View Full Version : So apparently, I take credit for other peoples artwork

12-28-2011, 12:29 PM
Someone on this forum (not naming names) wakes me up with a pm (I get email push notifications when I get pm's) very rudely accusing me of taking credit for someone else's work. The piece in question is one of my Regina Spektor portraits. This person went on my deviant art and saw that I favorites someone else take on the same piece, and accused me of stealing their work. O'RLLY? Here's the picture we both worked off of


The artist used photoshop, I believe, for his along with a wacom tablet. This artist has worlds more experience than myself, so his take looks EXACTLY like the picture. His/her talent is just absolutely amazing. I even commented on the picture asking the artist to take a look at my version to give me feedback( Link here (http://redryderpl.deviantart.com/favourites/#/d47s19c)) and they even have a speed drawing video of the piece on YouTube (http://www.deviantart.com/users/outgoing?http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ic6JDeJDQ0g). Finally, here's that artists piece:


Beautiful right? My eyes watered after seeing the video and the end result. Just breathtaking. Alright so finally, that was the piece I was accused of stealing credit of. I took the maximum amount of Offence to the way this forum user approached me, and the manner that they accused me. I was infuriated and have yet to receive a reply back since giving all the supporting evidence that I've given you guys reading this thread. The worst feeling for any artist would be being called a fraud. I spent 8 hours using my index finger on my brothers iPad and mostly my iPhone tiny screen, and put my heart and soul into it. To say that I just stole it and threw my name on it, something that would take 8 seconds, is just outright hurtful. Here's MY piece:


IMO, the differences are very apparent between the level of skill of that artist of myself. In no way shape or form, does it look like I ripped someone else work. Or is it just me?

Sorry for this long post, but I really needed to vent and I know you guys will give me honest responses that I know will back me up, ESPECIALLY with the evidence I've provided.

12-28-2011, 12:33 PM
Some people need to remember to ask before blaming people for things they have no knowledge of, maybe.

I'm sure this thread just about covers it, eh?

Personally, I think your a lousy artist anyways..... ;-)

(EDIT: Max already knows what I think about his lousy artwork :-))

12-28-2011, 12:37 PM
Haters is gona hate were would we be without them lol? You know the truth you know u did it dnt let em get to u,there probably just mad because you got the mad skills and they dont :)
P.s I love your artwork

12-28-2011, 12:45 PM
Jealousy does strange things to people. Seems to me like a particular person envies your superb artistic skills. Dont sweat it Red.

Still fantastic artwork as always.

12-28-2011, 12:47 PM
I believe you, Red. Pretty wrong how someone would rudely frame you as being a thief. I don't even know how you would politely ask someone, "Did you take this artwork from [Artist Name Here] and called it your own?" It sounds rude saying just that.

Hope you feel better from venting. It's better to share what's irritating you than holding it in.

12-28-2011, 12:47 PM
What dum dum would accuse you of stealing work?! That's ridiculous. You're art is wonderful! I hope I don't know this person, cus if I find out, I'm deleting them. ;)

12-28-2011, 12:54 PM
Lol its apperant you didnt steal that ....love how you gave his name but didnt...lmfao

12-28-2011, 01:01 PM
Red, to be honest, I think that you should delete the hints about his name. I knew within the first minute who it was. I don't know if he deserves what everyone is saying because I didn't see the PM but IMO his record is down the drain and forever will be.

And I don't doubt that you created that completely separately :) Nice work!

12-28-2011, 01:02 PM
Wow...the girth of some ppl, swine....tank......anyways lmfao its apperant you didnt take this but put your on touch to it . Its awesome as always

12-28-2011, 01:02 PM
Haha I love you guys. I feel so much better now

12-28-2011, 01:05 PM
Why would he do something like that? Seriously-_-

It is apparent as you stated. That artist's looks like an exact replica, while yours (looks so much like it) isn't. The big giveaway is the eyes, IMO. You take so much time on these master pieces, yet someone has the cajones to tell you your a fraud?! That's just stupid. Maybe you should make a speed video of you doing it. Or or or maybe! You shouldn't do it at all, because your word is proof enough that you did it.

You have a tremendous talent Red, don't let the hater(s) get to you. Let them haters be your motivators!:)

12-28-2011, 01:10 PM
Meh they just jealous on red's reputation

12-28-2011, 04:06 PM
You can do the same pic as you or as the other guy in 2 minutes with photoshop.

Just saying :P

12-28-2011, 06:46 PM
His sped up video was about 6 minutes long... Pretty sure he spent at least 2 hrs

Just sayin

12-28-2011, 07:05 PM
What I mean is that it's pointless (except if it's for your better feelin) to re-draw the same thing... You can just use the topaz clean filter, for example. Fix some stuff and you get the same thing without any hard work. If I would have that talent as you that other guy I would draw something original instead...

12-28-2011, 07:25 PM
Don't worry bout the jelly haters red, we all here know you put hard work into your pieces.

Good artists copy, great artists steal. And by that I mean 'stealing' their ideas but using your own technique. :)
Keep doing your thing Red!

12-28-2011, 10:10 PM
LOL whoever accused you just got PWNTTTTT
It's funny to see why someone would accuse you of a piece of artwork when the evidence is so clearly displayed RIGHT HERE on this thread.

12-28-2011, 11:41 PM
Don't worry bout the jelly haters red, we all here know you put hard work into your pieces.

Good artists copy, great artists steal. And by that I mean 'stealing' their ideas but using your own technique. :)
Keep doing your thing Red!

Haha thanks bro ^_^

LOL whoever accused you just got PWNTTTTT
It's funny to see why someone would accuse you of a piece of artwork when the evidence is so clearly displayed RIGHT HERE on this thread.

Lmao I didn't mean for this to happen, and I was obviously pretty furious when I made this thread. Lets just make this a lesson. Don't ever accuse me of stealing another persons work ^_^ sure I wish I was as good as that guy, but as much to go as far to take their work and stamp my name on it...

I'd quote respond to all of you but im short on time, but thanks all of you guys for having my back :')

12-29-2011, 12:43 AM
The amount of noisiness and drama on these forums is just... well... ridiculous. Whomever sent you the pm obviously has nothing better to do than annoy in attempts to what?? Exactly... nothing. You are an awesome artist, Max.

12-29-2011, 12:56 AM
The two pictures do look a lot like the same picture, but when you look at the finer detail (hair, eyes, nose..) you can obviously tell they are different.

"this person" must have glanced at your picture, then the other persons and wrongly accused you of copying.

I completely understand why you got mad tho.. :/

12-29-2011, 12:59 AM
Such a childish thing to do/say..

Dont ever doubt yourself Max! Your art work is amazing! And pretty much anyone that has seen your art is left in awe! Your only young you have a bright future ahead of you! And alot of experience to gain, to be even better artist than you are now!

12-29-2011, 01:11 AM
CRim thanks bro, nick the first two are the actual photograph and the other artists digital painting. His/her level of drawing ability is so immense that they're nearly identical. The third is my version, which looks so different even at a glance. I'm over it now, but I was pretty ticked off haha