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View Full Version : Suggestions!

01-02-2012, 12:29 AM
The first of my suggestions is being able to switch weapons with out having to go into your inventory. When I am in PVE i love going with as much DPS as I can to make sure i am doing the best i can ro help out my team. But when it comes to the boss im in trouble attracting all the aggro but not having any armour. I die alot when this happens. So if we could select a whole set of other stuff with just one tap it would be amazing. This function would be even more useful in PVP. If you are getting beaten or if you are winning you could go from damage to armour in an instant and you enemy would not know what hit them! This button i would say could go at bottom middle for the mobile devises and e some button for the chrome version. This would also work for SL.

So i noticed that in Pocket Legends we have a lot less item slots than they do have in Star Legends. Of course the characters in PL are not built to have some of the slots that Star Legends has. The characters in Pocket legends dont have fancy arm or leg plates nor do we need those. But still next to Star Legends PL looks kinda dull on the equipment side. So if we got some more equipment slots this would mean that the game would Brighten! All the slots that i have in mind would not change the appearence of the character but rather would change the whole gaming experience in both PVE and PVP. These slots are: Ammunition, Attachments, Sparkles, Vanity Weapon, Second Set of items from the above section and lastly a second Ring

Ammunition: To obtain this tradeable item (trash coloring because of only 1 basic effect) you must farm it from a boss of any campaign appropriate to your level. This means that level 61-66 can only receive in Mount Fang and HIGHER. 1-10 ONLY can get it in Forest Haven and so on. It eould have slightly higher drop rates than the pink of each appropriate campaign. The effect of the ammunition would be quite simply to double the current proc of the weapon you are using. But only if you are using the right ammo. So for example if i received a "frozen ammo pack" i can use it together with any item that uses a snow perk to get 2x the chance of freezing the enemy. If the weapon does currently not have a proc the ammunition gives it 1/2x the normal proc. So if i was using a brocken sword level 6 with a "frozen ammo pack" i would get half the amount of freezes than a snowball launcher.

Attachments: these would be obtained the same way as the ammo. But be plat obtainable. These would be like the magic mirror but instead of new looks it would make ur weapon sparkly or flaming of smoking and add a little bonus like the mirror! Would be usable with any weapon.( sparkles would not override the current sparkles or flames currently on your weapon).

Vanity Weapon: We have the other slots. Nuff Said.

Sparkles: i guess this is mainly just for looks so this would be great. Espically for the lower level people that dont have sets. I think first set is at lvl 21. This would override all set sparkles except vanity set sparkles. These would be only found as DotD and be like 20-30 plat.

Second Ring: all our toons have 2 hands not one so we still need a second ring slot. Maybe less powerfull on the left hand (assuming the ring is currently on the right hand) or the other way arnound. Except for us ambidexterous people we get double power :). Lol jk. Still wouod be nice.

So this concludes this thread might post more soon. :angel:

01-02-2012, 12:38 AM
Omg it's not the second o.O

01-02-2012, 12:40 AM
Omg it's not the second o.Ogo to sleep :mad:

01-02-2012, 12:40 AM
Lol yes it is i live in michigan trying to stay awake lol have not slept all year! Curently 0:53 in the morning

01-02-2012, 12:44 AM
Lol yes it is i live in michigan trying to stay awake lol have not slept all year! Curently 0:53 in the morningmy brother was wrong. It's like one in tha morning on the second by us. Silly goose XD

01-02-2012, 12:46 AM
And btw not only do they have two hands but ten fingers XD I think oO

01-02-2012, 12:47 AM
Hmm true also could have toe rings! 10+10= 20 possible rings!

01-02-2012, 12:48 AM
LMFAO. Hell why not throw in nose rings XD

01-02-2012, 01:01 AM
Lmfao!!!!!!!!!!! Xd

01-02-2012, 01:02 AM
Lmfao!!!!!!!!!!! Xdgo. To. Sleep I hear u laughing dude

01-02-2012, 09:37 AM
Lol how do you hear him laughing?

01-02-2012, 11:29 AM
Lol how do you hear him laughing?

I think they're brothers.