View Full Version : WINNER: Greatest Xmas Special of ALL Time

12-23-2011, 10:05 AM
All votes are now in.

The moment you have all been waiting for.

The winner of the Greatest Special of ALL TIME is ...

How the Grinch Stole Christmas
by Dr. Seuss

And now, let's get right to the news conference, where the Grinch is being interviewed as we speak.


Reporter: Congratulations on your victory.

Grinch: Thank you. Winning this award is better than the last can of Who-Hash.

Reporter: Is there anyone you would like to thank?

Grinch: Well, first of all, I would like to thank my dog, Max. He put up with a lot of you-know-what, like when I put a big horn on the top of his head. Then, of course, Cindy-Lou Who, who is now more than two. Lastly, I would like to thank whatever it was that caused me to have the strength of ten Grinches, plus two.

Reporter: Now, some would say your victory is tainted.

Grinch: Tainted?

Reporter: Well, A Charlie Brown Christmas never made the top 64.

Grinch: Charlie Brown? Charlie Brown. [drumming his fingers nervously] Let me tell you something about Charlie Brown. I eat kids like him for breakfast.

Reporter: You eat children?

Grinch: It's an expression. I don't eat people. [shouts] I DO NOT EAT PEOPLE!

Reporter: So, what are you saying?

Grinch: I'm saying that if Charlie Brown were here, we would finish this, once and for all.

[a commotion ensues]

Reporter: Who is that? Is it? It is! It's Charlie Brown! How are you doing, Charlie Brown?

Charlie Brown: Look, don't call me Charlie Brown. Call me "C.B." Now, what can Brown do for you?

Grinch: You are NOT stealing my time, Brown. Not this time.

Charlie Brown: Lookie here, greenie. I just came by to congratulate you. Don't get me mad or I will open up a can of Good Grief on you.

Grinch: You want a piece of me?

Charlie Brown: I'll slice you like green eggs and ham.

Grinch: It's go-time!

Charlie Brown: Clear the stage. It's time we finished this.

Grinch: And this time, there can be only one.


Who will win?
Will Charlie Brown Snoopify the Grinch?
Will the Grinch carve Charlie Brown like he carved the roast beast?

Charlie Brown


The Grinch

The all-out battle ensues on January 03.



12-23-2011, 10:17 AM
I vote the grinch. Hell put charlie on a sled and fly him back home .... In many peaces!

12-23-2011, 11:17 AM
I vote C.B. he will send the grinch home (in an enclosed envelope)

12-23-2011, 11:31 AM
I think the grinch will win. Him and his power lol!

12-23-2011, 11:40 AM
As a teaser, if you assume that this will be a one-on-one battle, you are very, very wrong :)

12-23-2011, 11:49 AM
I vote C.B. he will send the grinch home (in an enclosed envelope)

Charlie brown can't kick a football let alone anyone's butt. I vote grinch

12-23-2011, 11:56 AM
LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! NICE!!!!!

Bronx - this is priceless!