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View Full Version : What is PL like these days?

12-12-2019, 04:38 PM
Hey everyone
First time popping back on in 3 years. Just wanted to ask few quick questions.
1) Is PL dead?
2) Is 71 still active pvp lvl?
3) Is PL even worth playing anymore? Personal opinions please
4) What’s been happened since lvl 100 cap in terms of updates?

As well as anything else you think I should know.

Thank you.

12-12-2019, 04:42 PM
1) ummm kinda yea
2) 71 active? Nopeee

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12-12-2019, 06:25 PM
1) maybe
2) No
3) PL active only in events exept that not worth playing (for me ) but i still enjoy PvP/PvE with my friends :)

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12-12-2019, 07:33 PM
It’s dead bro ... it will pick back up next week for the Christmas event then die again.
Maybe capping your toons would be worthwhile.
Really everyone just waiting for “next year” update on the future for PL.
Check back for that .. Cheers

12-12-2019, 08:08 PM
1) Overall, yes but it's not completely dead.
2) Nope
3) Honestly, if you loved PL back then, I'd consider playing again. It's hard to get use to but it still gives me that PL drive from years ago. I'm honestly trying to find new friends to play/grind maps with/help out others in PL.

Add me on discord: Kozz#5631 if you are interested in playing together