View Full Version : Just something: Defaming is bad.

12-29-2011, 01:17 PM
I don't know how long this is going on, but today I just became aware of much hate directed toward one guild.
They haven't done anything wrong, and they're a large guild, too.
Even if they did rush or annoy you, PLEASE DON'T SAY ANYTHING. Just ignore them.
If you're going to walk around calling them names, I'm not gonna tolerate it.
I just wanted to let you all know, you WON'T achieve anything by defaming other guilds.

You guys who were in that CTF, you KNOW who you are and what you did to that guild's members.

To others, it might not be clear yet or some people just might not understand it fully, but defaming is simply horrible.
Now, happy holidays.

12-29-2011, 01:31 PM
All these problems with "rushing" would be cured by following a default FFA rules (like SL).

12-29-2011, 01:32 PM
That's not the point of this thread.
The point of this is to say PLEASE DON'T DEFAME GUILDS/PEOPLE.

12-29-2011, 01:37 PM
Not sure how else to reply. Your post was vague to protect the identities of the guild and the players and your message is that intentionally lying about someone (defamanption) is bad. I think we all agree with that message.

12-29-2011, 01:39 PM
If you're talking about Rushers, they don't all rush. Rushorgtfo is am amazing pvper, I've seen him go 1v1 no rushing and win. I've played 'fair' games with some of their members, so yea they're fun and nice:p

If it's some other guild, well not all of the members are the same.

12-29-2011, 01:40 PM
People are allowed to express there opinions about other people & if those people are in a Helping Respectful guild, maybe the guild leaders need to pay attention to its members actions and reprimand them.
Ignoring the issue isn't a solution, it's a band aid for the underlying problem.
Maybe instead of complaining about people trash talking guilds, you should talk to the people giving the guilds a bad rep.
If its people defaming with lies then that's wrong of the people but that's not what I got out of the O.P.

12-29-2011, 01:42 PM
If you're talking about Rushers, they don't all rush. Rushorgtfo is am amazing pvper, I've seen him go 1v1 no rushing and win. I've played 'fair' games with some of their members, so yea they're fun and nice:p

If it's some other guild, well not all of the members are the same.

Obviously not Rushers. They're a good guild, just have different views and goals.

People are allowed to express there opinions about other people & if those people are in a Helping Respectful guild, maybe the guild leaders need to pay attention to its members actions and reprimand them.
Ignoring the issue isn't a solution, it's a band aid for the underlying problem.
Maybe instead of complaining about people trash talking guilds, you should talk to the people giving the guilds a bad rep.

I'm sorry, did you not understand me?
This isn't my guild. I'm not complaining.
I'm simply stating one fact. Also, I'm simply stating what I saw today that upset me.
Also, yes people are allowed to express their opinions, IN A CONSTRUCTIVE WAY.
Dropping several swear words in one sentence isn't constructive.

Thank you,

12-29-2011, 01:49 PM
Ok not the Rushers, I was sure it wasn't them.

Ok some other guild. Ok so they rushed/annoyed the other people right? Then those people did something in a CTF game that made you post this thread correct? Pretty much it's going to go on whether you like it or not. Yes I see your point, you don't want people to defame others, but it likely won't stop.

Why not suggest this to both parties to settle their differences. Have them both fight each other in a 'fair' game, leave the problem where it started in the PVP arena.

12-29-2011, 02:01 PM
Ya I would agree that swearing isn't constructive @ all. They could word it differently but doesn't change the fact that 95% of the time if someone is being "defamed", there's probably some sort of basis behind it. people shouldn't have to just ignore or mute it in order to cater to yours or anyone elses feelings. If it's "defaming" a guild then I think maybe the guild needs to look at its members.
You mentioned that these people should just ignore/mute the people rather than defaming them or the guild. Doesn't this work both ways? Can't you, these players & these guilds mute/ignore the people doing the "defaming" as well? Seems that if you won't tolerate defamers maybe you should mute/ignore them too.
Just a thought.

12-29-2011, 03:27 PM
I think I know what you're talking about, whirlz, I was in the guild that was hated by another.

12-29-2011, 03:35 PM
Just play the game lol..

I'm not being rude, but honestly...cursing and defaming? Have you people ever played an online game before? Its everywhere, and will only get worse as games get more popular....its just part of the gaming world. Sure, its not right and it can be annoying, but at the end of the day...who cares? Ignore it, or get off the internet where you're bound to be disappointed if you don't expect such things.

12-29-2011, 03:35 PM
Ya I would agree that swearing isn't constructive @ all. They could word it differently but doesn't change the fact that 95% of the time if someone is being "defamed", there's probably some sort of basis behind it. people shouldn't have to just ignore or mute it in order to cater to yours or anyone elses feelings. If it's "defaming" a guild then I think maybe the guild needs to look at its members.
You mentioned that these people should just ignore/mute the people rather than defaming them or the guild. Doesn't this work both ways? Can't you, these players & these guilds mute/ignore the people doing the "defaming" as well? Seems that if you won't tolerate defamers maybe you should mute/ignore them too.
Just a thought.

I get your understanding LOL.
I should perhaps add to my previous post.
"Ignore AND REPORT."
I just checked the ToS and it says that ANY form of harassment is not tolerated.

12-29-2011, 03:52 PM
Closing this thread as I fear it will spiral into flaming and arguing. That said, I agree with Whirlzap's point. If someone is doing something you think is wrong, talk to them about it or talk to one of us about it - don't smear the name of the entire guild.

And regarding what @Pathologyx said, cursing and defaming is NOT an inherent part of an online game. We take pride in the fact we have a very friendly and supportive community, and we do not tolerate that kind of behavior whatsoever.