View Full Version : New Star Guard Emblem

01-01-2012, 09:17 PM
Since sts came out with the arbiter vanity armors whats the star guard members gonna do when arbiter back armor vanity comes out well I have a suggestion. I was thinking of giving them a vanity gun like a western theme saa like gun. Ghost had a good idea to he was thinking about a new shield that looked like the star guard emblem but bigger and is a shield. Well thats it if anyone else has any ideas please post here I would also like to hear from any star guards members to.

01-01-2012, 09:25 PM
A vanity chest with the star guard emblem on it, so it could be right there in your face

01-01-2012, 09:39 PM
A vanity chest with the star guard emblem on it, so it could be right there in your face
Good idea but still they would not be able to wear their new shiny arbiter chest plate but I really do like the idea

01-01-2012, 10:35 PM
I don't think it's really that neccessary, Star Guards can where their emblem when they see fit, they shouldn't always have to wear it :).

01-01-2012, 10:40 PM
A vanity chest with the star guard emblem on it, so it could be right there in your face

If I might throw my opinion down, why not just a picture of the badge in our avatar screens? It's not like it's something to show off anyway. I only wear mine if it matches my outfit, otherwise I keep it stashed to curb some of the "Sell me your badge" PM's I recieve 50+ of each day.

Yeah it's nice to wear it and be proud of the fact that you earned something so exclusive, but of all the attention it draws, maybe only 10% of it is people who don't want to buy it or ask you how you got it and how to get one. I didn't mind answering these questions at first, but after a few months of being asked so many times every day, even having to press your quickchat answer becomes a pain.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be one and I know I earned it (despite what some trolls say), but really, it's become more of a burden since there really is no benefit to being one. It attracts beggars, collectors, and haters, more than it attracts people looking for help or information. I feel a more subtle sign that doesn't look tradable, or obtainable (from me), would be awesome.

Also, since there is now ads and tips popping up when you press your menu, there should be a tip that directs people to the "how to become a star guard" thread. This would save me probably a half hour or more each day in game.

I'd much rather see our Star Guard GM come on once in a while and hang out with us, maybe give a little exclusive info, maybe PvP with us, and make SG feel like an accomplishment more than a burden, than have a gigantic SG somewhere on our person that only draws more unwanted attention and puts us on a unneeded pedestal.

This would probably stop alot of the "Star Guard Try Hards" from putting on a fake persona since their intention is to get the badge and show it off like some falsified display of power that we don't really have. Feel free to disagree, other SG/GoA's, but that's pretty much how I feel about it.

01-01-2012, 10:49 PM
If I might throw my opinion down, why not just a picture of the badge in our avatar screens? It's not like it's something to show off anyway. I only wear mine if it matches my outfit, otherwise I keep it stashed to curb some of the "Sell me your badge" PM's I recieve 50+ of each day.

Yeah it's nice to wear it and be proud of the fact that you earned something so exclusive, but of all the attention it draws, maybe only 10% of it is people who don't want to buy it or ask you how you got it and how to get one. I didn't mind answering these questions at first, but after a few months of being asked so many times every day, even having to press your quickchat answer becomes a pain.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be one and I know I earned it (despite what some trolls say), but really, it's become more of a burden since there really is no benefit to being one. It attracts beggars, collectors, and haters, more than it attracts people looking for help or information. I feel a more subtle sign that doesn't look tradable, or obtainable (from me), would be awesome.

Also, since there is now ads and tips popping up when you press your menu, there should be a tip that directs people to the "how to become a star guard" thread. This would save me probably a half hour or more each day in game.

I'd much rather see our Star Guard GM come on once in a while and hang out with us, maybe give a little exclusive info, maybe PvP with us, and make SG feel like an accomplishment more than a burden, than have a gigantic SG somewhere on our person that only draws more unwanted attention and puts us on a unneeded pedestal.

This would probably stop alot of the "Star Guard Try Hards" from putting on a fake persona since their intention is to get the badge and show it off like some falsified display of power that we don't really have. Feel free to disagree, other SG/GoA's, but that's pretty much how I feel about it.

Well i couldn't have said this better myself Ebal, I love helping but the trolls have me be a bit hidden. Hence my name, but still on a lighter note this accomplishment is very grand, and IMO i have made tons of friends that i chat with daily and I am there support as they are support to me. Im proud to be there friends and my friends are what make me stay.

01-01-2012, 11:46 PM
Sorry if I brought something up I personally was just wondering. I know u guys don't have to wear it. I was just trying to get yall a cool vanity gun. Incase yall wanna wear vanities and still let people know u r sg thats it.

01-02-2012, 12:15 AM
dont get me wrong, a vanity gun would be cool :D

01-02-2012, 12:16 AM
Or maybe a vanity gun

01-02-2012, 12:18 AM
If I might throw my opinion down, why not just a picture of the badge in our avatar screens? It's not like it's something to show off anyway. I only wear mine if it matches my outfit, otherwise I keep it stashed to curb some of the "Sell me your badge" PM's I recieve 50+ of each day.

Yeah it's nice to wear it and be proud of the fact that you earned something so exclusive, but of all the attention it draws, maybe only 10% of it is people who don't want to buy it or ask you how you got it and how to get one. I didn't mind answering these questions at first, but after a few months of being asked so many times every day, even having to press your quickchat answer becomes a pain.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be one and I know I earned it (despite what some trolls say), but really, it's become more of a burden since there really is no benefit to being one. It attracts beggars, collectors, and haters, more than it attracts people looking for help or information. I feel a more subtle sign that doesn't look tradable, or obtainable (from me), would be awesome.

Also, since there is now ads and tips popping up when you press your menu, there should be a tip that directs people to the "how to become a star guard" thread. This would save me probably a half hour or more each day in game.

I'd much rather see our Star Guard GM come on once in a while and hang out with us, maybe give a little exclusive info, maybe PvP with us, and make SG feel like an accomplishment more than a burden, than have a gigantic SG somewhere on our person that only draws more unwanted attention and puts us on a unneeded pedestal.

This would probably stop alot of the "Star Guard Try Hards" from putting on a fake persona since their intention is to get the badge and show it off like some falsified display of power that we don't really have. Feel free to disagree, other SG/GoA's, but that's pretty much how I feel about it.

So let me get this straight.

The badge shouldn't exist, and their should just be a little symbol for SG in your avatar page? Flip should get online more often to give you info that only you guys can know, and then you want to face him in pvp? Second part is suicide man suicide!

You also say that there should be a little pop up in the new pop ups, that send you directly to the SG thread? Then you say there is lots of people out there just helping to be an SG?
Don't you think that if that pop up window existed, there'd be more of those people? I think yes.

So you want this to be new:

•Pop up window thread
•Exclusive info
•Pvp with Flip
•A symbol on avatar page

And you want to get rid of:

•People after the 'power' behind an SG badge
•The SG badge
•The constant SG question

What a list Eb. If that where to happen I can see no change at all actually lol.

The only thing that I see you guys can have fun or benefit from would be the exclusive info or pvping Flip. Now if you get exclusive info, you'll get lots of people asking you about it lol. Pretty much I see no difference if you opinion where implemented.

I see same old 'helpers', askers, trolls, and well everything else tbh. Lol

Also, put on your lvl30 plat armor! It goes with the badge WAY better.

01-02-2012, 12:35 AM
Arbitor? Im lost fill me in?

01-02-2012, 12:52 AM
Arbitor? Im lost fill me in?

That's the name given to each elite vanity piece.

01-02-2012, 02:24 AM
If I might throw my opinion down, why not just a picture of the badge in our avatar screens? It's not like it's something to show off anyway. I only wear mine if it matches my outfit, otherwise I keep it stashed to curb some of the "Sell me your badge" PM's I recieve 50+ of each day.

Yeah it's nice to wear it and be proud of the fact that you earned something so exclusive, but of all the attention it draws, maybe only 10% of it is people who don't want to buy it or ask you how you got it and how to get one. I didn't mind answering these questions at first, but after a few months of being asked so many times every day, even having to press your quickchat answer becomes a pain.

Don't get me wrong, I'm proud to be one and I know I earned it (despite what some trolls say), but really, it's become more of a burden since there really is no benefit to being one. It attracts beggars, collectors, and haters, more than it attracts people looking for help or information. I feel a more subtle sign that doesn't look tradable, or obtainable (from me), would be awesome.

Also, since there is now ads and tips popping up when you press your menu, there should be a tip that directs people to the "how to become a star guard" thread. This would save me probably a half hour or more each day in game.

I'd much rather see our Star Guard GM come on once in a while and hang out with us, maybe give a little exclusive info, maybe PvP with us, and make SG feel like an accomplishment more than a burden, than have a gigantic SG somewhere on our person that only draws more unwanted attention and puts us on a unneeded pedestal.

This would probably stop alot of the "Star Guard Try Hards" from putting on a fake persona since their intention is to get the badge and show it off like some falsified display of power that we don't really have. Feel free to disagree, other SG/GoA's, but that's pretty much how I feel about it.

So let me get this straight.

The badge shouldn't exist, and their should just be a little symbol for SG in your avatar page? Flip should get online more often to give you info that only you guys can know, and then you want to face him in pvp? Second part is suicide man suicide!

You also say that there should be a little pop up in the new pop ups, that send you directly to the SG thread? Then you say there is lots of people out there just helping to be an SG?
Don't you think that if that pop up window existed, there'd be more of those people? I think yes.

So you want this to be new:

•Pop up window thread
•Exclusive info
•Pvp with Flip
•A symbol on avatar page

And you want to get rid of:

•People after the 'power' behind an SG badge
•The SG badge
•The constant SG question

What a list Eb. If that where to happen I can see no change at all actually lol.

The only thing that I see you guys can have fun or benefit from would be the exclusive info or pvping Flip. Now if you get exclusive info, you'll get lots of people asking you about it lol. Pretty much I see no difference if you opinion where implemented.

I see same old 'helpers', askers, trolls, and well everything else tbh. Lol

Also, put on your lvl30 plat armor! It goes with the badge WAY better.

Ok, Javier, you completely missed my point. I was saying there's nothing really special about SG, just gives haters a reason to hate. Why "reward" us with the rank when there's really no rewards? IMO the badge is more of a burden than a reward, and I'd rather it be visible in the menu than on me, so I can still remain a proud SG, without all the random hassles. All I was suggesting is something to maybe even out the good with the bad.

By "inside info", I meant that maybe Flip could even drop a little hint here and there about upcoming events and things, stuff that we could pass on to other players, maybe make us feel like there's more to being a starguard than a badge. You aren't an SG Javier, so you have no clue what it's like to be badgered every day to sell your badge, to "put in a good word" for people, etc..
Hence why I suggested SG be on the avatar screen, not on the person.

Even ghost said he couldn't have said it better himself.

AoA members get to throw parties and hand out vanities and it sounds a whole lot more fun than what I just described. The Pvp thing was just a suggestion, Jav, as in maybe add some perks to being a star guard that we may actually enjoy, not just be given a badge, aka a ticket to be harrassed by every other person you come across.

What ghost said is also true, one thing I enjoy about being an SG is the opportunity to meet cool people that might not otherwise strike up conversation with you.

On the flipside, you also meet alot of people that just want to buy your badge or tell you to "put in a good word" (as has been done before............).

Are you saying "what a list, Eb" because my suggestion might remove the badge before you get a chance to wear it? I felt really attacked by your post, and I feel it's because you think you're gonna be one, one day. Well, I hope you do become one, not for any other reason but because you fail to see it's not all peaches and cream like you think.

Let me try to explain a little better...

The SG thread link as a tip: would negate alot of repetitive Q&A that happens between SG and SG hopefuls. Can't expect you to understand this one since you don't know what it's like.

Exclusive info: AoA has a private forum, why don't us guardians? When people come up to us, at least we'll have something interesting to say besides, "no, it's nontradable" and "to become a starguard visit www.stsblahblahblah.com". It doesnt have to be like, when the next update is, but maybe just small things. Not a big deal, and at least the question and answer period I endure every day would be a little more worthwhile. I didn't plan out my suggestions, was just throwing out ideas.

PvP with Flip: as I said, just a suggestion within a suggestion. I meant maybe Flip could come on more often and hang out with us in the gh, maybe invite us to 3 on1 pvp once in a while, or anything really. Even a hello from him once in a while would brighten my day and I wouldnt feel like SG is just a burden. As it is now I don't even have a toon in the SG guild anymore because it's absolutely pointless, just a "vanity guild".

Symbol on Avatar page: the fact that this bugs you and you'd rather that SG have the big star on their shoulder shows alot. I SUGGESTED (keyword) a more subtle way of showing we are SG. So people can't spot you from a mile away, but you'd still get the recognition should they happen to check out your toon. I think I can speak for every SG and most GoA when I say that we don't wish to be showoffs or be put on a pedestal. I've been treated different (by you, even) ever since I became one, so excuse me if I'd like to be looked at as a regular player once in a while. If just this one suggestion was implemented, I'd be happy, as it would, for the most part, put a stop to the other issues I tried to find viable solutions for that you so swiftly disapproved of. I could still rock the star and be a proud SG, and also wear all my cap vanities and not be hounded by unsavoury types of players.

Your plat gear suggestion for me, saying it goes way better with the badge, shows me that you didnt get what I was after here. I match the badge to my outfit, not my outfit to the badge, in other words I only wear the badge for one reason these days, because my scorn wings dont match my custom set.

I was just throwing some ideas out on the fly. I didn't sit down and go, ok, this is what has to happen, I was just brainstorming. I would just as soon give STS back their badge and be done with it, since not really any good has come from it yet. IMO all SG/GoA program has done is put us on a unwanted pedestal and alienate us from the rest of you upstanding players. All I was asking for is just even ONE reason to be proud of it again, and not feel like I have to stash the damn thing just to enjoy myself in the game.

Good luck on becoming one Javier, and good luck enjoying it if you do.

ETA: I realize my sig and avatar are both SG, don't throw that in my face, I believe the forumgoers are an entirely different breed of person than the ones I'm trying to avoid dealing with anymore. I DO still want to be one, and AM still proud of it. It's just too much in game sometimes.

01-02-2012, 03:25 AM
Ok, Javier, you completely missed my point. I was saying there's nothing really special about SG, just gives haters a reason to hate. Why "reward" us with the rank when there's really no rewards? IMO the badge is more of a burden than a reward, and I'd rather it be visible in the menu than on me, so I can still remain a proud SG, without all the random hassles. All I was suggesting is something to maybe even out the good with the bad.

By "inside info", I meant that maybe Flip could even drop a little hint here and there about upcoming events and things, stuff that we could pass on to other players, maybe make us feel like there's more to being a starguard than a badge. You aren't an SG Javier, so you have no clue what it's like to be badgered every day to sell your badge, to "put in a good word" for people, etc..
Hence why I suggested SG be on the avatar screen, not on the person.

Even ghost said he couldn't have said it better himself.

AoA members get to throw parties and hand out vanities and it sounds a whole lot more fun than what I just described. The Pvp thing was just a suggestion, Jav, as in maybe add some perks to being a star guard that we may actually enjoy, not just be given a badge, aka a ticket to be harrassed by every other person you come across.

What ghost said is also true, one thing I enjoy about being an SG is the opportunity to meet cool people that might not otherwise strike up conversation with you.

On the flipside, you also meet alot of people that just want to buy your badge or tell you to "put in a good word" (as has been done before............).

Are you saying "what a list, Eb" because my suggestion might remove the badge before you get a chance to wear it? I felt really attacked by your post, and I feel it's because you think you're gonna be one, one day. Well, I hope you do become one, not for any other reason but because you fail to see it's not all peaches and cream like you think.

Let me try to explain a little better...

The SG thread link as a tip: would negate alot of repetitive Q&A that happens between SG and SG hopefuls. Can't expect you to understand this one since you don't know what it's like.

Exclusive info: AoA has a private forum, why don't us guardians? When people come up to us, at least we'll have something interesting to say besides, "no, it's nontradable" and "to become a starguard visit www.stsblahblahblah.com". It doesnt have to be like, when the next update is, but maybe just small things. Not a big deal, and at least the question and answer period I endure every day would be a little more worthwhile. I didn't plan out my suggestions, was just throwing out ideas.

PvP with Flip: as I said, just a suggestion within a suggestion. I meant maybe Flip could come on more often and hang out with us in the gh, maybe invite us to 3 on1 pvp once in a while, or anything really. Even a hello from him once in a while would brighten my day and I wouldnt feel like SG is just a burden. As it is now I don't even have a toon in the SG guild anymore because it's absolutely pointless, just a "vanity guild".

Symbol on Avatar page: the fact that this bugs you and you'd rather that SG have the big star on their shoulder shows alot. I SUGGESTED (keyword) a more subtle way of showing we are SG. So people can't spot you from a mile away, but you'd still get the recognition should they happen to check out your toon. I think I can speak for every SG and most GoA when I say that we don't wish to be showoffs or be put on a pedestal. I've been treated different (by you, even) ever since I became one, so excuse me if I'd like to be looked at as a regular player once in a while. If just this one suggestion was implemented, I'd be happy, as it would, for the most part, put a stop to the other issues I tried to find viable solutions for that you so swiftly disapproved of. I could still rock the star and be a proud SG, and also wear all my cap vanities and not be hounded by unsavoury types of players.

Your plat gear suggestion for me, saying it goes way better with the badge, shows me that you didnt get what I was after here. I match the badge to my outfit, not my outfit to the badge, in other words I only wear the badge for one reason these days, because my scorn wings dont match my custom set.

I was just throwing some ideas out on the fly. I didn't sit down and go, ok, this is what has to happen, I was just brainstorming. I would just as soon give STS back their badge and be done with it, since not really any good has come from it yet. IMO all SG/GoA program has done is put us on a unwanted pedestal and alienate us from the rest of you upstanding players. All I was asking for is just even ONE reason to be proud of it again, and not feel like I have to stash the damn thing just to enjoy myself in the game.

Good luck on becoming one Javier, and good luck enjoying it if you do.

ETA: I realize my sig and avatar are both SG, don't throw that in my face, I believe the forumgoers are an entirely different breed of person than the ones I'm trying to avoid dealing with anymore. I DO still want to be one, and AM still proud of it. It's just too much in game sometimes.

First off. I don't see why you reply to me as if trolled you, I didn't.

I said what a list Eb, bc well it is a big list. It's nothing bad, just you suggest something but that something won't make things change much as I said.

I know I'm not an SG, as you can clearly see I have no badge nor do I have the avatar. I DON'T WANT TO BE ONE EITHER. That being said, don't tell me you hope I get to be one so I see how it's like. I really can care less about a stupid title that makes some people get in over there heads. It just a title on a game, a thread, nothing more. You don't need a title to help, and that's all that the title is. You get it for being helpful. Why would I want a badge to do what I already enjoy doing? That's just stupid, if I did become SG I wouldn't even wear the badge. It's just a little title within a game that just stands for 'helper'. I don't want to be SG, ask anyone that tells me that I should be an SG what I tell them. Don't want to ask? I'll tell you. I don't need a stupid title (yes that's all it is a stupid little title) to show that I help. Sure you guys got it, awesome well deserved. Do I want to be like you guys? Hell no, the only person (and I'll be blunt about this) I like as SG is Ghost. Why? Because he's the only one that actually helped me, you would just ignore me when I asked, but hey you said you get lots of pms so who cares right, well that's still not the point. Like I said, you don't need no title to be helpful.

Saying that the avatar page thing bugs me, when I clearly showed no indication in my post of my biased parts of your suggestions, is pointless and should have been left out. Like I said in my post, I was asking you if that's how you wanted it. As for the plat gear, you said you like to match gear right? Well why can't I suggest that you rock the l30 plat gear with your badge? Can't say it doesn't look bad, I even told you you looked like an actual cop. What's so bad in that compliment?

So I treat you different? Wrong. I treat you the same I treat everyone else. I don't even talk to you at all ingame, so why would you even say I treat you different? To know that I treat you differently from others, you would need to see how I treat others. I can even say I don't treat you as my other acquaintances from the game. I'm generally a cheerful and happy person, ask anyone I'm the same way toasted EVERYONE, so don't tell me otherwise. Maybe I should add a pm convo we had like idk in November maybe. You tell me hey Jav. I say hello. Convo ends there. Let me put a different convo. Let's say Kano pms me Hiya Javi(: . I would tell him Sup bro!:D. See the difference? The more you talk to someone, the bigger affect it has on how you respond to them. Wait you must have not known that or maybe forgot. So how would I treat you different? By acting like a sycophant like everyone else who wants to get on your good side? Is it even like that? Maybe they're just being friendly and respectful to someone that has a title in the game. Yea that's what it is in my eyes, being respectful. Still think I treat you different?

Now to last part of your post, you think there isn't a reason to wear that pesky pixelated thing? It shows how helpful you are, that's what most see. It's like "Hey an SG, maybe he can help me out!" Then those people level up some, and say he I want to be like that SG and help people! That's what I was like, but then I got into helping others and didn't really care anymore.

You said it what 3 times already that you hope I become one so I can see what it's like? Why would I want such a silly title? Like I said above, I help to help not to become some SG (or as Silent suggested an GoA). That's not me, so I don't want it. Like I said above, ask people who ask me about being SG and ask them what my response was. If you don't believe me, I'll take a picture of what I told Skeletonlord in a pm once he told me I should be a Mod or an SG. Maybe that'll give you the picture and make you realize I have no need for your title. I may joke around and say, "Oh yea I'll be an SG one day;)" or "What if I become an SG, I'll be the young one:D" and recently "If I become an SG, I'll still be the same so give me that darn badge:)". Anyone that knows me, knows I mock myself how I was when I first heard about this program.

You basically through my simple question about if I had your suggestions correct, and made a huge post trying to be all smart and what not with me. No Eb, it doesn't work that way. Sure you're and SG and you have more say in stuff than others, but you're just a person and a title doesn't make you better than me. As you can plainly see that, but failed to see that I see the same way. You mistakes a simple question for a troll, a simple compliment for an attack. So you don't me, thus you shouldn't be saying I treat you differently for the reasons I stated above.

To sum it all up some bullets like I did with your post
•Javier doesn't want a silly SG title
•Eb thinks he knows Javier, but he doesn't
•Javier treats Eb the same as he treats everyone else
•Javier was asking Eb if he had it straight on how he saw his post
•Eb needs to write shorter posts so Javier doesn't have to write so much

So I do apologize for you thinking that I somehow attacked/trolled you. Maybe I'll add some more " :) :D ;)" when I'm giving compliments.

O yea btw DON'T call me Jav, only one person has that privilege. Everyone else who calls me Jav, I'll ignore. It gets me mad bc I promised that person only they can do it, so be so kind as to not call me that ok thanks:)

If you have anything further to discuss with me, send me a pm. This can lead to an argument, and I won't flame a thread. So pm away if you're going to reply. If you just post it here I'll ignore it. Kk thanks.

01-02-2012, 04:10 AM
risking being called a troll yet again.............
but come on, how cute is this this cat!?!?!?!

01-02-2012, 01:45 PM
risking being called a troll yet again.............
https://forums.playfire.com/_proxy/?url=http%3A%2F%2Fi619.photobucket.com%2Falbums%2F tt279%2FYazure%2FInBeforeTheLOck-1.jpg&hmac=7d05cca3a58326703559acaea877a856
but come on, how cute is this this cat!?!?!?!

I really don't care whether or not you call me a troll. My first post wasn't a troll post.

I'm responsible for what I say not what you understand.

01-02-2012, 02:10 PM
gentlemen please.....can i get a group hug....were friends :p

01-02-2012, 02:15 PM
gentlemen please.....can i get a group hug....were friends :p


Feel better? :D

01-02-2012, 02:28 PM
yes :p

01-02-2012, 02:33 PM
Let's get along, shall we?


01-02-2012, 02:37 PM
@Ghost Awesome, good to know^_^

@Silent Ok!:D

01-02-2012, 03:18 PM
Star Guard pets. It's the only slot you could have a SG identifier in with out ruining the look of the arbiters set.


01-02-2012, 03:25 PM
Star Guard pets. It's the only slot you could have a SG identifier in with out ruining the look of the arbiters set.


A little star that says SG running around behind you? Or how would it look?

01-02-2012, 04:02 PM
PvP with Flip: as I said, just a suggestion within a suggestion. I meant maybe Flip could come on more often and hang out with us in the gh, maybe invite us to 3 on1 pvp once in a while, or anything really. Even a hello from him once in a while would brighten my day and I wouldnt feel like SG is just a burden. As it is now I don't even have a toon in the SG guild anymore because it's absolutely pointless, just a "vanity guild".

I'm online frequently but I very rarely see you. I think we must keep pretty different schedules! The SG guild is vanity, precisely. We snagged the guild name so people couldn't impersonate SG. The SG have the option of being in that guild for use as a private chat room/vanity guild tag. There aren't enough SG yet for the guild to be truly functional. If you and the other SG would like to take over the guild and do something with it I am definitely open to that, but that's a discussion for PMs I think.

01-02-2012, 04:35 PM
I really don't care whether or not you call me a troll. My first post wasn't a troll post.

I'm responsible for what I say not what you understand.
i wasn't calling anyone a troll, just saying that others think i am because i'm not scared to speak my mind.

back on topic, i feel it's disappointing seeing any SG, let alone of my closest friends, losing any sense of pride in something he earned. so don't lose heart eb, for the sake of the people who appreciate u, including me