View Full Version : I Still Love You, STS

12-24-2011, 06:15 PM
Every time I come back on here, I see a veteran quitting... It sucks. And I'm sure it becomes stressful. I can imagine you guys at your desks, reading some of the things said, and it hurts. I hope you guys will persevere.

The only thing I was ever mad at STS about was when my platinum couldn't be transferred over to SL from PL. But that was resolved and I soon understoon that it was not STS at fault. Apple's policy did not allow it.

Everyone quitting was kind of a snowball effect. We hear stories of neglectful devs. And I apologize to all those players who had much passion for this game, that they feel destroyed by a few decisions made by STS.

This is all from my view. I hope that players and devs can come to equal grounds and understand. If I'm correct, the dev team consists of a little over 30 excluding developers for Dark Legends. That is a bit of a small team to handle millions of players. As hard as they may work, and the funding they receive, it isn't easy to appease millions+ players. The forums are a very small scope of what people may think to be the population entirety of the STS games community.

I still support you guys and the work you put into your games. Just please don't forget us old members and lose your personal touch and your friendliness to the community. It like you prefer going to your old barber because he always went the extra mile for you and was personal towards you. As many of your players fear, please don't let the money get a hold of your motives to move forward. I understand, it's difficult to make everyone happy. And you guys are still not a fully grounded company, still testing many approaches.

Its not fair to totally hate STS for some things... Don't forget the times you had better moments. STS makes a few decisions and you just quit. It's unfortunate that you don't want to stick with them all the way. But well, you're always welcome back. Isn't that right? And let's say STS will make a break through and something amazing happens. Will you come back? Let's hope so. STS, will probably always welcome you back. Not as customers, but as old friends.

Put your anger aside. Just for the damn holidays. It's Christmas. And people got mad over materialistic things. Really? It's all about yourself, huh... sorry to hear that. I hope everyone can be happy someday.

Happy holidays to SpaceTime Studios and the Gaming Community.

Sorry if that sounded like a rant. I just wanted some speech time... :)

12-24-2011, 06:23 PM

12-24-2011, 08:34 PM
Thanks for the kind words, Junside. A very happy holidays to you and yours!

12-25-2011, 12:26 AM
Happy Holidays everyone :)