View Full Version : Only ELITE ARCHERS (LV. 64 - 66)

12-31-2011, 12:00 AM
Hello to all elite archers!

Everyone have problems killing mages dont you?

Well i create this post to discover what's the best combo to defeat mages.
I know some combos but it doesn't work at all with a lvl 66 mage with those stats:

STR: 152
DEX: 18
INT: 265
HIT%: 94
CRIT: 43
DAMAGE: 209-254
DPS: 231
ARMOR: 194

The combo that someone tell me is:

Break Armor
Blinding Shot
Blast Shot
Repulse Shot

If anyone knows another combo please post it!!

12-31-2011, 12:12 AM
If any mages see this, won't they just figure out a way to fight this combo back?

12-31-2011, 12:18 AM
Yeah but we still can beat them

12-31-2011, 12:23 AM
?! There's no cruel blast in your combo?! :0

12-31-2011, 12:40 AM
That's why im asking for combos!! >.<

12-31-2011, 08:33 AM
I know some combos but it doesn't work at all with a lvl 66 mage with those stats:

STR: 152
DEX: 18
INT: 265

This mage has 435 attribute points, so guess it's a hacker and that's why you can't beat him! :)

On a more serious note:

This combo you are using won't work, in fact, there is no "best combo" against anything.
Combos vary dependent on the opponents class (wandmage, staffmage, pally,...), his fighting style and your own style.
Vs mages make sure to break their mana shield as soon as it comes up, saving blast (except when you see the possibility to one-combo the mage).
Against pallys the wise use of roots and blind shot is important.
Don't cruel blast (just occasionally), because you would have to get to close. Keep your range.
All a matter of practice.

And, hands down, Mage's sets are madly OP, so you will always have a hard time fighting them...

01-05-2012, 08:02 PM
Yah well i just think mages are way to over powered -_-