View Full Version : Guild Pride through vanity customization!

01-02-2012, 03:21 PM
Drugntale originally posted this, thought i might move it to the suggestions thread:


What's a better way to represent your guild than to have a vanity item to represent it?

What if there was an NPC in a certain towne, in whom that NPC would offer you some vanity shield/flag/etc. to represent your guild. The type of customization on the vanity item that you can equip is customized by the guild master. Once your guild master has created the vanity, all players in the guild can go to that certain NPC and ask for one.

Let's take a shield for example. There are a few things you can customize.

1. There are certain symbols on the shield that the devs decide to implement. They can be a staff, a sword, an avian bird, etc. The guild masters have the ability to choose the symbol they want to represent their guild.

2. These symbols on the vanity shield can have a variety of color choices!

3. Behind the symbol is a certain pattern. Jagged lines or something similar to give the shield a little more.. pazazz i guess?

Their could be a flag slot that an avatar can carry around to represent your guild.

Just a thought since the game gets kind of dull at end game-- everyone looks the same.

Let me know what you think!

Some random examples:


http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTOG6OD9CnkinaLgUYMKphKpHfV4nFBf Dz93ErSdzKY_QKiQEDYtFmt4MsD




01-02-2012, 06:10 PM
Good idea, and its also been suggested many times before.

However, there are a few issues that come along with customization of items from players.

-They can't be regulated
Just imagine how many disgusting and profane things we would see if it were implemented

-Too many guilds
There would literally have to be thousands of items created which would take up too much memory in a game where memory is already pretty much used up.

-Similar/clone/copy flags
Even if there were only a set selection of symbols or pictures to choose from, eventually people would start to copy each other's flags or there would be flags so similar that it'd be way too difficult to tell them apart.

Again, its a great idea thats been suggested loads of times before, but for all practicality's purposes, its just not feasible.

01-02-2012, 06:28 PM
-They can't be regulated
Just imagine how many disgusting and profane things we would see if it were implemented
They can be predetermined symbols, Backgrounds, fonts, etc

-Too many guilds
There would literally have to be thousands of items created which would take up too much memory in a game where memory is already pretty much used up.
Maybe PL can't do it, but SL should be able to have it

-Similar/clone/copy flags
Even if there were only a set selection of symbols or pictures to choose from, eventually people would start to copy each other's flags or there would be flags so similar that it'd be way too difficult to tell them apart.
The system could work like names: Sorry this design was already uses by <Insert guild name>

Again, its a great idea thats been suggested loads of times before, but for all practicality's purposes, its just not feasible.
It's up to the devs to determine it's fate

01-02-2012, 07:13 PM
There would definitely need to be enough variety to have unique guild symbols (as many combinations as license plates, woohoo factorials!) to prevent unintentional copy-cat designs (intentional would be hard to prevent). The sad thing is, just as there are rude/profane guild and character names, it seems like bad images would just something that the devs would work on editing as they go. As for memory, I can only speak for myself when I say that I would prefer working towards this level of customization over, for instance, a new area.

01-02-2012, 07:20 PM
Guild masters crown and officers helm (different colors)?

01-02-2012, 07:57 PM
Good idea, and its also been suggested many times before.

However, there are a few issues that come along with customization of items from players.

-They can't be regulated
Just imagine how many disgusting and profane things we would see if it were implemented

-Too many guilds
There would literally have to be thousands of items created which would take up too much memory in a game where memory is already pretty much used up.

-Similar/clone/copy flags
Even if there were only a set selection of symbols or pictures to choose from, eventually people would start to copy each other's flags or there would be flags so similar that it'd be way too difficult to tell them apart.

Again, its a great idea thats been suggested loads of times before, but for all practicality's purposes, its just not feasible.

I was hoping you would say this, because now I want to bring up alternative ideas. I know a guy like you understands how dull this game is, there has to be some alternative. Simply saying that new gear should be brought: That's a fine idea but clearly the devs haven't worked on that. So some simple alternative to make things brighter.

01-02-2012, 08:44 PM
I know what you mean, i'd love to have some new vanities but with the present state of the game, the suggestion of custom anything isn't really possible at the moment.

Who knows that the future will hold.

01-02-2012, 08:45 PM
Even tho it probably won't happen, I like your ideas and appreciate the time you put into making the thread. Who knows what will come it.

01-02-2012, 09:51 PM
they could put a high plat fee, so only high end guild could make them. It would make more sense if the big guild had them

01-02-2012, 10:05 PM
they could put a high plat fee, so only high end guild could make them. It would make more sense if the big guild had them

That's not a bad idea :O

01-02-2012, 10:14 PM
That's a great idea.

01-02-2012, 11:45 PM
Wouldn't it be easier to give the guild master a choice between four/five little "tokens" to represent the guild? (by token I mean the little triangle thing next to a guilded player's name...

01-03-2012, 07:57 AM
Wouldn't it be easier to give the guild master a choice between four/five little "tokens" to represent the guild? (by token I mean the little triangle thing next to a guilded player's name...

It's a good idea but I feel like we need an alternative to all players so have some sort of vanity. If the GM only had it, every play would be creating their own guild ^^

01-03-2012, 08:38 AM
So do u agree with me?

01-03-2012, 04:16 PM
So do u agree with me?

On what?...