View Full Version : Survival mode!! needed to make another because it was over 10000 characters

07-21-2010, 01:13 AM
In survival mode, you start off with your group (or just you if your planning to solo) and you have to fight enemies that come near your tower. The tower is in a huge plain field with nothing but grass. There will be a radar on the top part of the screen that shows the enemies coming. The wave number will appear on the left side of the screen. Wave one will start off with the slow zombies. Each wave will have approximately 50 enemies approaching home base. All the enemies are going to come in a perfect circle that will eventually surround your tower. Your objective: To kill all the enemies before they destroy the home base. You can upgrade your home base by special coins you get from every round. (These coins are silver, are the same size as regular gold, and they have a drawing of a dragon in the center)

-The first fifteen rounds will give 1 special coin each.

-The next fifteen rounds will give 2 special coins each.

-The next fifteen rounds will give 3 special coins each. (and so forth)

If you die, it WILL NOT go in the number of deaths you have already. Same thing happens to the kill count. EVERY FIFTEEN ROUNDS IF YOU SURVIVE, EACH TEAM MATE WILL GET A RARE ITEM.

Your home base should have 300HP and 25 Armor to start with.

-Every ten special coins you give will add 50 hp to your home base's total Health and 8 extra armor.

-Every twenty special coins you give will add 125 hp to your home base's total health and 20 armor.

-Every thirty special coins you give will add 250 hp to your home base's total health and 40 armor. (And so forth)

A knight CANNOT use break armor against your home base. Or any enemy can't use break armor on your home base.

THERE IS ALSO A REPAIR RATE TO HOME BASE! At the beginning, the repair rate will be 20 h/s.

-Every ten special coins you give will add an extra 5 h/s.

-Every twenty special coins you give will add an extra 12.5 h/s.

-Every thirty special coins you give will add an extra 25 h/s. (and so forth)

-Your home base has special attacks that it can do:
-LIGHTNING: Zaps eight enemies within eight different directions. The enemies' health will then be reduced by half. The respawn rate to cast LIGHTNING again is one minute.
-HURRICANE: Wind will be blowing at a particularly fast rate causing exactly 1000 damage to the first four enemies it strikes. The next four take 500 damage. Then 250, 125, 62.5 and so forth. Respawn rate is 96 seconds.
-FIRE BLAST: This move sends ten fireballs from the sky hitting ten random enemies causing an instant K.O. respawn rate is two minutes.
-ICE BLAST: Sends 10 big pieces of Hail striking ten random enemies also causing an instant K.O. Respawn rate is two minutes.
-TELEPATHIC ELEMENT WAVE: This is actually a debuff. It sends a purple-colored wave around the whoooooole area making enemies weak to any element (fire, darkness, ice, etc.) Respawn rate is two minutes.
-LIGHTNING GUN: With a speed of 1.0, it continuously attacks enemies one at a time causing some damage: 30-200 damage, 10% chance to weaken enemies by lightning; can go up to ten skill points.
-FLAMETHROWER: With a speed of 2.1, it also continuously attacks enemies one at a time, however creating AoE: 50-180 damage, 5% chance of 3rd degree burns (debuff); can go up to ten skill points.
-FROSTBITE STRIKE: With a speed of 3.0, it freezes a whole area of enemies: 10-150 damage, 10% chance to weaken against ice; can go up to ten skill points.
-NATURE'S REVENGE: Sharp razor leaves fly by slashing enemies one at a time, causing a quick debuff by reducing their armor by 1/2: 10-200 damage; can go up to ten skill points.

Every round you survive will add up to the jackpot by 25 gp. So when you survive the first round, you get 25 gp. The 2nd round will have a jackpot of 50 gp. Then 75, then 100, and so forth.

If you happen to join the carnage while players are fighting, you spawn inside the tent. Because there is a chance of lagging alot, that person is given a 10-second super barrier that blocks any attack for 10 seconds until the barrier time has expired.

If you want to, you can choose how many waves you want. Since there are different enemies, (zombie, fast zombie, knight, knight with sword, knight with bow, skeleton with sword, skeleton with bow, young yetis, old yetis, ice mages, crocs, melée crocs, fire storm crocs, RED melée desert marauder, BLACK melée desert marauder, GREEN Mage desert marauder, and BLUE range desert marauder. Count them: 17.), there can only be an option of 17 waves, 34 waves, 51 waves, 68 waves, etc. If you choose 17 waves, that means each enemy type comes up only once. And if you choose 34 waves, that means each enemy type comes up twice from weakest to greatest, and so forth.

Within every 5 waves, there is a RANDOM EVENT. One idea for a random event mentioned by Banned is a capture the flag game. (PLEASE NOTE THAT AT ANY TIME YOU CAN GIVE DIFFERENT IDEAS FOR RANDOM EVENTS) In capture the flag, one player has to decide to go to Point B (where the flag is) from point A (home base). There is a yellow dashed line on the floor pointing to the flag so the player won't get confused. PLEASE ALSO NOTE THAT THERE HAS TO BE ATLEAST 2 PLAYERS IN ORDER TO DO RANDOM EVENTS. That means that when a player chooses survival mode, another screen comes up giving that player an option to do random events or just the carnage. If the player chooses carnage with random events, a page will come up telling him/her to invite a person. After that, they can get on with the game . Anyway, when the chosen player runs to Point B his/her teammates have to protect the home base extra carefully, heh. When the player successfully grabs the flag and returns it to home base, the group gets an extra 5 special coins and each player will get an item of their class similar to their level. Also, if the player returns the flag within a very fast time, each person gets 700 gp as a bonus. the flag will be in the inventory. If the chosen player that got the flag dies, the flag drops and someone else has to go get it and return it to the tower.

The enemies that are coming try to attack the tower first before they attack you.

The survival mode button should be in the menus option.

When starting a game, only the person that started has the ability to start the carnage. For example, when one creates a survival mode game, one can invite his or her friends if they want to. Once that person has enough players, that person has the ability to start the game.

Once you die, enchantresses CANNOT resurrect you back to life. Each character has unlimited respawns through out the whole survival. You spawn inside the tent with full hp and mana and that 10-second barrier I was talking about. Therefore, resurrect is disabled for mages.

You are NOT allowed to use potions. Therefore, if you get damaged, you get an automatic 1/4 HP heal along with a 1/3 MANA heal at the end of every wave (along with your healing skills of course; and for archers, the mana restore skill thingy too ).

The game only ends when your home base is destroyed or if all the players are dead at the same time.

Don't worry if this is your first time playing, because on the first round, a transparent screen will come up giving you directions on what to do. Also, after survival mode starts, enemies will come 10 seconds after everyone is done reading the directions.

The maximum amount of characters in the game is EIGHT. I might have confused you before in the beginning of this post, but eight players MAXIMUm are allowed to join a survival mode game.

The music will be the same music from PVP.

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! Whack-a-skelezombie! When is random event comes up, players have to kill a whole wave of zombies and skeletons that pop up from the ground and try to attack home base. Theyre going to pop up within 15 meters of range from your home base. Slow zombies, fast zombies, and only melée skeletons will pop up and try to attack.

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! FREEZE TAG! A whooooole bunch of ice mages from the fifth campaign will run and try to attack you until you die! They're going to come just like in the normal waves (in a circle surrounding home base). Your job, of course, is to kill all the ice mages. They will freeze you a few times :P. Good luck!

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! James Bond style! ONE player has to go deactivate a bomb from a very far distance (Point B). All range enemies will try to surround your home base. The activated bomb will be in a small hut on the kitchen counter. Next to the bomb is the code you have to enter. It will be a randomized six character code, and it is CAPS LOCK SENSITIVE! (If it's a capital letter, you HAVE to put capital, and same thing with lowercase). If you place the code in wrong, not only will the bomb explode, you will die, the hut will explode, and you don't get any prizes after the random event is done. Also, you will have to kill the remaining enemies after the hut explodes. The hut is approximately 100 meters away and yes there will be a yellow dashed line pointed to where the hut is. You have 3 minutes to type in the code. Once you typed it in, the bomb will get deactivated and all the remaining enemies will suddenly collapse on the floor. Also, once you deactivate it, you better hurry to your home base because the next wave will automatically start! Good luck!

****NEW RANDOM EVENT! SHARPENED FRIZBEE TOSS! The objective of this random event is for your whole team to kill this mega boss that throws extra sharpened frizbees at you! each frizbee will always do a one-hit-kill, however, the boss's attacks are three times as slow as mages, so like a speed of 6.0 lol. But if he kills your whole team, you lose the random event. So if you die, you can always respawn, but you better hurry! Good luck!

07-21-2010, 01:14 AM
The thread was over 10000 characters...so...

For good reviews on this thread, click here:


****ADDED NEW TYPE ON GAMEPLAY IN SURVIVAL MODE: Ultimate mega boss dual!!! So basically, every twenty rounds your team survives, There is this new boss that hasn't appeared in any dungeon. I'm thinking of a boss like one of the transformers, except they have a huge heavy sword in their right hand. That sword is like Tha' ref's sword except a little bigger. Its' armor count is so high that it blocks 99% of the attacks it takes. Also, The sword will one hit kill you, but the boss attacks very slowly, like around 3.6 speed. It also has a special attack to fire blue lasers at any four people and its an automatic kill. (The laser comes from the tip of the sword). This may sound possible, but there is a cabin 100 meters away from home base that has a super laser cannon. When you activate it by pressing the big red button, a cannonball is shot with lasers spiking all around the cannon and it will hit the mega boss. For 30 seconds straight, it's armor has been reduced drastically and its hits become very very weak. So that would be a good time to use your special skills. Also, any armor or damage debuffs won't work while he has his strength. if the boss manages to survive for 30 seconds after the cannonball attack, you would have to wait another two minutes to reload your cannon and shoot. good luck to those who face the wraths of these demons!

*New: using the special coins you get from each round, you can get the tower skills! The attacks cost 20 special coins each. And the buff is 75 coins.

SO WHAT DO YOU GUYS THINK??? I spent 30 minutes plus tons of edits typing all this lol so I hope you guys agree to this. What do you devs think? Hope I get a good review!

07-21-2010, 01:21 AM
Sorry, your a good kid, but I will NEVER read this. From what I've looked at it seems cool and hopefully the quests they add with 1.3 are as interesting as this.

07-21-2010, 01:24 AM

(10 characters blah blah blah)

07-21-2010, 12:48 PM
Oh how I wish I can add some sort of codwaw theme in survival mode :l

Ahem...*hellounds running at you and you try to kill then awesome music appears after you defeat that round*cough. :/

07-21-2010, 12:50 PM
Like I've said before, it's probably not going to happen.

07-21-2010, 12:53 PM
Like I've said before, it's probably not going to happen.

*sigh* Yes. might. but after alooooooot of updates the devs are planning to implement, they might have time to implement this :).

07-21-2010, 02:57 PM
Haven't managed to read the whole thread yet, I just don't have the heart to do it on my iPhone, but one thing I will say is I don't like the idea of a home-base.

There's nothing worse in a game than babysitting something, stupid AI usually the worst, but inanimate objects that serve no purpose other than needing to be protected....ugh

Why not just have survival dependent on the characters rather than a tent, at least you can move around a bit then, I can't see this game mode working otherwise.

07-21-2010, 03:08 PM
Haven't managed to read the whole thread yet, I just don't have the heart to do it on my iPhone, but one thing I will say is I don't like the idea of a home-base.

There's nothing worse in a game than babysitting something, stupid AI usually the worst, but inanimate objects that serve no purpose other than needing to be protected....ugh

Why not just have survival dependent on the characters rather than a tent, at least you can move around a bit then, I can't see this game mode working otherwise.

............you are so cruel and wrong..........

07-21-2010, 04:32 PM
............you are so cruel and wrong..........

Care to elaborate?

Surely the idea of survival mode is for you to struggle to survive against increasingly unfair odds, what you've come up with seems more like "defend a tent mode".
If enemies attack you before the tent, then surely your whole team would be killed before the tent was ever attacked, rendering it pointless.

Whack a skelezombie mode sounds good, i like the idea of the enemies popping up from the ground to attack, with randomized spawn locations.

Freeze tag just sounds like a horrendously annoying mode to me, fighting against a load of NPC mages (which will naturally try to maintain safe distance in combat) as they repeatedly feeze you.

Bomb deactivation...sounds a little too unconventional to gel with PL in my opinion, kind of like a different take on CTF, where the flag is instead a giant bomb that can kill everything on the map.

Sharpened frisbee/Ultimate mega boss both sound like modes with super hard bosses that are guaranteed to kill your team very quickly, and when each player only has 3 lives with no resurrect allowed I can't see it working, all in all I think you'd be overcomplicating survival way too much.

In survival mode, I'd want a map where I can run around and kite, or hole up in a room and defend, ideally both should be available options. With the base/coins idea, as there is nothing to spend coins on other than boosting your base, surely they're a waste of time and the base should get increasingly harder with each round, regardless, personally I still hate the idea of defending any kind of character or structure.

50-100 enemies approaching in a perfect circle is also sure to be too much for the power of an iDevice (especially the iPod touches etc). In concept, the idea is sound, albeit a little overcomplex IMO, but with the limited (and varying) power of the platforms the game is played on, I can't see survival mode on this kind of scale working so well.

Balance issues aside (far more important at the moment IMO), give me up to 5 player survival mode with resurrection and no death limit, increasingly hard enemies (maybe capped to 15-20 spawned at any one time) and boss rounds - hell yeah.

EDIT: Instead of a tent to defend, maybe non-crucial (but very helpful) turrets/towers of some kind, both defensive (heal, regen, armour boost, evade boost etc) and offensive (single target high damage/area low damage - ice/fire/lightning, snare, root, debuff etc)

07-21-2010, 09:00 PM
Care to elaborate?

Surely the idea of survival mode is for you to struggle to survive against increasingly unfair odds, what you've come up with seems more like "defend a tent mode".
If enemies attack you before the tent, then surely your whole team would be killed before the tent was ever attacked, rendering it pointless.

Whack a skelezombie mode sounds good, i like the idea of the enemies popping up from the ground to attack, with randomized spawn locations.

Freeze tag just sounds like a horrendously annoying mode to me, fighting against a load of NPC mages (which will naturally try to maintain safe distance in combat) as they repeatedly feeze you.

Bomb deactivation...sounds a little too unconventional to gel with PL in my opinion, kind of like a different take on CTF, where the flag is instead a giant bomb that can kill everything on the map.

Sharpened frisbee/Ultimate mega boss both sound like modes with super hard bosses that are guaranteed to kill your team very quickly, and when each player only has 3 lives with no resurrect allowed I can't see it working, all in all I think you'd be overcomplicating survival way too much.

In survival mode, I'd want a map where I can run around and kite, or hole up in a room and defend, ideally both should be available options. With the base/coins idea, as there is nothing to spend coins on other than boosting your base, surely they're a waste of time and the base should get increasingly harder with each round, regardless, personally I still hate the idea of defending any kind of character or structure.

50-100 enemies approaching in a perfect circle is also sure to be too much for the power of an iDevice (especially the iPod touches etc). In concept, the idea is sound, albeit a little overcomplex IMO, but with the limited (and varying) power of the platforms the game is played on, I can't see survival mode on this kind of scale working so well.

Balance issues aside (far more important at the moment IMO), give me up to 5 player survival mode with resurrection and no death limit, increasingly hard enemies (maybe capped to 15-20 spawned at any one time) and boss rounds - hell yeah.

EDIT: Instead of a tent to defend, maybe non-crucial (but very helpful) turrets/towers of some kind, both defensive (heal, regen, armour boost, evade boost etc) and offensive (single target high damage/area low damage - ice/fire/lightning, snare, root, debuff etc)

So basically you want EVERYTHING changed... Idk how to change everything.

07-21-2010, 09:35 PM
Did you copy and pasted that from some where or did you actualy wrote that?

Sounds like some cheesy tower defense game(from reading randomly):)

07-21-2010, 09:38 PM
Did you copy and pasted that from some where or did you actualy wrote that?

Sounds like some cheesy tower defense game(from reading randomly):)

Lol, you didn't read it did you? :P

07-21-2010, 09:45 PM
I can see where you're coming from, and yeah it takes elements of a tower defense game, however the placement locations should be fixed, it'd be a pain to code free placement and would leave it open to all kinds of exploits. If placement was determined by map design it just becomes a feature of survival mode rather than a tower defense game with role play characters in it.

And lightning for the most part I like survival mode, I just don't see a lot of it being very practical. Some of it just strays away from the concept too much, like super hard bosses and bomb defusal - I'd be happy if these were separate game modes entirely.

07-21-2010, 10:06 PM
I can see where you're coming from, and yeah it takes elements of a tower defends game, however the placement locations should be fixed, it'd be a pain to code free placement and would leave it open to all kinds of exploits. If placement was determined by map design it just becomes a feature of survival mode rather than a tower defines game worth role play characters in it.

And lightning for the most part I like survival mode, I just don't see a lot of it being very practical. Some of it just strays away from the concept too much, like super hard bosses and bomb defusal - I'd be happy if these were separate game modes entirely.

So should the title be "Tower defense Mode"?

Also, what do you mean by placement?

One more thing, the super hard bosses are fine in tower defense..your defending the tower from bosses lol...and the bomb defusal I mentioned as a random event. Yes it may stray from the main concept but that is just to get the players moving and excited a little more about tower defense.

07-21-2010, 10:26 PM
Ooh we have a sarcastic one here :-p

By placement I mean how many and where they can be put. If you had say, a large room with 2 doors, 2 placement points by each door and 2 near the back of the room.

It's not quite tower defense, in that, enemies follow a set path (or one you create with the towers) to an exit where you try to keep them from going, in this, towers would merely aid as waves progressed (the vast majority of all damage would still be down to the players), they would be attackable and be more like base defenses in strategy games - given that you like the idea of defending something, why not give that something a purpose so that it's worth defending.

With regards to getting people moving, as I said that's an optional tactic for any survival mode, some people fight on the move, some people bunker down.

07-21-2010, 10:29 PM
Ooh we have a sarcastic one here :-p

By placement I mean how many and where they can be put. If you had say, a large room with 2 doors, 2 placement points by each door and 2 near the back of the room.

It's not quite tower defense, in that, enemies follow a set path (or one you create with the towers) to an exit where you try to keep them from going, in this, towers would merely aid as waves progressed (the vast majority of all damage would still be down to the players), they would be attackable and be more like base defenses in strategy games - given that you like the idea of defending something, why not give that something a purpose so that it's worth defending.

my brain cannot handle this much usage of strong vocabulary. Please elaborate plox.

Well...either that or Im just really tired.

07-21-2010, 10:37 PM
Placement as in where you can place these defensive towers, limited numbers in fixed locations (near doorways or whatever).

It's not tower defense, it's survival mode with defense involved.

Towers in tower defense aren't attackable, these ones - like your tent; can be attacked

07-21-2010, 10:52 PM
Placement as in where you can place these defensive towers, limited numbers in fixed locations (near doorways or whatever).

It's not tower defense, it's survival mode with defense involved.

Towers in tower defense aren't attackable, these ones - like your tent; can be attacked

but I changed some of those....the tents are taken out and replaced with normal towers.

And I changed it to make it only one tower no matter how many characters there are.

Also, should it be called survival-defense mode? :P

07-21-2010, 10:58 PM
Didn't realise you changed the OP, 1 tower with modifiable abilities sounds like a great idea and makes coins worth while (so you can choose which abilities to upgrade/install) a 'home base' that can be defensive or offensive (or both)

Your idea was already survival/defense mode if you think about it. To get people moving you could have enemies that would head directly to the tower that did high damage, that you'd need to blast away with knockback.

Also, maybe long range enemies or some kind of artillery that you had to go attack, something that would pose a threat to your tower from a long distance (like your bomb) but something that did progressive damage rather than something that would explode after a certain amount of time.

07-21-2010, 11:03 PM
Didn't realise you changed the OP, 1 tower with modifiable abilities sounds like a great idea and makes coins worth while (so you can choose which abilities to upgrade/install) a 'home base' that can be defense or offensive (or both)

Oh that reminds me I need to edit it again...ima add another ability you can use with the coins :).

07-21-2010, 11:15 PM
You should note that enemies will follow the same rules of aggression (like aggro in plain PvE) towards the tower and players, so you can taunt them off.

I'd also have tower attacks, buffs, debuffs and heals (and rez maybe) follow more conventional methods like player abilities, they could have their own skill scale, but I think long recharge powerful attacks would be a lot more to code into the game, and may not work as well.

P.S. Chain lightning :-)

07-21-2010, 11:18 PM
You should note that enemies will follow the same rules of aggression (like aggro in plain PvE) towards the tower and players, so you can taunt them off.

I'd also have tower attacks, buffs, debuffs and heals (and rez maybe) follow more conventional methods like player abilities, they could have their own skill scale, but I think long recharge powerful attacks would be a lot more to code into the game, and may not work as well.

P.S. Chain lightning :-)

A tower attacking and doing all that stuff would make it overpowered O.o.

07-21-2010, 11:27 PM
Think about it, depending how many skills (and how strong) a tower had, it would still only be the equivalent of another character, and that would only be when it was fully upgraded.

So at best, the tower would be like having another character (that couldn't move) without equipment/auto attack.

07-22-2010, 05:54 PM
Think about it, depending how many skills (and how strong) a tower had, it would still only be the equivalent of another character, and that would only be when it was fully upgraded.

So at best, the tower would be like having another character (that couldn't move) without equipment/auto attack.

Hmm, maybe your right....ima edit nao :).

08-03-2010, 01:36 AM
Allrighty I couldn't find any other strategy games (like freeze tag) to add to this thought out plan of survival...

If anyone can find anything please PM me on forums. Tnx in Adv!

08-10-2010, 04:46 PM
Bump!!!!!!!!!!!! L.