View Full Version : 66 - My first max level char

12-31-2011, 10:57 PM
Hello Community:

I don't post a great deal, but tonight is a bit of a special occasion: a few hours before the new year I hit 66 on my mage and shortly afterward received my very first elite vanity item!

I picked up PL 5 weeks ago and haven't looked back. I've met some wonderful folks on the forums and in the game, enjoyed my late nights and early mornings PvPing and grinding, and am eagerly awaiting the release of Humania and future updates to PL.

Thank you everyone who helped me level, especially Gridian (who doesn't use the forums but hopefully will start to now that I've alerted him to this post!). Thank you people who write on these forums, whether you've written extensive guides or simply dropped a quick answer to a nagging problem someone else posted about--you've helped me immensely in understanding this game. Thank you STS--your outfit is more interested in and responsive to the views of your players than any other game developer I've encountered in my long history of gaming.

What's the future hold? I'm eager to hit 66 on each of my PL chars, hopefully do the same in SL (although I prefer PL :)), and jump right into DL when it is released (my only regret with PL and SL is having not joined sooner!).

Happy New Year!

[Sorry the pictures don't show the 66 above my head; I was too slow]

PL Playa
01-01-2012, 12:20 AM
I'm not gonna try for the cap in PL though I am 65, I am going for it in SL! That is your next goal as well!!!!

01-01-2012, 12:26 AM
I'm not gonna try for the cap in PL though I am 65, I am going for it in SL! That is your next goal as well!!!!

See you on SL. Make sure to leave room for PvP! I'm lookin forward to DL in part because I can start he game when the PvP field is level.