View Full Version : The Valley Crates

11-19-2019, 11:42 AM
Everything Wrong with the crates:
1) It cost 500tokens + mats to craft 1 massive crate.
Understand a very simple thing - Players who buy plats are usually the people with jobs, they usually dont have much time to dedicate playing the game, especially dont have time waiting for portals to be up. If you really want people to buy plats to open these crates then make it available to them.

2) 3x pull crate has no advantage over 1x pull, why is it even there?
1xpull and 3xpull chests have the exact same loot, why would people craft or open 3xpull chests if 1xpull chests are easy to craft, sells for 600k in auction and has the same odds as 3x.

3) The contents of the chest are BAD. It is not worth my money. There is a reason why Massive Twilight crates were so popular, just compare the valley and twilight crates and you will know what I am talking about.
The another reason why players are not opening the chests with gear in general is that everybody knows that arcane items will drop in some event in a future and history of ebon will repeat. NO, sorry we want guarantee that our money is worth spending and will be worth this expansion.

1) Reduce the token needed for crafting the chests.
2) Add all mythic set items to the crate.
3) Ether make 3x chest have double odds, or add arcane/heroic pets/items to it.
4) Be honest with your players on future plans, people only like to invest on business that are trustworthy. We dont want to spend real money on things that will be available for free in few months. So be clear with your plan.

oh by the way crates went down with Festerfang expansion so please dont use that as an example. Make crates more accessible and Worth IT. People loved the Massive Twilight crates for a reason, may be go back to that style.

11-19-2019, 11:50 AM
I agree with 3 - and several Arcane items are going to be in those crates in the next update.

Respectfully, I have to disagree with your assessment of the value of 3X pulls versus 1X pull tho :-)

11-19-2019, 12:20 PM
Respectfully, I have to disagree with your assessment of the value of 3X pulls versus 1X pull tho :-)

Am I missing something? do they have better odds? The description doesn't suggest anything.
Please pardon my ignorance in my feedbacks, I would appreciate being corrected.

I checked again, I do not see any difference between 1x and 3x pull valley chests.
Also, Spirit Marsh elixir doesn't make any sense in the valley chest, please remove that too with next update :)

11-19-2019, 12:47 PM
Am I missing something? do they have better odds? The description doesn't suggest anything.
Please pardon my ignorance in my feedbacks, I would appreciate being corrected.

I checked again, I do not see any difference between 1x and 3x pull valley chests.
Also, Spirit Marsh elixir doesn't make any sense in the valley chest, please remove that too with next update :)

For Valley crates you spend 5 Plat for 1X pull on the loot list, or you spend 10 Platinum for 3X pull on the loot list - so you get one 'free' pull on the loot list by opening a 'Massive' Valley locked. It's not supposed to be a different set of loot for the Massive crate. I think you may be looking for a difference that doesn't exist ;-)

Spirit Marsh elixir still has value and definitely makes sense as an item that you can loot (players can continue to gain Spirit XP in the Vardan Valley region). Perhaps this was not clear to you?

11-19-2019, 01:01 PM
For Valley crates you spend 5 Plat for 1X pull on the loot list, or you spend 10 Platinum for 3X pull on the loot list - so you get one 'free' pull on the loot list by opening a 'Massive' Valley locked. It's not supposed to be a different set of loot for the Massive crate. I think you may be looking for a difference that doesn't exist ;-)

Spirit Marsh elixir still has value and definitely makes sense as an item that you can loot (players can continue to gain Spirit XP in the Vardan Valley region). Perhaps this was not clear to you?

In previous expansions normal locked crate (1x) had less items than massive locked crate (3x). But I see your point of 1 free pull.. okay.

Regarding Spirit elixir, yes, I was not aware that it can be used in Vardan Valley to gain Spirit XP, you should update the description of the elixir. Was this announced? Sorry I missed it.