View Full Version : Positive Energy/Prayers my way please.

01-05-2012, 06:48 PM
I am not usually one to be all sappy or even serious at all, but everyone has to at some time. My wife's grandmother (the person who raised my wife), has took a turn for the worse. Going to the hospital a few days ago because she couldn't breath, the doctor's found she had pneumonia. While treating her for that, they found that her kidneys were only functioning at 10%.

Yesterday the doctors stated that her kidneys stopped working completely and they would have to put her on dialysis every day for the rest of her life.

Today they informed us that the dialysis failed twice in a row and there was nothing else they could do, but keep her on life support and IV's.

Today the family (with her wishes) signed the non-resuscitation papers, took her off all life support and IV's and put her into hospice care.

At this point she probably has a day or two left to live. My wife is extremely torn up about it, and we could just use any positive energy at all.

/end dramatic post.

<3 you guys.

01-05-2012, 07:03 PM
My prayers for your wifes grandma and your family tonight Morfic.

Suentous PO
01-05-2012, 07:06 PM
Sorry to hear bout it, I wish there was something that we could say that would help. Hopefully knowing some complete stranger simply saying I feel for you, and wish the best possible for you all, helps.

01-05-2012, 07:11 PM
My mom's mom only has one kidney and she has dialysis some days (can't remember off the top of my head what days). She is also diabetic and recently lost a leg, possibly her other one soon. Best wishes!

01-05-2012, 07:11 PM
Thanks guys. She was an amazing woman who was the lead nurse for a nursing home almost her entire life. She has helped many many people and will be sorely missed.

And yes, every bit helps man. Thanks!

01-05-2012, 08:35 PM
My thoughts are with you/wife and your wife's grandma over this hard/painful time.

Just last Dec my Nan (Grandmother) passed away, she was also a nurse back in the day of the war. She was an exceptional woman and lived a very long life (close to 90, happily married close to 70 of them yrs), but fell into heavy Alzheimer's Disease, in which she would forget who I am where she was and anything a past a few hours, then regain her oldest memories and come out with memories that none of the family even knew. It was very hard to deal with, though she survived 4 heart attacks in the space of a few years, but from all the damage already done the next was her last. I stayed/sleept/lived in the hospital until her very last day (2/3 weeks plus).

Its hard, but you need to be strong for your wife! She will need all the possible support she can get! Though it may not be my place to say I believe the family have done the right thing.

All the best buddy,


01-05-2012, 10:02 PM
I now how it feels man, but I lost my abuela (grandma) to cancer. I hope you dont have to feel that from any of your relatives. Best of wishes from me


01-05-2012, 10:08 PM

You've been there for me, so it's my turn. I know what you're dealing with as well. I've also lost my great grandfather in a similar fashion. :( It's tough going through, but I'm sure as you know, time heals all wounds. Right now, your wife is probably going to need you more than ever, even to the extent of getting clingy. She'll want to unconsciously put attention she gave to her grandmother somewhere. In my experience, that person is usually the spouse. I really wish you the best of luck, bud. Is there nobody in the family that wants to donate a kidney to her? Or is she just not compatible. All the same, I really wish you luck, bud. You'll get through it! :(

Feel free to PM me if you need anything,


01-05-2012, 10:24 PM
Sending lots of love, positive energy, and strength to get you and your family through the rough road ahead. :-)

01-06-2012, 12:33 AM

You've been there for me, so it's my turn. I know what you're dealing with as well. I've also lost my great grandfather in a similar fashion. :( It's tough going through, but I'm sure as you know, time heals all wounds. Right now, your wife is probably going to need you more than ever, even to the extent of getting clingy. She'll want to unconsciously put attention she gave to her grandmother somewhere. In my experience, that person is usually the spouse. I really wish you the best of luck, bud. Is there nobody in the family that wants to donate a kidney to her? Or is she just not compatible. All the same, I really wish you luck, bud. You'll get through it! :(

Feel free to PM me if you need anything,


Thanks Parth :)

My wife found out she was compatible, and she instantly said she would donate a kidney. I was forced to talk her out of it though, for the fact that there is no guarantee that the transplant would work. There is also no guarantee that something else wouldn't take her next year. The doctor's said that the donation might give her 5-10 more years, but the donatER could lose 10-15 years. I could not let her do that and put our children in the same situation later on when their mom is dying 10 years too early because of kidney complications. It's a hard time for her.

Thanks again guys, all of you. I am a pretty strong person when it comes to these things. I just hope I am as strong as she needs me to be.

01-06-2012, 12:43 AM
You're doing great buddy keep it up! You will both get through this hard time, and reflect later on life especially when your wife is still there to support and pass all her knowledge memories to the kids. Knowing she is doing this for the kids is understandable/reasonable enough.

Take care bud, wish you all the best, over the next few days! <3

01-06-2012, 12:47 AM
Im not very wordy when it comes to things like this. I give my condolences. Nothing lasts forever and human life is terribly short, best thing to do is just think of all the good times that were had and remember that death is just another part of life. I hope your wife doesn't get too torn up about the whole thing. :(

01-06-2012, 12:53 AM
I feel terrible about the situation. There is nothing worse than losing family. It also teaches us how much we need to cherish family because it can be taken away quickly and painfully. I wish your family luck.


01-06-2012, 12:58 AM
Although I don't really know what losing a family member feels like, I know how much it would hurt with that person not being in my life. Just don't forget this, even though the odds might be against her living, there is still a chance that she can live. One of the best things is to look on the bright side.

Best wishes to you and your family

01-06-2012, 03:39 AM
I'm so so sorry to hear that Morf... My condolences to your wife and family. Hope you guys get through this, I know its tough and Idk if I told you but just about two years ago my only grandfather passed away and I saw him Go. I was there for more then 12 hours waiting and waiting. Until the end came. I was devastated but time only heals. You know I care for you very much, <3... Love you and just know I'm here for you always... :'(

01-07-2012, 01:12 AM
Thank you everyone for all the kind words. She just passed away.

RIP Edna Folds. Love you.

01-07-2012, 01:27 AM
Thank you everyone for all the kind words. She just passed away.

RIP Edna Folds. Love you.

That sucks:(

01-07-2012, 03:51 AM
My strongest condolences go to you and your family. Great people always depart our world too early.

01-07-2012, 04:23 AM

Wow sorry for your loss. I lost a grandmother to to cancer 3 years ago. It was painful. I wish i could help in any way. I found that thinking of the good memories helps alot, and it stops you blaming yourself.

My condolences and best wishes to your family,

01-07-2012, 09:02 AM
Thank you everyone for all the kind words. She just passed away.

RIP Edna Folds. Love you.

My deepest condolences buddy, keep strong for that great wife and children of yours!

My Nana's name was Edna aswel :(

01-07-2012, 09:25 AM
Aw that sucks. :'( Sending prayers to her in her R.I.P. :angel: :positive: :angel:

01-07-2012, 09:40 AM
Omg, I'm sorry Morf, :( :'(..... May she Rest in Peace, just know she's in a better place now and watching over all of you... God bless her soul...

Anything, anything let me know I'm here for you always... :'(