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12-23-2011, 01:36 AM
I'm going to end game with this bear and I have 2 questions.
I wish to know what items make the level 35 dex set.
And what items go with the laser wand of the cosmos
I'm really excited about this >.<
Idk what it is about an int bear but they're SOOOO much fun. ^_^
Anyway, thanks for the help :)
If you have any of the items in these sets and are selling them cheap ill be glad to buy them :)

12-23-2011, 01:46 AM
Hope you like your int bear:-) I love mine :D

12-23-2011, 05:47 AM
L35 DEX set is Swamp Rat's Dead-Eye Derby, Swamp Rat's Croc Scale Leather, Swamp Rat's Swampy Shiv, Swamp Rat's Blackbird Wing.

Laser wand of the cosmos makes a set with Cyber Cosmos items: Cyber Skull, Armor and Doll of the Cosmos. These items cannot be traded, you need to complete the cyber quests for them. Not many players do them nowadays, they are quite long and intensive.

Good luck for the INT bear! Not many players tried, but some among them are the BEST bears in game!

12-23-2011, 02:06 PM
Ahh, your the best tamino thanks :)
And Apple I'm lvl 43 and loving it :D

12-23-2011, 02:23 PM
You're so right! Int bears are, IMO, the most fun build in the game! Mine was the third char I created and I love him!

12-23-2011, 02:31 PM
Int Bear:
Items needed:
35) Dreamers Dark wand or Dreamers MoJo wand (same item, one is just a TON cheaper). (Can self combo terror)
40) Staff of Ra (AOE Fire)
45) Dark Matter Staff (self combo terror) or Apep Sunkiller (AOE + Freeze)
50) Alien Staff of Fate (AOE + Freeze)

Not sure there are any weakness proc / aoe staffs after that (50 is as high as I took my in bear).

12-23-2011, 03:11 PM
Well my problem is I LOVE tanking. So def is an issue I've noticed :/
Maybe becuase I'm tanking with Shivering in AO3 xD
Buuuuut, I have a keepers staff so I can activate the face melt combo.
I wanted to use something like the gurgox eye, laser wand, and the cosmos set for 50. With 30+ armor with buff I imagine ill be ok. :)
If not, its never hard to spam pots, and when I get to fang levels, I can be a Overpowered wand bear!!!
Thanks guys for the help I really appreciate everything :)

12-23-2011, 03:44 PM
With the right gear, int bear is awesome. As for your concerns about tanking as an int bear, if you wear a shield (bracer) and wand, you will have pretty high armor. The only thing you will lack is dodge.

More important than the defensive stats though, is how you play. As a bear "tank" in pocket legends, you don't have to stand in front of the mobs taking hits to the face. It is much more effective to get into position quickly and use your stun/grouping abilities to keep the mobs neutralized while everyone kills them.

Beckon, Stomp and hellscream all stun the enemies. By spacing them out to maximize stun time, you can keep a group locked down for many seconds which should be more than enough time to blast everything down. Further, if you are using an AOE staff and have rage up, you will be able to solo a lot of these mobs especially at the mid levels.

12-23-2011, 05:14 PM
So let me see if I understand, I do some CC and let the team finish them as I move on?
I think I understand, I'm still slowly learning tanking.