View Full Version : A few solid suggestions for SL.

01-01-2012, 02:17 PM
1. 5-slot trade window: We have 5 pieces of gear to make a set, why only 4 slots? I spent all morning mediating a huge arguement because someone logged after trade without giving the final piece up. This could even happen by fluke, you get dc'd after trading the 4 pieces but before giving the 5th one. This is quite a glaring issue, and makes *zero* sense in my opinion. I assume because the trade screen is the same coding as PL's.

2. Enhancer timer: No, this has nothing to do with the timer counting down outside of a dungeon, I'm sure the devs know that one. Here's my beef...
Say you bought a 3x 30 minute enhancer, and have been playing for roughly 20 mins. Well, the best time to check your remaining enhancer is right as you remake, as you wait for friends to join. Here's the issue, albeit a minor one: "So-and-so has entered the zone" appears directly overtop of the enhancer countdown, so you can't see the time remaining. If all 4 friends join while you're trying to look, you end up spending 10-15 seconds trying to see past it all, and instead of hosting/leading, you are now the guy in the back saying "Hey, wait up!"

3. Combo Enhancers: When a combo enhancer runs out, it acts like it's actually 5 seperate ones and in turn spams your screen 5 times that your enhancer wore off. Uber annoying when trying to keep your peepers peeled for tiny red mines.

4. People you have muted/ignored joining your runs: This has been suggested before, but is more important than ever. Say you're hosting and trying to be quick, so no pw, and you don't really care who joins as long as it fills up.
That doesn't mean I want the guy that called me a "%&*&# mine triggering #$#!$%" to keep joining my games, or people you don't enjoy playing with in general. There's no reason for someone the host has on ignore to be able to join runs.

5. Deals of the Day: This has gotten me jipped out of plat many times with the Holiday pack, Rivet, 3x Combo, etc.. When something is up on DotD, the price for said item should be that cheap everywhere. Maybe with a little *dotd* sign beside it so you know why it's cheaper than usual. I can't tell you how steamed I was to buy a Rivet the day they came out for 500plat only to see DotD 20 mins later for 50% off. Or even the Xmas packs, I bought 2 for 30p each, back out of my menu to learn they are only 25p. This adds up and has probably eaten up a few hundred plat on my expense.

6. Make the bonus from custom sets worth the 200k in recipes/mats. Simple enough. As it is I'm only in custom for the looks, the benefit from the set bonus is negligable, especially in Voleria. Good work on the custom weapon color changes though.

7. Auction Terminals: Why not put 3 along that wall in the AH, or even a circle of them in the middle facing outwards? Help spread the people out so when you go looking for a friend in town, you can find him and he's not buried under 20 people standing at the single terminal. Stash is never busy like that thanks to the Guildhall stash, but the auction terminal is a cluster. Also, between the terminal, Preston the Auctioneer, and the horde of bodies there, you almost never click what you meant to the first time. Also, we can haz item sold notification, pl0x?

Well, I know I had more, but I can't remember and these were the important ones, so feel free to add to this.

01-01-2012, 02:22 PM
1. 5-slot trade window: We have 5 pieces of gear to make a set, why only 4 slots? I spent all morning mediating a huge arguement because someone logged after trade without giving the final piece up. This could even happen by fluke, you get dc'd after trading the 4 pieces but before giving the 5th one. This is quite a glaring issue, and makes *zero* sense in my opinion. I assume because the trade screen is the same coding as PL's.

2. Enhancer timer: No, this has nothing to do with the timer counting down outside of a dungeon, I'm sure the devs know that one. Here's my beef...
Say you bought a 3x 30 minute enhancer, and have been playing for roughly 20 mins. Well, the best time to check your remaining enhancer is right as you remake, as you wait for friends to join. Here's the issue, albeit a minor one: "So-and-so has entered the zone" appears directly overtop of the enhancer countdown, so you can't see the time remaining. If all 4 friends join while you're trying to look, you end up spending 10-15 seconds trying to see past it all, and instead of hosting/leading, you are now the guy in the back saying "Hey, wait up!"

3. Combo Enhancers: When a combo enhancer runs out, it acts like it's actually 5 seperate ones and in turn spams your screen 5 times that your enhancer wore off. Uber annoying when trying to keep your peepers peeled for tiny red mines.

4. People you have muted/ignored joining your runs: This has been suggested before, but is more important than ever. Say you're hosting and trying to be quick, so no pw, and you don't really care who joins as long as it fills up.
That doesn't mean I want the guy that called me a "%&*&# mine triggering #$#!$%" to keep joining my games, or people you don't enjoy playing with in general. There's no reason for someone the host has on ignore to be able to join runs.

5. Deals of the Day: This has gotten me jipped out of plat many times with the Holiday pack, Rivet, 3x Combo, etc.. When something is up on DotD, the price for said item should be that cheap everywhere. Maybe with a little *dotd* sign beside it so you know why it's cheaper than usual. I can't tell you how steamed I was to buy a Rivet the day they came out for 500plat only to see DotD 20 mins later for 50% off. Or even the Xmas packs, I bought 2 for 30p each, back out of my menu to learn they are only 25p. This adds up and has probably eaten up a few hundred plat on my expense.

6. Make the bonus from custom sets worth the 200k in recipes/mats. Simple enough. As it is I'm only in custom for the looks, the benefit from the set bonus is negligable, especially in Voleria. Good work on the custom weapon color changes though.

7. Auction Terminals: Why not put 3 along that wall in the AH, or even a circle of them in the middle facing outwards? Help spread the people out so when you go looking for a friend in town, you can find him and he's not buried under 20 people standing at the single terminal. Stash is never busy like that thanks to the Guildhall stash, but the auction terminal is a cluster. Also, between the terminal, Preston the Auctioneer, and the horde of bodies there, you almost never click what you meant to the first time. Also, we can haz item sold notification, pl0x?

Well, I know I had more, but I can't remember and these were the important ones, so feel free to add to this.

Great Ideas.

01-01-2012, 02:25 PM
You bring up some good points especially the first one and the one about auction terminals

Ign uwantaides

01-01-2012, 02:35 PM
Ideas that should be added 1, 5, 6, and 7. The rest to me are like, if they're added well awesome if they're not o well. Good suggestions tho!

01-01-2012, 02:43 PM
Great ideas Ebalere! I certainly like the combo enhancer suggestion because it does get annoying, and placing the "elixir buff" section a bit more easier to access.

01-01-2012, 03:22 PM
Thanks for the support my space-invading brothers!

01-01-2012, 03:39 PM
Nice suggestions Eb!

01-01-2012, 04:19 PM
Good ideas! One idea I have is the ability to repurchase guild hall enhancers at the dungeon instead of taking the long route back. By the time you get back, everybody abandons your game.

01-01-2012, 04:21 PM
1. Good
2. Very good
3. 50/50 I agree yep
4. This would be a great addition. Woulda helped me loads haha!
5. Agree
6. 50/50 yes
7. Quite a drastic change IMO

01-01-2012, 05:19 PM
The mana regen on custom Runetech is good enough for me. As long as I don't have to use blue stims I am happy. Not sure what the bonus is, other than +2 mana regen.

01-01-2012, 09:35 PM
These r all great ideas ive had problems with all of these. The auction terminal thing doesn't really bother me that much but at least one more terminal would be nice.

01-01-2012, 09:43 PM
A CS in the guildhall would be nice!

01-01-2012, 09:53 PM
Nice! :)

01-01-2012, 10:06 PM
LOL Eb still enjoying my Custom Breather I hope?

I put a tracking device on it... Mwahaha...

01-01-2012, 10:16 PM
LOL Eb still enjoying my Custom Breather I hope?

I put a tracking device on it... Mwahaha...

Well then you'd know.... I STILL PEW PEW WITH IT.

01-01-2012, 10:22 PM
Good stuff! Thanks for taking the time to write it up!

01-02-2012, 12:15 PM
I still can't fathom y we can't access the cs from the tier 3 guild hall. everything else is there. I hate leaving the GH when I'm messing around wit buddies to check the cs, then I come back and the party's over.....

edit: I'll also throw this in here rather than start a new thread since devs have checked here. I'm sure this had been suggested, but the stash is so flawed it's frustrating. I don't get the way it organizes what I put in. I would be happier if everything I put in stayed in the exact order I put it there rather than the randomness of it now. at least then I can say "I know I put that vanity in when I stashed my mats" so I can just look for a chunck of mats and I know my van wil be there. I've thought I accidentally liquidated things bc I couldn't find them. I go through it almost every other day, and I can't decide which is more frustration, trying to find something or putting everything on my stash toon and switching back and forth to get things I need. I can't imagine this hasn't been suggested by others already, but id forget to mention it if I didn't type it out when it popped into my mind

01-02-2012, 12:25 PM
I still can't fathom y we can't access the cs from the tier 3 guild hall. everything else is there. I hate leaving the GH when I'm messing around wit buddies to check the cs, then I come back and the party's over.....

thats actually a really good idea, a CS in GH would be amazing.

01-02-2012, 05:02 PM
I really like ideas 1,4,5, and 7. I would especially like to see the muted one implemented .....you really don't want someone u muted following u like that. :(

Also l also like lelouchx's ideas for cs in gh. Sometimes I don't even want to walk into blackstar because of all the random friend requests and junk.

Great ideas!

Edit: forgot to include would love stash to be organized......it takes forever to find stuff sometimes.

01-02-2012, 07:10 PM
are there stash and cs terminals in any of the other "towns?" i think that would be a great idea also if they aren't there already, i haven't looked at the new town, but i don't remember seeing one in the numa town. i hate all the random guild/friend invites and PM's "why won't you join my guild," or "if you join my guild i'll make you an officer" on my poor little merch toon. she's very shy and doesn't like to chat, she gets scared when too many people try to talk to her. in hindsight, probably a bad idea to make my merch toon a female....

01-03-2012, 12:44 AM
are there stash and cs terminals in any of the other "towns?" i think that would be a great idea also if they aren't there already, i haven't looked at the new town, but i don't remember seeing one in the numa town. i hate all the random guild/friend invites and PM's "why won't you join my guild," or "if you join my guild i'll make you an officer" on my poor little merch toon. she's very shy and doesn't like to chat, she gets scared when too many people try to talk to her. in hindsight, probably a bad idea to make my merch toon a female....

Lol! Last time I was on Numa I didn't notice any there.

01-03-2012, 04:25 AM
Do any of the the people who created the game look at this cause without them looking at it these ideas mean nothing I dont like how on pvp I use a commander and fighting ops they use these stun skill that freeze ur ur person up pvp needs a cage match or something wear ops cant stun u taking health run then turn around stuning again something needs to be done about the whole pvp thing

01-03-2012, 11:06 AM
Do any of the the people who created the game look at this cause without them looking at it these ideas mean nothing I dont like how on pvp I use a commander and fighting ops they use these stun skill that freeze ur ur person up pvp needs a cage match or something wear ops cant stun u taking health run then turn around stuning again something needs to be done about the whole pvp thing
devs do check, they have actually already responded to this thread once. enacting any suggestions is up to them and i'm sure many of them would need an app update that apple would hold up forever, so idk what plans they have for any suggestions. i think you are talking about engis in your post, bc they are the ones that stun & run and then heal. take note that an engi who doesn't do this in PvP might as well just stand there and let you kill them. their skills are nerfed and don't have the damage output of ops or massive buffs that coms have. every class has to play to their strengths, so please be respectful of engis that fight this way (i'm not implying you aren't) but i stopped PvPing bc people called me a cheater for doing the stun & run and healing. there are real life people behind every every toon.

01-03-2012, 11:43 AM
Good good ideas, this is what makes the game more and more playable.

01-03-2012, 12:04 PM
I don't know about these days, but if there was something unfair that you thought might have happened regarding platinum, I always sent CS an email. They tell me what they can do for me. And most times, more often than not, they give me the good news. Yes, they could possibly go "too bad, you were off by a few hours" and you waste time, but I say give it a try.

01-03-2012, 08:15 PM
Good sugestions, I have a few,

In pvp, please fix transference cause the opposition regains health from that and also yeah, the ops root is too hard to escape from if your an engineer...

Also my main issue is the pm system... It has a major bug where I often send the wrong messege to the wrong person...

A good sugestion I also have, is a way to access the guild hall through sector map,
Also a lot of us play hide and seek in the game, or want to be online but to be seen as offline so we can avoid certain individuals lol for ect... One way is could there be an option to turn our name above our head off for a,limited time or something where ignored/muted players can't see you lol.
Thx for your time reading this.

01-03-2012, 08:31 PM
Really good ideas dude this is also stuff I've though about writing in the fourms but I don't have the time nor wanna use the time to write all this something to add is with the enchanter if u purchase 1 at blackstar it shouldn't start till ur in lvl because I've been buying enchancers at gh that last 1-5 min then buy the time I get to a level they've lost 30-60 seconds wasted money then I only buy em at gh cause they're a little cheaper than normal.

Cya in game dude!

01-04-2012, 01:32 AM
Really good ideas dude this is also stuff I've though about writing in the fourms but I don't have the time nor wanna use the time to write all this something to add is with the enchanter if u purchase 1 at blackstar it shouldn't start till ur in lvl because I've been buying enchancers at gh that last 1-5 min then buy the time I get to a level they've lost 30-60 seconds wasted money then I only buy em at gh cause they're a little cheaper than normal.

Cya in game dude!
is this really an issue? i don't have this problem at all. I know I have posted this in other threads as well, but since I keep seeing it, I'll say this again. if I buy a lix in GH, it doesn't start until I am in a run. when I finish that run, if I hit the menu and tap "log off" it brings me to the character screen. if I look at my "enhancer buffs" the time still counts down, but in reality, I don't lose time. if I have one minute left on a lix and I sit in that character screen for the full minute, it will say I have 0 seconds left. however, if I join I run, the clock goes back to the minute that I had when I first clicked the "log off" button from the run and was brought to the character screen. I only buy a lix from my GH and have never actually lost any time. i guess this is technically a bug, but no harm comes from it. I have tested this on numerous occasions bc every time I tell this to someone they don't believe me. try it for yourself and see if it works on 5 min lix. I only buy the 30 minute ones, but I don't see why it would be any different for the 5 minute ones. hope this helps.

01-06-2012, 06:48 PM
A CS in the guildhall would be nice!
yes i was going to say that

01-06-2012, 06:50 PM
devs do check, they have actually already responded to this thread once. enacting any suggestions is up to them and i'm sure many of them would need an app update that apple would hold up forever, so idk what plans they have for any suggestions. i think you are talking about engis in your post, bc they are the ones that stun & run and then heal. take note that an engi who doesn't do this in PvP might as well just stand there and let you kill them. their skills are nerfed and don't have the damage output of ops or massive buffs that coms have. every class has to play to their strengths, so please be respectful of engis that fight this way (i'm not implying you aren't) but i stopped PvPing bc people called me a cheater for doing the stun & run and healing. there are real life people behind every every toon.
yeah stun and run only way a eng can take down a op or com unless they are bad pvpers