View Full Version : I miss the old DL

10-15-2019, 04:12 AM
Hello everyone, I have been playing DL for about 7 years now. While I am heartened to see players still
active on DL, I share the same sentiments with Purifysoul that PvP is nearly dead. Some of my points
here may overlap with Purifysoul's but I do feel the need to reiterate it again by shedding some light on
issues players may face currently.

1) Player retention

Many older players have been returning to DL but the majority do not play for long. Why is that? PvP
used to be an integral part of our community. Through PvP, we forged friendships, it kept us playing
even when there were no longer any updates. Why is it that even with updates now, PvP has become
more dead than ever? My only answer to this is that there is no easy way for NEW or RETURNING
players to get back into PvP where items are limited to events and tradable ones are simply too
Suggestion: Make all equipment FARMABLE (weapon AND gems), this will motivate players to stay in
game longer to farm and allow players to get into PvP easily. This will directly increase the number of
players in PvP. Vanities can remain to be event-limited.

2) Microtransactions, tradable/non-tradable items

I hate to say this but plat prices for Vanities are ridiculous. Are tradable/non-tradable items necessary?
Suggestion: Let all old Vanities remain tradable/non-tradable as they were. For future updates, re-use
DL's old "gacha" system (i.e Iron Hand Bundle, 25 plats to get 5 items and a chance to receive Iron
Hand vanity) like those in shop. Having Vanities priced lower with a "gacha" system could motivate
players to do more microtransactions as compared to Vanities that are priced ridiculously high. I
understand that most players get plat from "free platinum sources" but how sustainable can that be in
the long run where vendors are extremely unreliable?
From this, I can expect some players to mention that not everyone has plats to buy Vanities. Hence, I
suggest that the Vanities remain tradable. This way players with plats can choose to buy Vanities, and
other players may offer them gold in return. However, this should ONLY be restricted to Vanity as
Vanity, unlike equipment, is just a LUXURY not a NECESSITY.
If in the situation where Devs would like to sell weapons for plat, we should adopt DL's old methods.
Weapons can be bought using plats but they should ONLY give a SLIGHT advantage where the disparity
in stats can be redeemed by a player's skills.

3) Stat boosting vanities

This seems like a quick cash-grab to me. Pvp should be about a player's skills, not how rich he/she is.
Suggestion: Stat boosts from Vanities should only be limited to PvE. (I think Purify has also mentioned
That is all, my friends. I hope the Devs really do consider these issues that players face. Sometimes, less
is more, DL used to be thriving back in the days, even without fanciful features like forge or elder gems
etc. I hope this game can return to its former glory.

Thank you,

DISCLAIMER I know this says Cuatro (the dude who sarcastically recommended a white Batman suit to Cinco and got served...) but I am not the original poster, just the messenger! she doesn't have enough posts to make a thread, peace out mfs

10-24-2019, 04:04 PM
I agree with everything said in here, but personally I'm sort of tired of fighting for all this.

I mean, like come on. Purify's thread has been up for a long while now, and everything mentioned there makes sense and is obviously to make the game better, and everyone in the community agrees with it, yet they didn't really apply everything or listen to it completely. Well they did make pvp gear dropable (sort of) aegis and other relics are permanent drops, but still doesn't feel that right, we still have to spend hours forging, spend millions of gold that is hard to earn for many of us, the forge is like limiting the people who play pvp.. many dont play it bcz they cant afford spending that much on forge so they'd rather not play at all..

Anyway they did do some great stuff as well, like reducing the weapon combo (after purify and the community literally died asking for it to be removed for a long time since it ruined the point of pvp completely) but eventually they ended up listening so.. thanks to them. But yeah took long enough.. and everyone is sort of tired of trying tbh, trying to just let it be, nothing stays great forever after all.. DL's glory days are long gone I believe

10-25-2019, 03:24 PM
It would be ideal for cinco to look at the option of having players from the community who have impacted it greatly with their kindness and logical sense to help spark DL back into its prime. He has thousands and hundreds of players who are trying to give him ideas. Some of which are content creators and can help with the mechanics and coding of the game. With how much DL makes in profit it definitely can afford a revamp. He needs to be open to making adjustments. “We have to be susceptible to change”. It’s the same thing over and over like a broken record.

-Vanities that have been recolored (It’s lost it’s touch after the 2cd time.)
-Same events, no different path it takes. (Consistently running the same campaign maps and defeating a boss.)
-Same prizes but with no real goal (You pay for your prize when you’ve completed the goal you initially were to be rewarded for.)
-Same map. (No new areas, no redecoration or decor when the seasons/holidays change.)
-Same bosses. (Every boss is a campaign boss with a different name. It’s old.)


There are thousands of ideas strung about in threads that he just does not implement into the game unless it’s our of favor of another. Which is really unfair. As much as people are grateful for the events. They start getting bored after the first few days because it’s the same thing. As mentioned above it would be ideal if he took players from the community to help him revamped and bring his game back to life.

-New guild halls (Give the options of editing the guild hall as long as you’re master.)
-Different clothing vanities (Actually take artists from the community and have them draw up ideas and reward them for their hard work with what they created.)
-Look at redecorating the districts and implementing different areas.
-Offer the idea of player movement. (sitting, walking, more emotes and options.)
-Better customizations that aren’t ridiculously overpriced. (3m for a hairstyle? How about offer a “makeup box” for 3m a item that gives you a 1 time option at redesigning your character I.E: skin recolor/ Hair recolor /eye recolor/ facial hair/ etc etc.)
-A mount option (It has been requested many times.)
-Bigger pets that have different stats.
We have creative players who are willing to help make DL better and renew its originality. But it goes to waste because Cinco refuses to look at how much profit he’ll obtain if he does it.

But that’s just from
A business standpoint.

10-28-2019, 04:40 PM
I agree with everything said in here, but personally I'm sort of tired of fighting for all this.

I mean, like come on. Purify's thread has been up for a long while now, and everything mentioned there makes sense and is obviously to make the game better, and everyone in the community agrees with it, yet they didn't really apply everything or listen to it completely. Well they did make pvp gear dropable (sort of) aegis and other relics are permanent drops, but still doesn't feel that right, we still have to spend hours forging, spend millions of gold that is hard to earn for many of us, the forge is like limiting the people who play pvp.. many dont play it bcz they cant afford spending that much on forge so they'd rather not play at all..

Anyway they did do some great stuff as well, like reducing the weapon combo (after purify and the community literally died asking for it to be removed for a long time since it ruined the point of pvp completely) but eventually they ended up listening so.. thanks to them. But yeah took long enough.. and everyone is sort of tired of trying tbh, trying to just let it be, nothing stays great forever after all.. DL's glory days are long gone I believe

funny how u talk about urself using a different forum account... LMAO.

10-29-2019, 01:19 AM
funny how u talk about urself using a different forum account... LMAO.


10-30-2019, 03:52 PM
Cinco too worried about keeping arcane legends going. We pretty much playing the events and buying new stuff so he can ignore dl again after events and pay more attention to al

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11-17-2019, 02:39 PM
Is bad whats happend now in DL u cant play flags as before... I m back after years and is sad. I dont understand why vanity with stats is agre in pvp... I want play but first i was sell 3/4of my thinks to can have gems and forge and emerald suit bcs sweather is so...
Also... Nostalgy is strong so create guild The New Madhouse and i will be happy if some old player want join to create pvp guild as in old times. Coz it was Calxxx who help me years ago when i start and i really miss that times when team was more than u.
P.s sorry for bad english

11-18-2019, 12:28 PM
lol how come