View Full Version : Why is it just Apple & Android?

01-05-2012, 11:16 PM
Why is SpacetimeStudios just doing their games on Android & Apple?
Wouldn't it get them a bigger amount of players to join the fun if they did Symbian(Nokia) Blackberry & Window's Mobile?
I use to have a Nokia n95 & it did awesome stuff, great phone. Then it got ran over... But what I'm trying to say is there are great phones that Pocket Legends & Star Legends that can be played on
I know a Nokia n95 isn't touch screen but Nokia has Awesome phones also! My cousin has a Nokia n9 (I think that's what it's called) & it's full touchscreen. Also Nokia has a store like the Apple store & Android Market:D
Blackberry's also pretty cool phones even though they're mostly qwerty phones but there are a few touchscreens also. And they also have tablets that I think you can play Pocket Legends just fine in it
Don't know much about Window's Mobile lol just needed another type other than Symbian & Blackberry And there probably more that I'm missing...
But why not move onto other devices other than Apple & Android?:)
Any specific reason(s)?

Didn't know where to post lol sorry
If I said anything wrong or stupid please correct me:P

01-05-2012, 11:20 PM
Well, it is on chrome too.. But as far as those other phones it's probably tough to convert everything, ya know? But, that's just pure speculation.

01-06-2012, 01:10 AM
If you look at the user base of Android and Apple, they *FAAAAR* exceed the user base of the other phone OS's.

Like their plat sales and DOTD, why try to please a select few when they can get to the masses and where most of the money is. Its a smart business move.

Perhaps when STS gets bigger (since I'm sure it will with the success of their games) they could extend their user base to those of other, smaller operating systems.

01-06-2012, 01:21 AM
I like the idea of expanding pocket legends and star legends on blackberry, and windows mobile, but chrome is proving to be quite popular with these games at the moment. Blackberry is a really great one to bring it to, as blackberry is one of the top phones behind apple.

01-06-2012, 07:19 AM
maybe they should currently stick to expanding on their current platforms, such as including PL in more android phones by having it downloadable from more appstores (nook, amazon, etc) there are plenty.

01-06-2012, 09:21 AM
as blackberry is one of the top phones behind apple.

For emails and BB. Not for running a game like PL/SL the Operating System couldn't handle it. Showing BB is not a top phone behind Apple in the gaming industry.

Symbian had its day back when N95 was released I used to have one yrs back but to say its OS could handle any game STS produces like PL/SL/DL is a joke. Shows why nearly all phones are changing to an Android OS. Just makes sense, no company is going to go back to the lowest possible outcome for a device they would have so much trouble with due to their OS or handset in general not having the specs to run it.