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View Full Version : The Toxicity Has To Stop.

10-08-2019, 10:43 PM
Hello Everyone, today I just wanted to speak on behalf of the little part of the community left that isn’t focused on hating on Cinco and the development team. It has to stop.

Here are a few things to think about or at least I hope you think about before giving rude/rash feedback.

1. Will this suggestion help the game? and does it really effect your gameplay?

2. Does giving unbelievably toxic feedback help the game in any way?

3. Can this suggestion be spread out into PL in a way where it won’t effect any opposing factors of the game?

Let me break this down for you.

Sending Cinco feedback that is directed in a negative way for him isn’t going to help the game in any way. this means directing hate towards him. why bash him for trying his hardest?

People need to start realizing that cinco is running a business. STS is like any other business. THEY HAVE TO MAKE PROFIT. They have bills to pay. this means they have to implement things for you to spend money. Name one game that is completely F2P you can’t. They all have some aspect of them that will make the company profit. Advising People to not purchase platinum is only hating the game we love.

Cinco can never fully balance endgame because there is so many factors to the game now that its impossible. For example if you want a class nerfed. lets say mage. you have to think about the fact that it will effect so many aspects. This includes PvE and PvP. If you want damage nerfed. This effects PvE. The game is so advanced that damage and armor will be high and we have to accept that as a community.

Think/Low level PvP will never be the main focus. We have to put levels in the past. No this doesn’t mean you have to make an endgame character. This means you have to adjust to changes. We do it in our every day lives so why can’t we settle for a few things in a virtual game.

This is my input on any suggestions on forums. Please before you think about sending feedback just remember. if something is changed it effects all aspects of the game. Give Feedback all you’d like. But Please Think Before you say!


10-08-2019, 11:26 PM
Link me to any recent thread that has given toxic feedback.
Oh wait there aren't any.

10-09-2019, 12:18 AM
wasn’t your guild master banned for toxicity?

10-09-2019, 03:45 AM
There are zero threads in recent memory that have been 'toxic'.

And even if there were, you're one to talk about 'toxicity' when you have engaged in plenty of toxic acts in this community, such as raging and cussing at people when you don't like them or they don't agree with you, calling players "braindead", mocking players for not speaking better English, puking on Burntoutdex (Itsburningdex) in game because you don't like him as a person because you think he has an "ego" that doesn't even exist, among plenty of other acts.

This thread itself is hypocritical and counter-productive. You claim the toxicity needs to stop, and then you openly mock and taunt Burntoutdex's recent thread at the bottom of your post:



Be the change you want to see. Do not ask of others what you are not willing to commit to.

10-09-2019, 07:23 AM
No. Threads these days aren’t what anyone reasonable would deem “toxic.” Dramatic, yes. Attempting to get an emotional reaction from me instead of a change in the game, yes... but not “toxic.”


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