View Full Version : Is the liliths set really OP?

01-04-2012, 03:50 PM
Or does it just have to much armor?

01-04-2012, 03:54 PM
Basically too much armour, aside from the added str of the orlok set, thr armour stats match for some reason o_O

Guess theyre trying to make bears outdated

The lilith set also has very high crit, tried it out with a bird and killed many warbirds, and even a few dexbirds

Back onto the armour, im not sure when but int has more armour than dex, older gear has dex with more armour, which makes more sense, i mean leather is definately stronger than cloth. Now it matches the str gear, kinda wierd

01-04-2012, 03:58 PM
Pardon my noobness, but what does op mean?

01-04-2012, 03:59 PM
Str gear has one more armor.

01-04-2012, 04:09 PM
@Apple I think it means overpowered IMO
@Swim Use a vanity lol

Suentous PO
01-04-2012, 04:10 PM
op= over powered im gonna guess..
correct me otherwise

01-04-2012, 04:26 PM
mage + Strength set vs mage + Int set is a battle of high hit against high dodge vs low hit against low dodge. Dodge on a mage with full int set is like 3. As to the OP part, it is not about the set, but about the fact that when the other two classes had their crit buff sliced in half, the dev's missed the Mages Blessing of Might. Feel free to complain and get it 'fixed'.

01-04-2012, 04:37 PM
OP = Overpowered

01-04-2012, 06:46 PM
Wandmages have:
-Over 100 crit buffed
-High armor
-Good mana pool and regen

With wand and vanity sets, plus maybe face/ring a pure intmage can have up to 13/14 dodge I believe.
And if a mage gets lucky and dodges blast or repulses, the fight is propably lost...

With good tactics they are beatable (within two combos most likely), but the smallest mistake always guaratees me a death when I'm fighting a good mage.
So, I have to agree, this set is overpowered, also represented by the number of intmages we have nowadays.
I hope for the next campaign there will be more balanced sets, and I'm sure some mages will fall hard...

01-04-2012, 07:23 PM
You can go search my old level 66 thread, that has me putting on Full Crafted Lilith Staff and Wand Sets on with all three vanities, along with no vanity face/ring, and being fully buffed. If you look at the comparisons, you can see that Wand and Staff Sets aren't OP alone. They are in fact, pretty balanced. However, the mage's two Blessings are what makes it a strong class. At almost every level above 20, mages are able to usually win most PvP fights, since they have the armor, and especially, the Crit Buff.
I'm seriously disappointed that Wand now does better performance in PvP Staff.
First of all, why does Wand have way more Crit and Hit%?
Wand of course, should obviously have way more armor, as being the Defensive Type of Class(as compared to Talon+Wing Bird and Sword+Shield Bear).

01-04-2012, 07:30 PM
The mages buffs are funny too, iron blood only adds 30, while blessing of vitality adds 40

01-04-2012, 07:33 PM
Mage is the weakest without it's buffs.
There's no way a mage will ever win a battle against a bird or bear that's unbuffed. For bird, they will crit and dodge with their gear anyways. And roots are just annoying. For bear, a Beckon and his gear's insanely high crit, dodge, and armor will take you out in seconds.
To be honest, the only thing keeping mages this powerful is Mana Shield and the two Blessings mainly.

01-04-2012, 07:41 PM
Prob is they don't fight without buffs. Unless your dumb :)

01-05-2012, 02:43 AM
Liliths wand sets are OP, yes -.-

way too much armor and crit when buffed :apathy:
drain sucks out ~430HP and combined with firestorm its enough to kill a bird in 2 shots from 12m

as bird u cant kill em never in 2 shots, 1 u just need to remove shield, and then u need at least 3 skill shoots more bcz of the big amor. dont forget they can heal themselfs fast too...

as gaunab said, as bird u cant allow mistakes, or ur dead..

01-06-2012, 12:57 AM
Every set has had its turn imo to be OP.

Custom in it's day was op. Strongman demonic was very powerful as well. This round, int mage seems to have the upper hand.

Void and sentinel imo made bird op as well.

01-06-2012, 05:08 AM
As an Int-bird I've tested lots of wands during the lower levels. My best hybrid combo was an int robe and wand with a dex helm and shield. I used to boost the wands crit with the dex items. Cuz crit is king ;) Ever since Nuri's, Int-item all have 'huge' crit. This is also in Mt. Fang. Now I don't need to add dex to get huge crit, it comes with the items. So basicly it's STS's design/plan to add crit to Int-items. If this is part of their roadmap, then I'll guarantee you all that Int-items, and thus mages, will keep on ruling pvp.

01-06-2012, 05:25 AM
Sorry but I strongly disagree.

Dex birds have insane hit% and a good dexbird can kill a wand mage in two to four skills! And please be noted that birds have 390 dps with a longbow!! Using the RIGHT skill in the RIGHT timing, birds can dodge half of the attacks. (Don't ask me how, I won't explain here.)
Bears have insane dodges and a good bears can dodge most of the attacks! (Don't ask me how, I won't explain here.)

Are mages still OP!? Please don't always say this is OP, that is OP, a good pvper is real OP, not the set!

Well, it's just my opinion. :-/

01-06-2012, 05:46 AM
Sorry if this comes across as being an a-hole, but reading this thread has me confused.

Everyone had said OP stands for overpowered, yet its being described as overpowering.

Maybe i'm just being too picky. Sorry, thread hi-jack over.

01-06-2012, 11:19 AM
Sorry if this comes across as being an a-hole, but reading this thread has me confused.

Everyone had said OP stands for overpowered, yet its being described as overpowering.

Maybe i'm just being too picky. Sorry, thread hi-jack over.

OP does stand for Over Powered, not overpowering or even overpowered, and that is not referring to the player wearing the set, but the set itself. When the set was [past tense] designed by the developers, they put too much power into it, so hence, the set was over powered.

01-07-2012, 10:35 AM
Sorry but I strongly disagree.

Dex birds have insane hit% and a good dexbird can kill a wand mage in two to four skills! And please be noted that birds have 390 dps with a longbow!! Using the RIGHT skill in the RIGHT timing, birds can dodge half of the attacks. (Don't ask me how, I won't explain here.)
Bears have insane dodges and a good bears can dodge most of the attacks! (Don't ask me how, I won't explain here.)

Are mages still OP!? Please don't always say this is OP, that is OP, a good pvper is real OP, not the set!

Well, it's just my opinion. :-/

the 390dps wont help vs a buffed mage, they are like tanks. and yes, dodge always helps, but its just luck and u cant lay on that..
i can tell u that u cant kill a buffed wand mage in 2-3 hits, but they can kill u for sure with 2 - max 3 hits, bcz they alwalys hit as crit
drain life on a naked toon sucks out more than 600HP.

hoping for more balanced sets for next level cap too...

01-07-2012, 11:27 AM
wow 600hp only? my 40 can crit 400-450 with drain on naked toon...

back to thread topic lol, well i dont have a char at endgame but ill speak from what ive read of this thread... and im on the mages side here :)

from what riccits has said, the mages seem a lot more solid then at the 55 cap, at that cap mm mages were dead in 3 shots and custom birds walked up and down our a**es, but atleast us mages still had a chance to win, reading the posts on this thread makes it seem like the tables have turned, i like what im reading cos its time for you birds to have a taste of your own medicine, you had your fun before gcd but now its the era of mages.

01-07-2012, 11:35 AM
That set is op...mages have dodge, crit, hit, and armor which is way to much at once. My attacks hit less than 100 on them, and with crit, it only goes up to maybe 200. In ctf today, there was a mage that just never seemed to die XD. even 2-1, my mage and a crafted dex bird couldn't kill. Hopefully the next level cap will change this because there are way to many mages that have op sets. Hopefully staffs will return lol, cause I hate wand sets.

01-07-2012, 11:54 AM
ok lol that has made me almost change my mind about the set ;)... two ppl?! couldnt kill him/her dangggg

01-07-2012, 02:57 PM
Yeah, it's pretty OP. Other gear will be OP after new campaign updates. It'll come down to the last campaign (level 101 cap) where everything will HAVE to balanced out.

01-07-2012, 06:51 PM
Every set has had its turn imo to be OP.

Custom in it's day was op. Strongman demonic was very powerful as well. This round, int mage seems to have the upper hand.

Void and sentinel imo made bird op as well.

My fortified bird lvl55 can beat nearly all 55 custom birds, demonic str was powerful, but all classes could benefit from this, and void and death birds can be easily beaten at 50. Lilith crafted has a buttload of armour (which has been growing disproportionately), and gives an int stat that only benefits mages, with the high regen of endgame gear, there is no need for extra mana.

01-07-2012, 07:17 PM
Wanders are very overpowered. As a hardcore pvper I can go into a lot of detail and personal accounts. Im a pally but I went wand and farmed 2.2k kills in a month. By farmed I dont mean boosted , I mean just killed everything so quickly. And im a poor int mage by the sole fact ive been a pally for 14 months.

01-08-2012, 01:26 AM
As a str bear using crafted Orlok with the perfect combo I could take on these noob wand mages and win, I mean the ones that rely soley on their gear to win, but even that was chancy. If any wand Mage that knew what they were doing fought me I was down, they eliminate all dodge, have lots of armour and about 1.1k of health/ mana to get through, while they blast away with pure crit of nuke attack skills

01-08-2012, 05:45 AM
At this point in the game's development, I would say, PL may not be the most balanced game out there, but it's not broken as far as balance issues. In other games, there are what you call "tiers" or levels, of course, you don't expect each type of gear to be exactly the same, there will be gears that will be harder to figure out but not invincible by any means, simply raising your hands and declaring OP is just you giving up on it. I've dealt with mages wearing said item set and I did not feel it was any more OP than a bear wearing Orlok (if I statistically put all my PVP battles together), it would still be more accurate to say that the player skill is 90% of the equation. OP gear is when an average skilled player beats a great player because of said set, but I don't see that happening, it would still require great amount of skill from the player. When you say OP, it's almost synonymous to a "bug" or a mistake as far as programming, which I don't think Lilith sets are...they're powerful yes, but not OP :D Wand/Staff Lilith, both have weaknesses that are easily exposed by players who pay attention :D