View Full Version : sts remove useless things from screen please

12-13-2019, 10:02 AM
Players already mentioned some of these things at 56,61,66,71 expansions many times, and got ignored, so its time to post it again lol

1) points in somberhold, when player reach 110k pts and get exalted by quests, it doesnt matter how many pts he has, also he perfectly knows that "Community goals completed"... why that thing should take half of screen idk.. is he luminous templar or dark apostle can be showed in another place.
2) quest's notifications (ALL) which doesnt help and just annoying and preventing players to see dangerous mobs/red zones, its enough to see in chat "quest is completed or ready to turn in", dont need to count every mob/chest/boss/barrel at middle of screen.
3) "Player joined zone"/"player left zone" - can be showed in chat, instead of middle of screen
4) There is no option to hide chat in pvp, why? if it is 1x1 i dont need to use chat and better if it hidden.
5) There should be option show or dont show PMs at middle of screen... its already showed in chat...
6) "You recieved: Rusty Blade" (WOW!!!)
7) "Your elixir has worn off" useless because it doesnt tell which elixir has worn off.
8) "hydra is vulnerable, hydra is enraged ..., hydra is no longer enraged" - without colors+delay of that notifications at middle of screen (because of previous notifications) it doesnt make any sence, its easier and more safety to check hydra's status in chat. Make it colored like "hydra is vulnerable, hydra is enraged and cannot be stunned ..., hydra is no longer enraged" or just remove from middle of screen
9) timers at arena, timer about inanhesh enrage are bugged because it doesnt according their real status. its already "FIGHT!" in chat, after some time its "fight" at middle of screen, but boss still cant be hitted lol, why need those "321 fight" if its useless and doesnt show real moment when i should start fight, almost same about inanhesh enrage
10) .....

everything can be in options tho...(if somebody still need those spams at middle of screen)

12-13-2019, 10:08 AM

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12-13-2019, 01:34 PM
The Fight message one is really helpful for when I run for planar arena leaderboard.
Just need an option to disable center screen messages or to enable them.

12-13-2019, 04:05 PM
The Fight message one is really helpful for when I run for planar arena leaderboard.
Just need an option to disable center screen messages or to enable them.


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12-14-2019, 09:25 AM
lol, +100000000.

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Pyramid Head
12-14-2019, 09:22 PM
+1. I want an option to toggle on/off the private and spouse chat messages being shown as a big notification in the middle of the screen. I would like to disable them when I am recording a video, I am sure other streamers and youtubers will appreciate it too. We can always check the private tab when we want to read those messages.