View Full Version : Boss maps with special requirements

12-03-2019, 06:58 AM
Based on the mechanics of current harvesting event, it would be cool if existing or new elite boss maps, such as hydra, orrick, etc., have a requirement that all 3 classes are needed to receive a damage, armor, regen boost for players and/or damage, armor, reduction for bosses. Missing just one would not provide any boost/reduction at all and boss should be more difficult to finish.
And to make this even more interesting, drop loot for good items should be increased as well.
This should balance the need of all classes.


12-03-2019, 07:10 AM
Based on the mechanics of current harvesting event, it would be cool if existing or new elite boss maps, such as hydra, orrick, etc., have a requirement that all 3 classes are needed to receive a damage, armor, regen boost for players and/or damage, armor, reduction for bosses. Missing just one would not provide any boost/reduction at all and boss should be more difficult to finish.
And to make this even more interesting, drop loot for good items should be increased as well.
This should balance the need of all classes.



Normal and elite maps do not cost energy. If you enter a map and you do not like the PT setup, just exit the map, then dust yourself off and try again. If you see 2 warriors and 2 mages and you do not feel it is a good PT, don't run it. If you choose to do so, that's on you. 3 class requirement will mean more dead maps.

12-03-2019, 07:38 AM
Thanks for your feedback!
But to address your concerns, adding a higher drop loot for good items when all classes are present should make this map an interesting one (no dead map ... until item is too common).
Regarding your concern of the party not being good and to just leave, the buffs/nerfs should take care of that.

12-03-2019, 09:42 AM
+1 I'm up for more maps in this expansion, likely a well designed and not long af but with a few mobs and a boss with interesting mechanics and good drops, either a new mythic weapon with with stats lower than ebon weaps but with procs that make it fun to play these weaps. Or maybe new set items such as helm/armor/belt.
Either way I like the idea of having a buff on a 3-class party, make the buff notable but not too decisive when it comes to clear the boss.
A gold loot map would be highly appreciated on the new expansion as well, make it difficult but with a rewarding amount of gold

12-03-2019, 11:16 AM
Just throwing out another idea that may be welcome by everyone is having a same map that gives different rewards and has different mechanics based on the party.
For instance, a rogue party and/or a mage party should have a boss with high hp but with less damage output while in a warrior party the boss should have less hp but does more damage.
While, as previously explained, a party consisting of all classes should have the buff/nerf.
Drops should be dedicated for the corresponding classes and drops for a well-round party should drop maybe significant gold.
The coding for this may be difficult though because of all the conditions....

12-06-2019, 07:52 PM
I like the 3 class buff pt idea.

12-14-2019, 08:58 AM
Like the valley buff