View Full Version : Rebel Alliance Recruiting/Merge

01-05-2012, 10:50 PM
Hello everyone,
My name is Zeke, Quueri in SL GM of RA. Now I've been doing alot of work with my guild. Our website which is awesome will soon be mandatory for all members, all our information is there so its easier to go there and check the updates. We are currently lvl 20+ for members. Have alot of summer cleaning to do if you know what i mean XD

Anyways all you Guild Leaders out there, if your looking to move on with your guild. If you have active and loyal members why not merge with RA? Rebel Alliance has the potential to succeed and is succeeding rapidly. I would also like to encourage Guild leaders if your interested in merging and joining with the RA. Please send me a message in my STS MAILBOX.
It isnt always easy to try merging but talk with me we can get it done. It would make us better all together as one whole:) We could be even more active, have more help, more fun, and most of all be a better guild as one. I would love to discuss more details in game about this and how we would go about it : D If interested send me a message in STS and we'll get together in SL.

"Be one with the Rebels"

We have two very simple Laws and those are...

Law #1 - Do not in any way inhibit the fun of other members.
Law #2 - Have fun : D
(there is alot more information on website on our Guild Charter)

Thanks again and I hope I get responses :) .

GM Quueri

06-09-2012, 07:43 AM
Hi bro! I'm second GM of Jedi Council and glad to see another SW guild active and rockin

I wish u guys best luck in getting stronger

We won't be merging with u, but I would like to establish friendly connection between us

We could do mixed-guild runs and generally help each other as soon in these quiet days every friendly member counts as 10 lol

Let me know if u r interested in such relations

And may the Force be with ya

06-09-2012, 08:55 AM
Sounds great, just hit me up in game. we all could use a little more help xD thanks for getting back to me!

06-19-2012, 03:44 PM
We just started a level 20+ requirement figured we try something new! let me know if your interested