The only way to be pro is to die a lot and learn from those deaths.

You were in a forest fight I was in the other day and you repeatedly either got in the way of a one vs one or buffed and ran up on me. This will only get you killed. PvP isn't warm and fuzzy. It's a place to get a rush of adrenaline and challenge yourself. If you want warm and fuzzy, goto forest haven. We the established pvpers are happy to help you but only if you're willing to learn the culture.

Good luck and good game

12-24-2011, 10:35 PM
K thank you Kaarataka I will take this as constructive critisism . I 'm sorry if I got in the way don't remember that but people like you never lie so Sorry about that !

12-24-2011, 10:46 PM
And don't go whining like this because when I 1v1 you all you did was rush and spawn kill... Don't think your ruining other peoples experience also?

12-25-2011, 02:53 AM
K thank you Kaarataka I will take this as constructive critisism . I 'm sorry if I got in the way don't remember that but people like you never lie so Sorry about that !

no worries. If I remembered even half of my day that would be amazing.

12-25-2011, 11:20 AM
Fatpig, I have never PvP'ed you in Pocket Legends before? I don't even think that you PvP, and why would I rush and spawn kill a friend !? If I did then it was a joke i'm sure, and why flame on a thread next time do a post like that privatly especially if it's a lie ( or maybe you are just confusing me with someone else ) .

12-25-2011, 07:44 PM
hmmm nomad you wont have to tell me what i should do or what i shouldnt, also why should i flame in here i just said my opinion. but enuf of this ely or any dev please close this thread.

12-26-2011, 11:05 PM
I agree with you Ely, but at the same time I'm a little confused. I recall a few days back me and a friend were talking where you and another join and say that "New Age Legends are noobs". You rushed us two times (we won), you got mad, and left. I agree that rushers, and even rush affiliated guilds are frowned upon, but if a person associated with, but not participating in the rushing is present, then they do not deserve to be rushed. This goes out to a specific few in Fight Club also. If a problem is present then talk about it. Don't just rush and then expect it's not ok for the victim to fight back. That is all.

12-26-2011, 11:35 PM
Lols elysony (or however it is written) thats funny you opened a flaming thread (thats all what this is) then your in the wring section because you talk about pvp and at least you say jasons opinion is not as worth as yours because you have some more posts and thanks. Now you say you didnt opened a flaming thread that makes me laugh.no one else flaming that I see but u

12-26-2011, 11:40 PM
ways to enjoy pvp

* ignore dumb drama. If it shows up leave or make your own game
* understand the established "rules" of the map. If a player makes a one vs one map try to honor it. There will be rushers but they are typically easy to beat.
* sometimes you end up in a situation where the words get heated. Step back at try to understand the situation. If all that is required is an apology, what's wrong with saying your sorry and moving on?
* when two people are fighting and you are standing there watching don't get mad when you die. It is your job as the bystander to get out of the way. No you were not rushed, you walked into oncoming traffic.
* if you run up and buff and hit someone expect to get hit back. Too many people like to run up on me and think its funny to try a combo. I will kill you!
* the established pros are all very friendly if you take the time to understand where they are coming from. Until you are an established pvper you're just another noob and no we don't hate noobs. Noobs just typically don't show any respect, rush, join an all pro game and hinder the team, or leave when the first sign of a challenge arise. The only way to be pro is to die a lot and learn from those deaths.

You were in a forest fight i was in the other day and you repeatedly either got in the way of a one vs one or buffed and ran up on me. This will only get you killed. Pvp isn't warm and fuzzy. It's a place to get a rush of adrenaline and challenge yourself. If you want warm and fuzzy, goto forest haven. We the established pvpers are happy to help you but only if you're willing to learn the culture.

Good luck and good gameword xd

12-26-2011, 11:56 PM
Unfortunately, most MMO are like this - especially PvP (Best place to cause annoyance to anyone without being harmed IRL).

It all comes down to one thing: People will like the first version of [old content here], then new players with new attitude come (due to more people start playing the game) and "ruin" or play differently than what it was before.

12-27-2011, 01:36 AM
PVP's are supposed to be like this...what do you expect? I mean, it's kill or be killed, you can have your usual 1on1's but don't cry because some dude bullied you...bully him back or something, that's the purpose of being able to kill your opponent back anyway. Can you imagine a war where both warring parties are friendly? PVP may not be on the same magnitude as your typical movie-war, but the concept still applies...it's a jungle. If you find a rabbit, good for you, but if you find a lion, don't go whining about it, you know what I'm saying? XD

12-27-2011, 01:41 AM
PVP's are supposed to be like this...what do you expect? I mean, it's kill or be killed, you can have your usual 1on1's but don't cry because some dude bullied you...bully him back or something, that's the purpose of being able to kill your opponent back anyway. Can you imagine a war where both warring parties are friendly? PVP may not be on the same magnitude as your typical movie-war, but the concept still applies...it's a jungle. If you find a rabbit, good for you, but if you find a lion, don't go whining about it, you know what I'm saying? XD

Perfectly said

12-27-2011, 10:08 AM
Yes I did New Age Legends rushes Legends ( My guild ) all the time we don't let y'all kill us, you all rush us all the time and if I don't rush you first and your in NAL then I am going to be rushed . Sorry if you aren't a rusher ( You aren't I believe ) but I couldn't have known that - Elysony .

12-27-2011, 10:20 AM
It sounds like you havent pvped in games like WoW. WTB more troll resist

12-27-2011, 12:04 PM
It sounds like you havent pvped in games like WoW. WTB more troll resist

Or the infamous AoC! I had so much fun with that game.. gdam. Also, d2 pvp is solid imo